This specification extends the Media Capture and Streams specification [[!GETUSERMEDIA]] to allow a depth-only stream or combined depth+color stream to be requested from the web platform using APIs familiar to web authors.

This extensions specification defines a new media type and constrainable property per Extensibility guidelines of the Media Capture and Streams specification [[!GETUSERMEDIA]]. Horizontal reviews and feedback from early implementations of this specification are encouraged.


Depth cameras are increasingly being integrated into devices such as phones, tablets, and laptops. Depth cameras provide a depth map, which conveys the distance information between points on an object's surface and the camera. With depth information, web content and applications can be enhanced by, for example, the use of hand gestures as an input mechanism, or by creating 3D models of real-world objects that can interact and integrate with the web platform. Concrete applications of this technology include more immersive gaming experiences, more accessible 3D video conferences, and augmented reality, to name a few.

To bring depth capability to the web platform, this specification extends the MediaStream interface [[!GETUSERMEDIA]] to enable it to also contain depth-based MediaStreamTracks. A depth-based MediaStreamTrack, referred to as a depth stream track, represents an abstraction of a stream of frames that can each be converted to objects which contain an array of pixel data, where each pixel represents the distance between the camera and the objects in the scene for that point in the array. A MediaStream object that contains one or more depth stream tracks is referred to as a depth-only stream or depth+color stream.

Depth cameras usually produce 16-bit depth values per pixel, so this specification defines a 16-bit grayscale representation of a depth map.

Use cases and requirements

This specification attempts to address the Use Cases and Requirements for accessing depth stream from a depth camera. See also the Examples section for concrete usage examples.

This specification defines conformance criteria that apply to a single product: the user agent that implements the interfaces that it contains.

Implementations that use ECMAScript to implement the APIs defined in this specification must implement them in a manner consistent with the ECMAScript Bindings defined in the Web IDL specification [[!WEBIDL]], as this specification uses that specification and terminology.


The MediaStreamTrack and MediaStream interfaces this specification extends are defined in [[!GETUSERMEDIA]].

The Constraints, MediaTrackSettings, MediaTrackConstraints, MediaTrackSupportedConstraints, MediaTrackCapabilities, and MediaTrackConstraintSet dictionaries this specification extends are defined in [[!GETUSERMEDIA]].

The getUserMedia(), getSettings() methods and the NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback callback are defined in [[!GETUSERMEDIA]].

The concepts muted, disabled, and overconstrained as applied to MediaStreamTrack are defined in [[!GETUSERMEDIA]].

The terms source and consumer are defined in [[!GETUSERMEDIA]].

The MediaDeviceKind enumeration is defined in [[!GETUSERMEDIA]].

The video element and ImageData (and its data attribute and Canvas Pixel ArrayBuffer), VideoTrack, HTMLMediaElement (and its srcObject attribute), HTMLVideoElement interfaces and the CanvasImageSource enum are defined in [[!HTML]].

The terms media data, media provider object , assigned media provider object, and the concept potentially playing are defined in [[!HTML]].

The term permission and the permission name "camera" are defined in [[!PERMISSIONS]].

The DataView, Uint8ClampedArray, and Uint16Array buffer source types are defined in [[WEBIDL]].


The term depth+color stream means a MediaStream object that contains one or more MediaStreamTrack objects whose videoKind of Settings is "depth" (depth stream track) and one or more MediaStreamTrack objects whose videoKind of Settings is "color" (color stream track).

The term depth-only stream means a MediaStream object that contains one or more MediaStreamTrack objects whose videoKind of Settings is "depth" (depth stream track) only.

The term color-only stream means a MediaStream object that contains one or more MediaStreamTrack objects whose videoKind of Settings is "color" (color stream track) only, and optionally of kind "audio".

The term depth stream track means a MediaStreamTrack object whose videoKind of Settings is "depth". It represents a media stream track whose source is a depth camera.

The term color stream track means a MediaStreamTrack object whose videoKind of Settings is "color". It represents a media stream track whose source is a color camera.

Depth map

A depth map is an abstract representation of a frame of a depth stream track. A depth map is an image that contains information relating to the distance of the surfaces of scene objects from a viewpoint. A depth map consists of pixels referred to as depth map values. An invalid depth map value is 0 (the user agent is unable to acquire depth information for the given pixel for any reason).

A depth map has an associated near value which is a double. It represents the minimum range in meters.

A depth map has an associated far value which is a double. It represents the maximum range in meters.

A depth map has an associated horizontal focal length which is a double. It represents the horizontal focal length of the depth camera, in pixels.

A depth map has an associated vertical focal length which is a double. It represents the vertical focal length of the depth camera, in pixels.

The data type of a depth map is 16-bit unsigned integer. The algorithm to convert the depth map value to grayscale, given a depth map value d, is as follows:

  1. Let near be the the near value.
  2. Let far be the the far value.
  3. If the given depth map value d is unknown or invalid, then return the invalid depth map value.
  4. Apply the rules to convert using range linear to d to obtain quantized value d16bit.
  5. Return d16bit.

The rules to convert using range linear are as given in the following formula:



The depth measurement d (in meter units) is recovered by solving the rules to convert using range linear for d as follows:

  1. If d16bit is 0, let d be an invalid depth map value, and return it.
  2. Otherwise, given d16bit, near near value and far far value, normalize d16bit to [0, 1] range:


  3. Solve the rules to convert using range linear for d:


  4. Return d.


MediaTrackSupportedConstraints dictionary

          partial dictionary MediaTrackSupportedConstraints {
              boolean videoKind = true;
              boolean depthNear = true;
              boolean depthFar = true;
              boolean focalLengthX = true;
              boolean focalLengthY = true;

Dictionary MediaTrackSupportedConstraints Members

videoKind of type boolean, defaulting to true
See videoKind for details.
depthNear of type boolean, defaulting to true
See depthNear for details.
depthFar of type boolean, defaulting to true
See depthFar for details.
focalLengthX of type boolean, defaulting to true
See focalLengthX for details.
focalLengthY of type boolean, defaulting to true
See focalLengthY for details.

MediaTrackCapabilities dictionary

          partial dictionary MediaTrackCapabilities {
              DOMString videoKind;
              (double or DoubleRange) depthNear;
              (double or DoubleRange) depthFar;
              (double or DoubleRange) focalLengthX;
              (double or DoubleRange) focalLengthY;

Dictionary MediaTrackCapabilities Members

videoKind of type DOMString
See videoKind for details.
depthNear of type (doule or DoubleRange)
See depthNear for details.
depthFar of type (doule or DoubleRange)
See depthFar for details.
focalLengthX of type (doule or DoubleRange)
See focalLengthX for details.
focalLengthY of type (doule or DoubleRange)
See focalLengthY for details.


          partial dictionary MediaTrackConstraintSet {
              ConstrainDOMString videoKind;
              ConstrainDouble depthNear;
              ConstrainDouble depthFar;
              ConstrainDouble focalLengthX;
              ConstrainDouble focalLengthY;

Dictionary MediaTrackConstraintSet Members

videoKind of type ConstrainDOMString
See videoKind for details.
depthNear of type ConstrainDouble
See depthNear for details.
depthFar of type ConstrainDouble
See depthFar for details.
focalLengthX of type ConstrainDouble
See focalLengthX for details.
focalLengthY of type ConstrainDouble
See focalLengthY for details.

MediaTrackSettings dictionary

          partial dictionary MediaTrackSettings {
              DOMString           videoKind;
              double              depthNear;
              double              depthFar;
              double              focalLengthX;
              double              focalLengthY;

Dictionary MediaTrackSettings Members

videoKind of type DOMString
See videoKind for details.
depthNear of type double
See depthNear for details.
depthFar of type double
See depthFar for details.
focalLengthX of type double
See focalLengthX for details.
focalLengthY of type double
See focalLengthY for details.

Constrainable properties

The following constrainable properties are defined to apply only to video MediaStreamTrack objects:

Property Name Values Notes
videoKind ConstrainDOMString This string should be one of the members of VideoKindEnum. The members describe the kind of video that the camera can capture. Note that getConstraints may not return exactly the same string for strings not in this enum. This preserves the possibility of using a future version of WebIDL enum for this property.
enum VideoKindEnum {
Enumeration description

The source is capturing color images.


The source is capturing depth maps.

If the user agent requests a combined depth+color stream, the devices in the constraint should be satisfied as belonging to the same group or physical device. The decision to select and satisfy which device pair is left up to the implementation.

The MediaStream consumer for the depth-only stream and depth+color stream is the video element [[!HTML]].

New consumers may be added in a future version of this specification.

If a MediaStreamTrack whose videoKind of Settings is muted or disabled, it MUST render frames as if all the pixels would be 0.

Implementation considerations

A color stream track and a depth stream track can be combined into one depth+color stream. The rendering of the two tracks are intended to be synchronized. The resolution of the two tracks are intended to be same. And the coordination of the two tracks are intended to be calibrated. These are not hard requirements, since it might not be possible to synchronize tracks from sources.

The following constrainable properties are defined to apply only to depth stream tracks

Property Name Values Notes
depthNear ConstrainDouble The near value, in meters.
depthFar ConstrainDouble The far value, in meters.
focalLengthX ConstrainDouble The horizontal focal length, in pixels.
focalLengthY ConstrainDouble The vertical focal length, in pixels.

The depthNear and depthFar constrainable properties, when set, allow the implementation to pick the best depth camera mode optimized for the range [depthNear, depthFar] and help minimize the error introduced by the lossy conversion from the depth value d to a quantized d8bit and back to an approximation of the depth value d.

If the depthFar property's value is less than the depthNear property's value, the depth stream track is overconstrained.

If the near value, far value, horizontal focal length or vertical focal length is fixed due to a hardware or software limitation, the corresponding constrainable property's value MUST be set to the value reported by the underlying implementation. (For example, the focal lengths of the lens may be fixed, or the underlying platform may not expose the focal length information.)

WebGLRenderingContext interface

Implementation considerations

This section is currently work in progress, and subject to change.

A video element whose source is a MediaStream object containing a depth stream track may be uploaded to a WebGL texture of format RGB and type UNSIGNED_BYTE. [[WEBGL]]

For each pixel of this WebGL texture, the R component represents the lower 8 bit value of 16 bit depth value, the G component represents the upper 8 bit value of 16 bit depth value and the value in B component is not defined.


Playback of depth and color streams from same device group.

  video: {videoKind: {exact: "color"}, groupId: {exact: id}}
}).then(function (stream) {
    // Wire the media stream into a <video> element for playback.
    // The RGB video is rendered.
    var video = document.querySelector('#video');
    video.srcObject = stream;;

  video: {videoKind: {exact: "depth"}, groupId: {exact: id}}
}).then(function (stream) {
    // Wire the depth-only stream into another <video> element for playback.
    // The depth information is rendered in its grayscale representation.
    var depthVideo = document.querySelector('#depthVideo');
    depthVideo.srcObject = stream;;

WebGL Fragment Shader based post-processing

// This code sets up a video element from a depth stream, uploads it to a WebGL
// texture, and samples that texture in the fragment shader, reconstructing the
// 16-bit depth values from the red and green channels.
  video: {videoKind: {exact: "depth"}}
}).then(function (stream) {
  // wire the stream into a <video> element for playback
  var depthVideo = document.querySelector('#depthVideo');
  depthVideo.srcObject = stream;;
}).catch(function (reason) {
  // handle gUM error here

// ... later, in the rendering loop ...

<script id="fragment-shader" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
  varying vec2 v_texCoord;
  // u_tex points to the texture unit containing the depth texture.
  uniform sampler2D u_tex;
  uniform float far;
  uniform float near;
  void main() {
    vec4 floatColor = texture2D(u_tex, v_texCoord);
    float dn = floatColor.r;
    float depth = 0.;
    depth = far * near / ( far - dn * ( far - near));
    // ...

Privacy and security considerations

The privacy and security considerations discussed in [[!GETUSERMEDIA]] apply to this extension specification.


Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Use Cases and Requirements, sent feedback and comments. Special thanks to Ningxin Hu for experimental implementations, as well as to the Project Tango for their experiments.