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The educational programs of the Global Peacebuilding Center are geared mainly towards students and educators, though we strive also to accommodate visit requests from civic associations and other public groups, when capacity permits. We work mostly with middle school and high school aged students and teachers, and many of the resources on this website are likewise intended for those audiences.

For onsite educational programs, the Global Peacebuilding Center offers either experiential workshops or briefings. In both program models, students receive an introduction to USIP and its work, and learn about themes of international conflict management and peacebuilding. The experiential workshops focus on activities and multimedia exhibits to bring core concepts to life and encourage students to consider their own role as peacebuilders. The briefings give students an opportunity to hear from a USIP expert on a specific theme and to ask questions about their work. 

To arrange a visit and a program for your student group, or to learn more about the programs we offer, please contact us at

The Global Peacebuilding Center also offers groups of educators the opportunity to visit USIP to receive a workshop on our classroom resources. Please contact Megan Chabalowski at to learn more. 

You may also be interested in USIP's public events.