CalNex 2010 - An Air Quality and Climate Change Field Study in California in 2010

This page last reviewed December 22, 2014

Watch the Video - CalNex 2010: Bring focus to our Atmosphere

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California MapCalNex 2010 was a major climate and air quality study in California conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the California Air Resources Board (ARB), with the participation of numerous academic researchers. The field study occurred in May and June of 2010. NOAA’s deployment of two aircraft in the State and the establishement of two supersites (Bakersfield and Pasadena) with researchers from around the world measuring a wide variety of air quality parameters for 4 to 6 weeks generated a dataset of unprecedented chemical completeness, spatial extent and temporal resolution. The presence of the research vessel Atlantis provided data about the emissions and impacts of shipping off California’s coast. The study has addressed important scientific questions about emissions, chemical transformations, climate processes, transport, and meteorology in California. The air quality and meteorological data collected during CalNex will improve ARB’s emission inventories of greenhouse gases, traditional air pollutants and precursors. In addition the study data will inform ARB’s air quality models used in SIP development and our understanding of the atmospheric formation of ozone and PM.

This webpage provides background information from the planning stage, the field study phase, and the data analysis phase of CalNex - Research in California at the Nexus of Air Quality and Climate Change.

Seminars, Papers, Reports, Data

Data Analysis Workshop - May 16-19, 2011, Sacramento, CA


Science White Paper

Please consider subscribing to the CalNex 2010 list serve.

Questions related to this website can be directed to:

Dr. Eileen McCauley
Research Division
California Air Resources Board
P.O. Box 2815
Sacramento, CA 95812
(916) 323-1534
