Mountain Wildflowers

Historical Data

Background Monitoring Prediction Historical Data
Climate Division 1: Southern Mountains Climate Division 2: Northern Mountains Climate Division 3: Northern Piedmont Climate Division 4: Central Piedmont Climate Division 5: Southern Piedmont Climate Division 6: Southern Coastal Plain Climate Division 7: Central Coastal Plain Climate Division 8: Northern Coastal Plain Map of NC Climate Divisions

Provided here are various drought indices and drought monitoring information for climate divisions across the state of North Carolina. This information allows for comparison of how a single drought event compares to others both in severity and duration, as well as for analysis of drought frequency at different time scales. Please note that the average should not be used to determine the overall condition of an area. An average of drought indices can be misleading because different indices rely on different input data and scales of measurement.

The values provided here are from the National Climatic Data Center's Drd964x climate division dataset. Note that in 2014, this dataset was discontinued and has been replaced by the new nClimDiv dataset. As we evaluate the differences between these two datasets, we will update this page.

A review of in-depth information on the drought indices available on this page can be found under  Monitoring.

Interested in previous North Carolina droughts and their implications for future planning? View data for various indices beginning as early as 1895. Select a region, drought indices of interest, and a time frame below:

Region of Interest:

  Color of Climate Division 1
  Color of Climate Division 2

  Color of Climate Division 3
  Color of Climate Division 4
  Color of Climate Division 5

  Color of Climate Division 6
  Color of Climate Division 7
  Color of Climate Division 8


Time Scale:


*If you selected seasonal,
please pick a month range below.
Seasonal selections will be
grouped by start year:



Turn off average
