Web Coverage Service

1) Overview
2) Downloads
3) Related News

1) Overview

This document specifies how a Web Coverage Service (WCS) offers multi-dimensional coverage data for access over the Internet. This document specifies a core set of requirements that a WCS implementation must fulfill. WCS extension standards add further functionality to this core; some of these are required in addition to the core to obtain a complete implementation. This document indicates which extensions, at a minimum, need to be considered in ad-dition to this core to allow for a complete WCS implementation. This core does not prescribe support for any particular coverage encoding format. This also holds for GML as a coverage delivery format: while GML constitutes the canonical format for the definition of WCS, it is not required by this core that a concrete instance of a WCS service implements the GML coverage format. WCS extensions specifying use of data encoding formats in the context of WCS are designed in a way that the GML coverage information contents specified in this core is consistent with the contents of an encoded coverage.

WCS Spec Hierachy

2) Downloads

Active OGC standards:

WCS service model:

Version Document Title (click to download) Document # Type
2.0 Core:    
  OGC® WCS 2.0 Interface Standard - Core, version 2.0.1 09-110r4 IS
  Service Extensions:    
OGC® Web Coverage Service Interface Standard – Transaction Extension 13-057r1 IS
  OGC® WCS Interface Standard - Range Subsetting Extension, version 1.0.0 12-040 IS
  OGC® WCS Interface Standard - Scaling Extension, version 1.0.0 12-039 IS
  OGC® WCS Interface Standard – CRS Extension, version 1.0.0 11-053r1 IS
  OGC® WCS Interface Standard - Interpolation Extension, version 1.0.0 12-049 IS
  OGC® WCS Interface Standard - Processing Extension, version 2.0.0 08-059r4 IS
  Protocol Extensions:    
OGC® WCS Interface Standard - KVP Protocol Binding Extension, version 1.0.1 09-147r3 IS
  OGC® WCS - XML/POST Protocol Binding Extension, version 1.0.0 09-148r1 IS
  OGC® Web Coverage Service 2.0 Interface Standard - XML/SOAP Protocol Binding Extension, version 1.0.0 09-149r1 IS
  Application Profiles:    
  OGC® WCS Interface Standard - Earth Observation Application Profile, version 1.0.0 10-140r1 IS


Coverage data model:

Version Document Title (click to download) Document # Type

1.0.1 Coverage Implementation Schema ("CIS"), formerly named:
GML 3.2.1 Application Schema - Coverages ("GMLCOV")
09-146r2 SAP
Format encoding extensions:
1.0.1 OGC® GML Application Schema - Coverages - GeoTIFF Coverage Encoding Profile 12-100r1 IS
1.0.0 OGC® GML Application Schema - Coverages JPEG2000 Coverage Encoding Extension 12-108  IS
2.0 CF-netCDF 3.0 encoding using GML Coverage Application Schema 14-100r2 IS 



Deprecated OGC standards:

Version Document Title (click to download) Document # Type
  OGC® WCS 2.0 Interface Standard – Core, version 2.0.0 09-110r3 D-IS
  OGC® WCS Interface Standard - KVP Protocol Binding Extension, version 1.0.0 09-147r1 IS
  OGC® WCS Interface Standard - XML/POST Protocol Binding Extension, version 1.0.0 09-148r1 IS
  OpenGIS Web Coverage Service (WCS) - Processing Extension, version 1.0.0 08-059r3 IS
  WCS Processing Extension (WCPS) Abstract Test Suite (1.0.0) 08-053r2 TS
Web Coverage Service (WCS) Implementation Standard, version 1.1.2 07-067r5 D-IS
  OpenGIS Web Coverage Service (WCS) Implementation Specification, version 1.1.1 07-067r2 D-IS
  OpenGIS Web Coverage Service (WCS) Implementation Specification, version 1.1.0 06-083r8 D-IS
Web Coverage Service (WCS) 1.1 extension for CF-netCDF 3.0 encoding (0.2.2) 09-018 DP
OGC® WCS - Transaction operation extension, version 1.1.4 07-068r4 IS
OpenGIS Web Coverage Service (WCS) Implementation Specification, version 1.0.0 05-076 D-IS
OpenGIS Web Coverage Service (WCS) Implementation Specification, version 1.0 03-065r6 D-IS
  Web Coverage Service 02-024 D-RP


Supportive documents (not standards):

Version Document Title (click to download) Document # Type
1.0 OGC® GML Application Schema - Coverages JPEG2000/JPIP Coverage Encoding Extension 14-110r2 BP
  OGC WCS 2.0.1 Corrigendum Release Notes 12-052 Notes
  Corrigendum 2 for the OGC Standard Web Coverage Service 1.1 (1.1.2) 07-066r5 Notes
Change Request: WCS: Add Transaction operation (1.1.0) 06-043r3 CR
Change Request: WCS: Proposal for WCS Transactional - WCS-T (1.0) 06-098 CR
OWS-5 WCS JPIP Coverage Subsetting Engineering Report, version 0.9.0 07-169 DP
  WCS Change Request: Support for WSDL & SOAP, version 0.1.0 04-049r1 D-DP
OWS-8 WCS 2.0 Earth Observation Application Profile Engineering Report 11-096 PER
OWS-8 WCS 2.0 Earth Observation Application Profile Compliance Tests Engineering Report 11-095r1 PER


Submit a Change Request, Requirement, or Comment for this OGC standard.

3) Related News

The OGC seeks comment on GML Coverages GeoTIFF extension and WCS 2.0 GeoTIFF extension standard  2012-11-16 
OGC Releases Discussion Papers: Uncertainty Markup Language and OGC WCS Extension for netCDF Weather Data  2010-04-09 
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