Best Practices for Watershed Projects Inspection Webinar Video

The webinar held July 7, 2020 was sponsored by the National Watershed Coalition to assist watershed project sponsors in their responsibilities of inspecting watershed dams.

Click on this link to watch the video:

Successful Partnerships for Successful Projects: Managing Partnerships and Multiple Streams of Funding for Project Success

Join us for a webinar on Dec 08, 2020 at 10:00 AM CST.

Register now!

A National Watershed Coalition Webinar built on the premise that Local Watershed Project Sponsors who have 100% of the resources necessary to successfully engage the USDA Watershed Program are the exception rather than the rule. In most cases some sort of partnership is required to assemble sufficient funding, create leverage and secure the skill sets required to implement the project. Our presenters have a track record of success and real world experience as well as advice to offer. The notion of projects with multiple partners will be a new one for many. For those who are already utilizing the partnering concept the webinar should provide information that can streamline and improve the process. Our presenters will be: Chuck Thomas, Executive Engineer, Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (SSCAFCA), Rio Rancho, NM and Julie Davies O’Shea, Executive Director, Farmers Conservation Alliance (FCA), Hood River, Oregon.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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News Feed

Hey there...don’t lose sight of us in all of the Christmas festivities and Christmas mail (get it? Lose sight...the Orange hat...🌽🌽🌽ny, eh?). The membership info for 2021 is at the printers and will soon be in the mail. In the meantime a version of that mailout is on the webpage for those of you who just can’t wait!
Like you, we are looking forward to 2021 and the opportunities it will bring. Blessings to all over this holiday season, stay well and keep an eye on the mail!

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Our NWC office assistants young and old are excited about taking a couple of days off to give thanks! We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, stay safe and stay well!

As we close in on December, membership renewal notifications will be forthcoming and don’t forget the coming Partnering for Succesful Projects Webinar on December 8!

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So...if you are looking for us we’re here but if you are trying to communicate with us..well...that’s a whole different story! We are in day 3 of a storm, first two days of precipitation were ice and today is a mix. Power is out, Internet and phones are down so...we are making the best of things and “working until the batteries run out, the generator fuel is gone or (🤞) power is restored. In the mean time we hope you are well, dry enough and warm enough to suit you and having a great watershed kinda day! Leave us a message or an email...sooner or later we will get back to you! ...

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