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Progress Reports

Through Working Lands for Wildlife, NRCS strategically invests where the conservation returns are highest. NRCS uses progress reports to track results by species.

Greater Sage-Grouse

Pages from SageGrouse Score 11.NRCS works with ranchers to address six threats to sage grouse by reducing risk of wildfires and invasives; removing encroaching conifers; protecting lands from exurban development and cultivation; protecting and restoring mesic areas; and marking fences to reduce collisions. In fiscal 2015, NRCS addressed these threats on more than 630,000 acres.

Download the progress report. 



New England Cottontail

Pages from Cottontail Score Card-7NRCS works with private landowners to address the loss and fragmentation of early successional habitat, which negatively affects the New England cottontail. In fiscal 2015, NRCS worked with landowners in six states to restore more than 2,000 acres of early successional habitat.

Download the progress report.



Southwestern Willow Flycatcher

SouthwesternWillowFlycatcher_Scorecard_FINAL.pngNRCS works with agricultural producers to address the loss and fragmentation of riparian habitat in the Southwest, which negatively affects the southwestern willow flycatcher and other species. In fiscal 2015, NRCS worked with landowners to improve more than 1,000 acres of riparian habitat in six population recovery units.

Download the progress report.