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Federal funding in FY10

The NOAA IOOS office has issued the Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) for FY10. This call for proposals provides an opportunity for regions whose RCOOS funding ends in FY10. Deadline: Oct 30, 2009. Learn more about this funding opportunity

NOAA announces grants

NOAA’s Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research (CSCOR)/Coastal Ocean Program have announced a competitive grant opportunity for the Coastal Hypoxia Research Program (CHRP), Harmful Algal Blooms Program (i.e., ECOHAB, MERHAB and PCMHAB) and Sea Level Rise (i.e., Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise Program).

The full Announcements of Federal Funding Opportunity and Federal Register Notices can be accessed through the Grants.Gov website.

To search on all the CSCOR announcements please use CFDA # 11.478.