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NOAA Ship Oregon II studies Gulf of Mexico marine life

Nov 15
Scientists Megumi Oshima, Celeste Morris, and Field Party Chief Chrissy Stepongzi gather on the back deck of NOAA Ship Oregon II
Ensign David P. Reymore Jr.

Scientists Megumi Oshima, Celeste Morris and Field Party Chief Chrissy Stepongzi gather on the back deck of NOAA Ship Oregon II prior during fall groundfish surveys.

NOAA Ship Oregon II is currently conducting a multi-leg fall groundfish survey, supporting a team of government and university experts who gather data for a long-term scientific survey of southeastern U.S. fisheries. The data from this survey is used to learn about fish populations, such as where fish live during different times of their lives, the types of habitat they prefer and how many fish may be out there. Throughout this project, this vessel has observed several marine species along the Gulf Coast, such as sea urchins, honeycomb eels and many others. To stay up-to-date with this project as well as further work by this vessel, visit NOAA Ship Oregon II's Facebook page.




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