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RDF Working Group

This Working Group ended its activities on 1 July 2014 and is now closed. Its mission was to update the 2004 RDF Recommendations, extending RDF to include features desirable and important for interoperability, but without a negative effect on deployment. (See Charter)



WG Notes

Task forces


See list of participants, (or with contact info), wiki user pages, nicknames



  • F2F1 Amsterdam, 13-14 April 2011
  • F2F2 Boston (MIT) and London (BBC), 12-13 October 2011
  • F2F3 Lyon, France, 29-30 October 2012 (at TPAC)

Teleconferences (official participants and invited guests only):

  • Wednesdays, 11am US/Eastern time, for up to 90 minutes.
  • Dial +1-617-761-6200 or then conference code 73394#
  • IRC channel: #rdf-wg.
  • An agenda is sent 24 hours in advance; minutes follow within a day or two.
  • Scribes

All WG meeting minutes are also available from:

Next teleconference

None planned.

Past meetings

Coordination telecons

Coordinations with Provenance WG:


Note: this timeline was updated in the charter extension request of the WG which was approved by W3C Management in Feb 2013.

Only trivial updates since the charter version.

  • 2011-02: First teleconference
  • 2011-04: First face-to-face meeting (F2F1)
  • 2011-05: Publication of the First Public Working Drafts for the RDF Recommendation Set
  • 2011-10 or 11: Second face-to-face meeting (F2F2)
  • 2012-04: Third face-to-face meeting
  • 2012-05: Publication of the Last Call Working Draft for the RDF Recommendation Set
  • 2012-06: Publication of the Last Call Working Draft for the RDF Primer and Test Cases
  • 2012-10 or 11: Fourth face-to-face meeting
  • 2012-11: Publication of the Proposed Recommendations
  • 2012-01: Publication of all final documents

W3C Working Group Resources

Patent Policy

This Working Group operates under the W3C Patent Policy (5 February 2004 Version). To promote the widest adoption of Web standards, W3C seeks to issue Recommendations that can be implemented, according to this policy, on a Royalty-Free basis.

For more information about disclosure obligations for this group, please see the W3C Patent Policy Status Page.


Email the chairs and staff contacts at