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Female Veterans in the Criminal Justice System
NIC News & Updates


Female Veterans in the Criminal Justice SystemFemale Veterans in the Criminal Justice System is one of many webinar recordings offered by the Battered Women’s Justice Project. If you missed this informative webinar, view the recording here.

About the webinar:

As criminal diversionary programs for justice-involved veterans continue to be implemented across our country, more attention is being directed towards female veterans in the criminal justice system.

Though research is limited in this area, existing studies have female veterans reporting more sexual trauma and more diagnoses of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with more severe symptoms than their male counterparts. With the percentage of women who make-up the military continuing to increase and the growth in women’s incarceration, focusing on issues for female veterans is critically important in the coming years.

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This announcement is available at NIC’s Gender-Responsive News for Women and Girls.  Feel free to forward to friends and colleagues.  Subscribe to the newsletter at

For additional resources on Justice-Involved Women go to NIC’s Women Offenders.

Posted Tue, Nov 15 2016 2:20 PM by Susan Powell


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