Myrtle Beach

Blueberry Chill Model

To retrieve chill units from the blueberry chill model, choose a state, station, and season of interest.

Select a state:

Select a station:

Select a growing season:


This project is being done in collaboration with Bill Cline and Benny Bloodworth in the NCSU Department of Plant Pathology, and the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS).

* Model accumulates 1 point for average hourly temperatures below 45° F; 0.5 point for temperatures 45-55° F; -0.25 point from 55-65° F; -1 point for temperatures 65° F and above. The model begins when it has a positive balance that is not negated by warmer weather. Once 800+ chill hours have accumulated, points are no longer negated for temperatures 55° and above. The model ends February 28 at midnight.
Model developed by Dr. Mike Mainland, Professor Emeritus, NCSU Department of Horticultural Science.

** Forecast is made from numerical weather model WRF, initialized at Z