Lake Wheeler

Weather Lesson Plans and Curriculum

RENCI The Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) Weather Web program allows NC educators to teach required meteorology and atmospheric science classes using research and operational grade weather stations. The weather observations retrieved from these stations provide information not only to teachers and their students, but to RENCI disaster response researchers, state climatologists, emergency responders, agricultural managers and citizens.

Weather Web lesson plans are broken down into three main categories based upon grade level (4-5th Grade, 6-7th Grade, High School). Lesson plans geared for grades 4-5 involve tracking hurricanes, determining how weather influences migratory birds as they move from one area to another, and "Weather Watchers", a program where students can correspond with other students in different climatic zones and discuss their local weather conditions. Lesson plans for grades 6-7 encourage students to collect weather data twice a week from their homes, and to interview community elders to learn local weather lore and discuss its feasibility. High school lesson plans allow students to study the effect of weather and climate on plant growth, compare average and instantaneous wind speed, observe and record clouds based on their classifications, and analyze weather pattern changes to gain a greater knowledge-base for weather forecasting. Also included in the Weather Web Curriculum is information on a "challenge" in which students compare forecasts from local TV stations to weather observations at their homes, as well as online lesson plans from other entities.

Click here to download a PDF document containing the aforementioned lesson plans.