
Apply for a Passport

The United States Postal Service® operates thousands of Post Offices™ around the country that can accept passport applications on behalf of the United States Department of State. Post Office locations that accept passport applications offer the products and services you need for a first-time passport or renewal passport application. At some locations, you can have your passport photo taken on-site for an additional fee.

Use our PO Locator Tool to find a nearby Post Office that offers services. Keep in mind that some Post Offices have limited passport acceptance hours or require an appointment.

Find a Post Office
Passport cover and one opened to page of stamps.
  1. Apply for a Passport

    Step 1: Apply Early

    Apply for your passport several months before your trip. Also, know your expiration date. Many countries require passports to have at least 6 months validity at the time of entry.

    See Passport Processing Times
    Find Passport Fees

    Step 2: Prepare Your Application

    The U.S. Department of State has detailed guidelines on preparing your passport application. You can:

    • Complete and print a passport application online.
    • Get an application from a Post Office location that has passport acceptance services.

    Find the Right Forms

    Step 3: Find a Post Office

    Post Offices may have limited hours for passport services. To be certain of service, call ahead and make an appointment. Use the PO Locator to find the nearest Post Office that offers passport services.

    Find a Post Office

    In a Hurry?

    To get a new application processed quickly, you can:

    • Request and pay for faster application processing service.
    • Purchase Priority Mail Express® service to speed your application to and from the U.S. Department of State.
    • Schedule an appointment at a Department of State passport agency.

    Get a Passport in a Hurry
    Priority Mail Express

  2. Renew Your Passport

    Renew by Mail

    You can renew your passport by mail with application DS-82 if you meet the criteria listed on the U.S. Department of State web site.

    Renew by Mail Checklist

    You can also renew your passport by bringing your prepared renewal application to a Post Office™ location.

    Find a Post Office

    In a Hurry?

    To get a renewal application quickly processed, you can:

    • Request and pay for faster application processing service.
    • Purchase Priority Mail Express® service to speed your application to and from the U.S. Department of State.
    • Schedule an appointment at a Department of State passport agency.

    Get a Passport in a Hurry
    Priority Mail Express

    Track Your Application in the Mail

    If you mail your application with Priority Mail Express and Priority Mail® services, USPS Tracking® is included for free.

    Add USPS Tracking®
    Add Signature Confirmation

Tips for Preparing Passport Applications

Get Current Passport Fees Expand Collapse FAQ question

To avoid a delay, make sure you send the right payment with your application.

Current Passport Fees