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Director's Message

Announcing the Development of NINR’s Next Strategic Plan

November 17, 2020

I can’t believe that it’s been nearly two months since I began my tenure as NINR director. In that time, I’ve been honored to (virtually) meet many of you in the nursing science community, and to learn more about your hopes for the future direction of our field.

During these meetings, I’ve expressed my view that it’s critical that we draw on nursing’s holistic perspective and push the scientific boundaries of multilevel integration. We need to study how factors at multiple levels – from molecules at the biological level up to social determinants and macro level factors – interact to affect health and contribute to health inequities. I’ve also spoken of the need to prioritize the translation of our science in order to maximize the impact of our findings on practice and policy. 

With that in mind, I’m pleased to announce that NINR is developing its next strategic plan, to be released in late 2021/early 2022. As we develop this plan, we are thinking boldly and embracing change and new opportunities. We are also committed to making the planning process transparent, and to gathering input from the community at various points in the process.  

We have developed a webpage where you can learn about opportunities to provide input on the plan as it is developed. This page will be continually updated throughout the coming year with information on how you can help us. Check back for information about possible webinars, workshops, and requests for information.

Right now, you can write us with your ideas about future research directions at I encourage everyone—investigators, students, organizations, and the public—to share your thoughts with us.

NINR will post strategic plan updates throughout 2021. I look forward to working with all of you to craft a bold new research agenda for nursing science to improve individual and population health and advance health equity.

Shannon N. Zenk, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN
Director, NINR


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