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Inmate Manipulation

This post has 72 Replies | 49 Followers

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tkelly Posted: Mon, Feb 25 2008 1:55 PM

I am looking for a good video on preventing inmate manipulation.  Can't find a DVD/ Video.  Can only find articles.  Does anyone know where I can find a Good DVD?

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Lockup USA has a starter level video/DVD called "Being Aware of the Con Game." It is a pretty good basic introduction.

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Points 49

AIMS Multimedia in CA (1-800-367-3467) had a good video enititled "Con Games Inmates Play".  Although it has some age on it, it is quite good - it is based on the book "Games Crimanals Play" by Bud Alled and Diana Bosta.  Although they give credit to Bud in the film, he did know know about it until I told him. LOL

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cia251 replied on Mon, Jun 2 2008 9:36 AM

I would be interested in this video, too. I have the Lockup USA video, but am looking for something more specific. I teach a basic class, but want more than a summary of the class. What does the AIMS video entail? Any more suggestions? Thanks for the help!


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Points 49
As best I recall, it follows pretty much the outline of the book by Bud Allen and Diana Bosta GAMES CRIMINALS PLAY - how employees are selected for manipulation and the steps of the manipulation. Although the AIMS video was produced in the early to mid '80's, it still contains some useful information. While an understanding of how the manipulation occurs, our real focus should be on detection and most importantly, prevention. I've developed some ideas about this over the past 30 years and will be glad to share them with you. You can contact me at if you are interested. Joe
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There is also a great article called, "The Sting, Anatomy of a Setup" that was in the September/October 1999 issue of Corrections Technology and Management. The magazine is no longer in print and I only have a hard copy of the article. I would be happy to provide it to you if you would like.

Erin Riley

Training Coordinator

Bernalillo County
Metropolitan Detention Center


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Erin, I would appreciate a copy: Andrea Burrows Director of Training Colorado Department of Corrections 2945 U.S. Hwy 50 East Canon City, CO 81212 Thanks
Andrea Burrows, Director
Training Academy
Colorado Department of Corrections
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Points 49
This article follows the outline of the Book "Games Criminals Play" that I mentioned earlier without giving any credit to the authors of the book.
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Points 5
Jim replied on Wed, Oct 8 2008 10:08 AM
Con games inmates play, a video created by AIMS, describes some set ups you might be able to use. I am interested in your articles. Can you provide the links please?--Lt. G.
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Points 83
Hello, I am an ex correction officer from Georgia and MIchigan. My pastor has put me in charge of forming our correctional outreach ministry. We are in the infant stages of forming the ministry and I am looking for training material to train our future volunteers on inmate manipulation and similiar topics. I would greatly apreciate if anybody can help me with training material, videos and paper. Anything will help right now. You can email me at or you can mail the material to Ken Varney, The emmanuel Project, PO Box 24, LeRoy, MI 49655. If any one from MI that is interested you can visit our temporary website at I would apreciate any feedback about experiences they may of had from ministry volunteers they have had visit their facility. thanks Ken

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Points 112
I know I am replying very late in the game to you guys however we may have something that may of use. We developed a course for our staff based on 'Conditioning' awareness that was delivered to all staff in the NI service, particularly thoe working at HMP Maze and others working with terrorist prisoners. The Provisional IRA were acknowledged to be experts in conditioning and manipulation of staff (used to effect the escape from the Maze of 38 terrorist prisoners), hence the development of the training. I am in the process of using some of this course in the development of a new training course for staff working in residential locations with sex offenders. Sex offenders, particularly pedophiles, use similar techniques in the manipulation of their victims of those around them and while paramilitaries and others may use this having been schooled in the techniques, SXOs seem to have an inate ability to do so. If anyone is interested in discussing this or getting a copy of whatever I can dig up from our archives please feel free to get in touch. Geordie C Senior Officer Staff Training Northern Ireland Prison Service Em.
Geordie C
Senior Officer, Staff Training
Northern Ireland Prison Service

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Jon G. replied on Tue, Jan 20 2009 1:04 PM
Geordie, I would like a copy of your material. I can be reached at thanks.
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Points 37
bula9723 replied on Sat, Feb 14 2009 12:30 AM
Geordie, I'am very interested i reviewing any material you have on Inmate manipulation you may contact me @
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Points 120
I am a cognitive behavioral program specialist working for the Michigan Department of Corrections. The best way I know of to diminish manipulation by offenders is to learn about criminal thinking. There is a book called "Inside the Criminal Mind", by Stanton Samenow that gives an outstanding perspective on the subject. It has a basis in an earlier book called " The Criminal Personality Vol I", by Yochelson & Samenow. There are sections in the latter book about, "The Criminal's Way of Life", "Thinking Errors Characteristic of the Criminal" & "Tactics Obstructing Effective Transactions". These ideas are the basis for criminal manipulation. I perform training about criminal thinking and cognitive behavioral programs. I have other resources as well. You can feel free to contact me if this subject is interesting to you at: You can find more information at: Abe French
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Points 22
andy replied on Wed, May 6 2009 1:31 PM
This may be an aside from what you do but I would like some advice and guidance I work in an HMP category 'C' prison as a teacher. There is a senior member of staff who makes a regular habit of reprimanding staff openly and often quite vehemently in front of prisoners. I am trying to make the case that this is in effect a security breach and leaves staff in some danger of manipulation through conditioning or blackmail. Can you give me your opinion on this thesis or point me in the right direction of where I may find some literature on this particular aspect of conditioning strategies training? Andy
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Points 215
tkelly replied on Wed, May 6 2009 2:00 PM
Hi Andy, This may fall under workplace bullying AND inmate manipulation. You are correct in stating this type of behavior from a senior member of staff could leave employees vulnerable to manipulation. The employee could also make the case that they are being bullied by their "boss" and they do not feel safe in the environment because it leaves them open to inmate manipulation. This could lead to the employee taking an FMLA or LOA stating undue stress brought on my employer. I am not saying it would get that far but maybe conduct some inservice training on Workplace Violence, Workplace Bullying and Inmate Manipulation. Hope this helps.
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Points 73
CC Fann replied on Wed, Nov 4 2009 7:41 AM
Another good book, is Common Sense Do Not Play The Game With An Inmate. It is quick read with the basic information for new hires. It has an overall view of corrections, staff and inmate games.
CC Fann
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Points 37
thank you very much
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Sayjack replied on Sun, Feb 7 2010 1:20 AM
I know this thread started out asking about a good video but I just completed a review of the book, "Games Criminals Play," and wanted to share with everyone. Click here
Corrections Rising
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Ray Ferns replied on Tue, Feb 16 2010 8:41 AM
You might try Deke Simon,, he produces videos and has done a lot of work with FMS productions which makes videos using ex offenders. If there is a good video on inmate manipulation, Deke is likely to know about it.
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