Journal and BAMS Authors

New authors: Please carefully read this overview of the Manuscript Publication Process

Returning authors: If you are certain you have already formatted your submission correctly, please go directly to the submission page.

Prepare your Manuscript

  1. If submitting to the Bulletin of the AMSsubmit a proposal first (all Technical Journal authors should skip this step).
  2. Prepare your manuscript according to the AMS FormattingComponents of a ManuscriptMathematical Formulas, Units, and Time and Date; and References guidelines.
  3. Select a Periodical and Submission Type.
  4. Designate a Corresponding Author.
  5. Collect relevant funding information for all authors. This will be required as part of the submission process.

Requirements to Enter Peer Review

  1. Adherence to all specified formatting requirements.
  2. Read Author Disclosure and Obligations.
  3. All files uploaded and designated with correct item types.
  4. Cost Estimation and Agreement Worksheet for Journals or BAMS (NOT required for Comments, Replies, or manuscripts submitted to Earth Interactions or Weather, Climate, and Society).
  5. Electronic coauthor verification.

Peer Review Process

  1. The Editor-in-Chief assesses each new submission to determine if the manuscript meets AMS standards and if it is within the scope of the journal topic areas.
  2. The assigned Editor invites potential Reviewers for the manuscript.
  3. When the assigned Editor has reached a decision, the corresponding author is emailed a decision letter. If the Editor requests a revision, the corresponding author should upload that revised version to the Editorial Manager, editing the existing submission.
  4. When the corresponding author submits a revision, the Production staff complete a check to ensure the revision adheres to all requirements and is ready to go into production if accepted.
  5. During Peer Review and Production, the Corresponding Author may log in to the Journal site and view the current status of the submission.


  1. When a manuscript is accepted for publication the author must submit the appropriate Publications Charge Form for Journals or for BAMS (NOT required for Comments, Replies, or manuscripts accepted for Earth Interactions or Weather, Climate, and Society). Copyright forms are also required at this stage.
  2. The manuscript will be posted for Early Online Release.
  3. A copyedit and technical edit of the manuscript will be completed.
  4. An author proof will be generated.
  5. Once the author proof has been returned, the final edits will be made and the article will be assigned to an issue for publication.
  6. Reprints of Journal Articles can be purchased directly from Sheridan Press.