Photogrammetry - Introduction

Photogrammetry Introduction l Projects l Camera Systems l Aircraft l Image Interpretation Systems l The Digital Age

Slide Show: Species studied with photogrammetry

Our mission is to accurately determine the number of animals present in large aggregations, to determine stock identification based on morphometrics, and to estimate reproductive and nutritive condition of individuals based on their size and shape.

Cameras on Twin OtterHow do we do it?

The success of this program is dependent in a large part on the unique camera systems we have obtained from the US military. Originally designed for military reconnaissance missions, these KA76 cameras have been modified to collect high-resolution vertical aerial images of marine mammals. In 2009, for the first time, we have successfully made the transition to using digital camera systems.


Gray Whale cow and calfWhy do we do it?

This method of data collection provides us with a non-invasive and accurate way to monitor and study a wide spectrum of marine mammal species in otherwise inaccessible locations. Because we now have a large collection of images for a wide range of species and populations, we have the advantage of looking back in time and assessing how size, shape, and life history parameters for sampled populations have varied over time.


H-UASWhat does the future hold?

This unmanned aerial system, known as a hexacopter, will open the door for us to conduct research in a wider range of environments.  This hexacopter further allows us to survey many areas where manned aircraft are not available due to the remoteness of sites or the costs associated with aircraft support. Data is easily collected by a team of two people, and could collect images to assist with counting and measuring of animals in large groups that may be dangerous to handle and/or inaccessible.  For further details on our unmanned aerial systems, click on the image to the left.  



Last modified: 12/24/2014