

Thanks to the staff of the New Mexico State Climate Office for hosting the AASC's 41st Annual Meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico!  It was a super event and great opportunity to re-connect with our colleagues and learn about the latest in Service Climatology.  Congratulations to this year's Dissertation Award Winner, Dr. Barbara Mayes Boustead.  We also thank Dr. Dan Leathers, Delaware SC, for his dedicated leadership during the last year as AASC President and welcome Dr. Hope Mizzell, South Carolina SC, as our new AASC President.

The American Association of State Climatologists advances the development and delivery of science-based climate services at the state and local levels. AASC works to support a society in which climate-sensitive decisions are guided by science-based information derived from historical and current observed climate and scenarios of future climate.

State Members

Map of State Offices Florida Georgia South Carolina North Carolina Virginia West Virginia Maryland Delaware New Jersey Pennsylvania New York Rhode Island Connecticut Vermont New Hampshire Maine Ohio Michigan Wisconsin Illinois Indiana Kentucky Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Puerto Rico Arkansas Missouri Iowa Minnesota North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Hawaii Alaska New Mexico Arizona Colorado Utah Wyoming Montana Idaho Washington Oregon Nevada California