Exploring Eligibility: Federal Grants for Native American Tribal Governments and Organizations

There are a variety of federal financial assistance opportunities specifically for American Indians and Alaska Natives. This article, which is part of the Exploring Eligibility blog series, will explain where Grants.gov fits into your search process.

Exploring Eligibility blog series

If you are a member of a Native American tribal entity searching for federal grants or benefits, you probably fall into one of three situations:

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Exploring Eligibility: Federal Grants for State and Local Governments

If you’re looking to apply for a federal grant on behalf of a state or local government, you have several paths open to you.

The first and most obvious is the Grants.gov Search feature that allows you to narrow and tailor your query by agency, category, funding instrument type, and – most importantly – by eligibility.

Exploring Eligibility blog series

Continue reading Exploring Eligibility: Federal Grants for State and Local Governments

Exploring Eligibility: Can Foreign Nonprofits and NGOs Apply for U.S. Federal Government Grants?

Several weeks ago, we explored the topic of federal grant eligibility for nonprofit organizations. But what if your nonprofit organization is based outside of the United States? Are you eligible to apply for and receive a federal grant?

Exploring Eligibility blog series

Yes! Foreign nonprofit entities and nongovernmental organizations (NGO) may apply for federal grants. However, eligibility varies for each grant program, so continue reading to understand this process.

Great! I know the grant I want to apply for. How do I get started?

Continue reading Exploring Eligibility: Can Foreign Nonprofits and NGOs Apply for U.S. Federal Government Grants?

Exploring Eligibility: ‘Where Do I Find Grants For My Education?’

The ever-increasing cost of higher education understandably has students turning to the federal government for assistance – through loans, grants, and work-study programs.Exploring Eligibility blog seriesThe good news is that there are plenty of programs available for students; however, you won’t find them on Grants.gov. Instead, your go-to resource for information about student funding opportunities is the website of the United States Department of Education, ED.gov.

So you’re telling me that Grants.gov does not offer grants for education?

Grants.gov does, in fact, offer federal government grants for education-related programs. It’s important to understand, however, that these education grants are for organizations, institutions, local governments, and – in some cases – businesses to implement an education-related program.  Continue reading Exploring Eligibility: ‘Where Do I Find Grants For My Education?’

Exploring Eligibility: Nonprofit Organizations Seeking Federal Grants

Nonprofit organizations pursue a wide range of important and beneficial missions – both in the United States and internationally. Included in this broad group are charities, schools and universities, environmental protection groups, religious and faith-based organizations, social welfare and advocacy groups, scientific institutions, non-governmental agencies, and many more.

Exploring Eligibility blog series

Although 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofits are the most well-known, there are over 20 different types of classifications. If you’re interested in learning more on this topic, here are two authoritative sources of information: Charities & Nonprofits and Title 26 Internal Revenue Code, Subtitle A—Income Taxes, Chapter 1—Normal Taxes and Surtaxes, Subchapter F—Exempt Organizations, §501.

Grants for Nonprofits

Many federal grants are available to nonprofit organizations, including those with or without 501(c)(3) classification. In the Grants.gov Search page, we split nonprofits between those that have and do not have 501(c)(3) status because this is a distinction made both by federal awarding agencies and by authorizing legislation for the grant programs. Continue reading Exploring Eligibility: Nonprofit Organizations Seeking Federal Grants

Exploring Eligibility: Can Small Businesses Receive Federal Grants?

Let’s say you’re a small business owner looking to build out your enterprise. You’ve looked into loans from private lenders. You’ve spoken with investors. Recently, in a Google search, you stumbled across an article heralding the availability of government grants for small businesses.

Exploring Eligibility blog series

You wonder: “Does the federal government really award money to people running small businesses?”

Continue reading Exploring Eligibility: Can Small Businesses Receive Federal Grants?

Exploring Eligibility: Individuals Seeking “Grants” for House Repairs

One of the most frequent types of questions we receive is, “My house needs some repairs. Can you please give me a grant?” At the core of this type of question are two underlying questions:

  1. What is a grant?
  2. Am I eligible for a grant (or other type of government assistance)?


Let’s explore the eligibility question here.

Continue reading Exploring Eligibility: Individuals Seeking “Grants” for House Repairs