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The Economics Daily

Unemployment rate and employment-population ratio vary by race and ethnicity 

January 13, 2017
Labor market outcomes in the United States vary considerably across race and ethnicity groups. In 2016, for example, the overall civilian unemployment rate was 4.9 percent, while the rates for the major race and ethnicity groups ranged from 3.6 percent for Asians to 8.4 percent for Blacks or African Americans; the rates for Whites was 4.3 percent in 2016, and the rate for Hispanics or Latinos was 5.8 percent. Full Text »
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Monthly Labor Review

History of child labor in the United States—part 1: little children working  
Michael Schuman


Beyond the Numbers

Spending habits of urban consumers and ‘blue-collar’ consumers living in urban areas, 1984 and 2015

This Beyond the Numbers article analyzes the difference in spending patterns between all urban consumers and wage earners and clerical workers (blue-collar consumers) in 1984 and 2015. The analysis sheds light on how budget allocations by the typical urban consumer compare with budget allocations by the typical blue-collar consumer living in an urban area. It illustrates these differences for major expenditure categories, as well as more specific categories of general interest.
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