Forget your comfort zone, become a global citizen with AFS

Whether you are in high school, at a university or jump-starting your career, AFS has the right program for you! Go to school, learn another language or check out our cultural internships and volunteer abroad opportunities. Host families and volunteers are waiting to help make your intercultural learning experience the best time of your life.

Study abroad with AFS

Explore a planet full of possibilities

“Discover a new culture, a new language. Make friends for life from all parts of the world. It’s a year in which you’ll grow up and get to know yourself—your limits and your capabilities. You’ll change completely in the best way possible.”


Giulia Andar, AFS student from Italy to Germany

Discover exciting AFS destinations

Welcome a new family member

Host an AFSer

Expose your family to a world outside of their own by helping an international student achieve her global dreams. Explore a new culture and share your family life and traditions.

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Experience your world through the eyes of a young person from another country

“Being a host family is both a challenge and a pleasure. We are watching a complete stranger become close to us, and how we are becoming important to him. It’s almost two months since Mateo arrived and he already has a place in our family. We are teaching him about life in Serbia, and learning about life in Sicily. When our relatives call, the first thing they ask is no longer ‘How are you doing?’, but ‘What is Mateo up to?’.”

—Tijana Marjanovic, AFS host sister from Serbia 

Host and AFSer

Ready to change the world?

Volunteer for AFS

Explore your potential and pick from a choice of roles and flexible schedules. Benefit from our exceptional volunteer training programs, develop your leadership skills and help others learn how to live together.

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Engaging with my community; meeting people from around the world

“Joining my local group of AFS volunteers gave me the opportunity to develop many skills, such as how to work in a team and interact with people from different backgrounds. As an AFS volunteer, I am more engaged in my community and I meet people from all over the world. Helping students, teachers and families embark on intercultural learning adventures makes me appreciate the importance of world peace and intercultural understanding.”

—Marcela Vazquez, AFS Argentina volunteer 

Volunteer with AFS

Discover our innovative learning journeys

AFS Education

Learn how AFS helps people of all ages and backgrounds develop the knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to connect to diverse people, succeed in a global economy and help make a positive impact on the world.

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Creating global citizens, empowering changemakers

These days you don’t have to go far to find an AFSer making a difference in local communities, across industries or at the forefront of an important international issue or social cause. 

How AFS prepares Global Citizens

AFS events across the globe

Global Citizenship Education: Essential for Employability & the 21st Century Workforce is the topic for the 3rd Annual AFS Asia-Pacific International Global Citizenship Education Forum, scheduled to take place from 20 to 23 April 2017 in New Delhi, India.

AFS and the AFS Asia-Pacific Initiative (AAI) invite those who share our learning to live together philosophy to join us in exploring, understanding and addressing the issues of our time that both hinder and help the efforts to advance the Global Citizenship Education movement. The third Annual AFS Asia-Pacific International GCEd Forum will connect educators, intercultural learning practitioners and researchers with employers and corporations plus governments, institutions, policy-makers and others in Asia-Pacific who have a stake in the future of the region and its most precious commodity: its people.

Submit your proposal until 7 February, or take advantage of the early-bird registration until 1 March. More information here. 

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