USGS - science for a changing world

The USGS Water Science School

Teacher Resources for Water Science, USGS

The Water Cycle

We have a water-cycle for schools section with a diagram and an online, interactive version aimed at three age-levels of students.

Files for printing: PDF (2 Mb poster) | Image (11x17 inch) | Image (poster)

Water Properties

Learn about what makes water unique and vital to all life on Earth.

The Story of Dryville!

Story of YOU going into the desert to start a new town...and how water plays a part every step of the way. Includes a script for a class play.

Activity Center

These surveys show cumulative responses after you take the survey. Responses are shown by State and areas of the world. The results can be used to get class discussions going.

Opinion Surveys

Challenge Questions

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Page Contact Information: Howard Perlman
Page Last Modified: Friday, 09-Dec-2016 13:21:29 EST