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You asked +YouTube, and now YouTube is going to ask President Obama. Tune in at 2:15pm ET as +YouTube Creators Destin Sandlin, SWooZie, and Ingrid Nilsen ask President Obama your questions on his final State of the Union: #YouTubeAsksObama
سيف البغدادي's profile photoDiane Jones's profile photoSue Stanton's profile photoAtta Eyediamond's profile photo
QUESTION... exactly how do you handle so called subversives, Mr. President? Eliminate them from the fabric of your reality?
Shouldn't bully kids go back to fist fights and get an attitude adjustment themselves and run like the cowards they are?
Rightwing nuts are already trolling on this?

When has the president gone after anyone in the rightwing? Personally, I would love to see the administration take a much stronger stance on you guys, but instead, he has extended an olive branch time and time again... You guys are just too stupid and racist to recognize it.
The SOTU was a joke just like Oblunder himself!!

Worst President in History!!

I can't wait for Trump to tell Oblunder " You're Fired"


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I got a question for the President:

If certain prescription medicines, pain killers, and anti-depressants were proven to be dangerous to children and our society in general, would the Great Obama pass a law against the use of these dangerous mind altering chemicals? Doctors are poisoning people with pills and the federal government is to blame for allowing it when they know how bad it is. Meth is worse than heroin but it is not a crime to be poisoned by doctor. And I wanted to die because the Zoloft chemical ruined me. Now, here I am and I got something to say. Jam Google code is one app away from the end of omega. °*★*˚°。°*。 °*★*˚°。°*
˛ . (´• ̮•). 。/♫.♫\*
+bill charlevoix, Republicans have done their best to restrict lawsuits. Perhaps your question should be forwarded to Ryan and McConnell. 
Hola Barack!! Tanto tiempo Te vi llorar y descargar... Aunque pense que era por el niño sirio y su gente, pero resulto que no fue por ello ...Cada quien está en el lugar que le toca. Al menos regalaste un poco de ilusión a los de tu color en un país donde los verdaderos amos del mundo decidieron que sea el color y no las clases el fusible para el manejo de las masas. Llegar al final de un ciclo indica éxito!! Bien por eso
+bill charlevoix That should be taken to your state authorities. NOT the President. He is not GOD, and can do everything.
And every state has its own power, Constitution and lawmakers. Write to your governor and district Fed and state senators. Go with GOD.
+bill charlevoix​ If I was you! I'd get off the Heroin and taper off taking the Zoloft. Then get one of the 16,000,000 million + New job's Obama provided Americans!
You can do it! We believe in you! Good luck!
+bill charlevoix First, if such items are making their way past testing, past FDA approval and are making it to the shelves...then there's a bigger issue at hand. Next, and probably more important to your first would need to prove that they have no beneficial aspects to them and that any side effects or possible issues aren't stated. Then you would have to prove your claims about doctors poisoning people. Next, no President can magically pass a law without an Act of Congress. Comparing meth and heroin to painkillers in general? Ever hear of a fallacy argument?
Reject the TPP, repeal NAFTA and nationalize the oil companies + jail their execs since they first found out about climate change and their role in the 1970's.
+bill charlevoix adderall and ritalin and shit like that being used by college students too. very bad. i think adhd is a bogus condition, it's just a label for ppl and when teachers don't want to deal with children that may be a little more hyper so they can drug them with "medication." terrible. we're losing our creativity by putting so many labels on ppl.
+Kahil Nettleton I agree, the FDA needs a major overhaul. Terrible at regulating the food industry. Michael Taylor was related to Monsanto. With the medicines they are very sluggish and it takes millions of dollars to pass through them; combine that with ruthless capitalists and you've got pharma prices out of control.
+Arien Huckeba how well has that model worked for Russia? /smh

+Jackie Schulkin​ there's a difference between saying that the FDA has room for improvement and claiming that all kinds of poison is getting through. Would you rather medicines get rigorously tested or rushed through? Sure, if we can smooth put the process to be more efficient, but less regulation over food and drugs isn't a good idea. Regarding the pharma prices, that has nothing to do with the FDA. That's a matter of Congress.

In regards to Monsanto, let's not go down that fallacy train regarding GMOs.
+Kahil Nettleton Stick your smh where the sun don't shine kiddo, along with your strawman that 'opposing rights- and nation-destroying treaties' is somehow 'communism'.
+Arien Huckeba​ First, I never made a straw man argument. Russia has state owned oil and poorly regulated trade that has wrecked their economy. Next, it's hypocritical for you to claim that someone has made a fallacy argument when you follow it up with one of your own. Prove that rights and nations have, are or will be destroyed. Finally, if all you've got are childish responses...grow up. Makes your kiddo remark pathetically ironic. 👏👏👏
+Jackie Schulkin How do you expect what you demand from workers without chemical help? Or do you just want normal corporate poisons to thin them out like cockfighters?
+Zena Princess No I don't own a corporation. We need a healthier society. I watched the Wolf of Wall Street and how they use cocaine to keep up. Schools are also out of control with the workloads. Countries with less workloads and less stress than us are doing better than us, for example Finland. We wouldn't have so much mental illness, unhappiness, suicides, violence, etc.
+Kahil Nettleton With regards to food, all kinds of poison ARE getting through. With regards to drugs though I understand it's important to test them and make them safe, but it's way too slow and expensive. So I'm saying they need to work on that, as you suggested, not that they rush them through. Did you hear about Drisapersen? I'm not acquainted with both sides of the argument, but some moms are very upset because they are not approving it and it's their kids' last hope. And you're right, Congress should take measures about pharma pricing: allow Medicare to negotiate with pharma, for instance.
+Kahil Nettleton Sure. Carcinogenic food coloring which are also endocrine disrupters and may cause adhd such as yellow 5 and 6. "Caramel color" which may be carcinogenic. Carrageenan. Michael Taylor (he was from Monsanto btw) said there's so many chemicals the FDA can't vouch for the safety of all of them. GRAS "Generally Recognized as Safe" which are generally NOT safe nowadays. GMOs fall under this label btw. How about that chemical Subway was using in its bread, the one in yoga mats, that they ditched after public pressure. Not because the FDA told them to cut it out. If you're interesting in finding out more you can read "The Food Babe Way" chapters 1 & 2.
+Jackie Schulkin citations and directions to read a book written with a bias. Note your use of "may cause"...which is code for we think it causes these things, but have no scientific proof backing that up.

All of the food we eat right now is GMO. None of it is the original form that occurred in nature. We need livestock to produce more and more. Did the same with crops. There is no difference between modifying food over generations or in a lab.
+Kahil Nettleton The book doesn't have a bias. Also if someone put a food or drink or whatever in front of you and said, "this could cause cancer and in fact it probably does" would you eat it? Food companies and the FDA are playing russian roulette with our health. Maybe it's so that we all get sick and pharma makes more
money. Not a bad plan, it's already working. And they even have ppl like you willing to put the shit into their bodies.
it wouhonor to sked mr president abouth gun control all state and increase
level on math education ,sincerally ms budz
+Jackie Schulkin .
"The book doesn't have a bias. " would be an incorrect statement, no matter WHAT book you were referring to.
+David Alsberge I'm referring to fact-distorting bias. The book doesn't present lies, it brings to light an actual problem.
+Jackie Schulkin Never heard of a book that doesn't distort facts in some way. Maybe a few scientific reports, but they are generally not books. I won't dispute your statement without having read it, however, but it seems highly unlikely.
I am not taking my issues to the state level. The state benefits by giving out pills. Jobs are dependent on the disorders that develop from the wacky chemical formulated drugs, so the incentive is to fck up a portion of the population so people have jobs. That's why the wrong road salt makes winter roads slippery, so EMS workers have work to do, too. Sick aint it? I found oil on a wet road and I wondered why would someone do that deliberately? JOBS! I learned my hard lesson with doctors prescribing me that rat poison. IDGAF no more, I tried my best. When I lost my job and family the doctors made matters worse for me and I nearly killed myself from the depression they prescribed and gave to me. And don't patronize me, doctors know what those pills can do to a person psychologically. I really don't care what happens to people now. Med poppers can die a slow death, fast death, it don't matter to me. These school shooting are great entertainment. I hope to see more anti-depressants in action. I will just sit back and watch the rest of the pill popping prescription world suffer my pain with every new brain altering chemical passed and approved by the FDA. Someday the truth will be clear concerning how the chemical engineer, the doctors and the government have poisoned this society for their own benefit. For the sake of being silly, I will say the voices in my Zoloft say God sent Gabriel down to Earth and boy, is he pissed at what prescription medication has done to his children. But he also says in my abilify, Obama has done a great job in 7 long years. I am just a technowhiz relay for the spirit and you can hear me roar. Your punishment will be reading my grammar shuved up your english, word for word.

The Crown Prince of Ireland
Anthony Eugene Hunter
Im home I played thr movie white house down and John would save you from time to time I do come over talk to you nato and united nations and world bank is exhausting Made me walk that far I was burned out
hello i am the afro black man in small photo to the left of word email if qiestions why i use my left hand or right hand more then the other is is a legal demand unto THE F.B.I,CIA,IRS,DEA AND US-CERT.i cont to email and fax legal claims and legal demands with GOOGLE via sending emails and info about Child Nude PHOTOS BEING SOLD AND VIEW BY DIRTY F.B.I,CIA,IRS,DEA. i will peacefully come into PENSACOLA FBI OFFICE Room 650 to show my private,personal legal claims and data on facts . i also is at risk due to my legal claims and copyrighted data i only own my social number is with out dashes and my name is as is here john jermaine jackson aka'johnjackson.PENSACOLA FED COURT HOUSE HERE IN PENSACOLA FLORIDA HAS data of over 53 pages of facts on how i won my legal claims seen on YouTube johnjermainejackson12-24-14. i am not god nor head of any milita , but i who was born in WISCONSIN do legal claim my full due procress and rights as i ''travel'' my name is wrote as seen for a reason for a JOHNJACKSON KEEP TRYING TO BREAK INTO my legal data kept in my emails and acer crome lap top im useing at this sec.414-614-3788 is my voice that is copyrighted with/out fair use place on such unlimited per common laws and codes unto each and all.GET THIS TO THE WHITEHOUSE AND THOSE WHO UP HOLD THE LAWS TO STOP FRUAD,CHILD'S BEING SEEN NUDE WHILE IN BEDROOM EVEN B.Obama FAMILY i can prove that is being view in their/THEIR ROOM NUDE . NOTE i want HELP TO LOCK THOSE UP FOR RAPEING me john j jackson daily. i do not release my GOd bless  black human body unto EVIL AND CRIMES.i file first via the common laws and my own and thanks MR.OBAMA FOR BEING IN OFFICE OF THE WHITEHOUSE IN WASH,DC WITH YOUR WIFE M.OBAMA.i grant full titles of nobility to over ride any VOTE TO me not getting my full due process unto the U.S.C ETC.i am not a CAR NOR devil of any sort nor will i stand up under what god says i must not.thanks Louis for hearing my cry out of pain unto GOD AND HIS PEOPLE IN KINGJAMESBIBLE.
Ya I da no ha dis1 may dit past da grammar filter. c++ ыдия write new app filter for see I aye bs rant no bias. Flint gets help now or Saginaw starts screaming bloody murdur. 
You every pade in white how's what men's to this whorld. If now answer me
Let us ask the President. The translation-chip in the processor-chain on-line has to leave or not. For security reasons. Toetoep?
+Jackie Schulkin Yes, I highly suspect there are secret people in science producing chemical and psych ways to make people sick for more money for medical people. I read many years ago we would be made a services nation. Which is pretty much slavery.
And I live in a state and intimately came to find out how the two doctors in a little town was in a raging hate toward a man with healing hands. They lost soooo many patients. The town was Wymore, Neb. But was buried in Blue Springs. I used to take long walks past the cemetery and lay exhausted on his ground tome. Can't remember his name but his story was in the newspaper. Found it on the internet once. Very interesting..z
Yes. I agree. In Germany the solution will be. Patiënce. Thanks.
Y.U.B says The President is So Popular that he can have His own Obama Tube.Truth
+Brian DeVille Its time to throw the race card out the door and look around and truly see what is happening to USA! Why stay in bondage by using race card? Get over it!! 
+Steve Sauls​​ First, how many times are you going to create a new profile to stalk me? For someone who hates gays, you sure seem like someone with a crush. Next, care to cite anything racist I've said? Calling you out for the racist and bigoted things you say doesn't magically make me a racist. Finally, I see you still can't form coherent sentences. Worth showing on?

Ironic how you tell others not to waste their time, yet here you are. Hypocrite much? You're only here to troll...admit it. Or do you have anything to add to the discussion on the actual topic here?
Nice and great strong for president protect
I always Enjoys looking at the WhiteHouse photos, thank You Very Much.
ءصير صديقي ءاني ءسمي حسين
🌟Dear President Obama, I would like to first start this letter off by saying thank you for your 8 years service as our Commander in Cheif. It is only my sincere regret that I was not actively enlisted during your campaign. However I was privileged to work on your campaigns, plus placed my votes on the winner twice, therefore your dual inaugurations provided me some sense of personal venerated success. With each election it was indisputably obvious that-
"We as The American People had made the right choice". (At least that once.)
Sir, may I share my story with you? It is that of a young man from Detroit, Mi. 2nd of 7 boys who were institutionalized in boys homes during a great portion of our youth.
At 18 I enlisted in the US Navy on August 22, 1988, and served during The Iran–Iraq War and The Gulf War, codenamed Operation Desert Shield.
I served 3 years active and 3 years reserved.
Then in 1993 at the end of my enlistment I decided to return home as a civilian and assist my now deceased mother, and father, as well as my remaining 5 brothers. My oldest brother died while I was still enlisted, causing me to have to return back to the states just days after ending leave back home. My mother was never very healthy, or financially sound, and my Father was a compulsive gambler, who as I often stated: "shoed the horses more often than his sons". I thank God that during my first two years in the Navy I saved $7000.00 for my dream ride at that time.. (a jeep Cherokee) So, most of that cash was placed toward my immediate return flight and my oldest brother's funeral arrangements.
Sir since my honorable discharge in 1991 active/ 1993 active-reservist I have endeavored to serve my community by both returning as Staff and Mentor to the foster homes in Detroit that basically raised my six brothers and I, and teaching at a few Christian Based academies.
I will not go into details concerning the common trials I faced as I sought to rebuild our broken family to little, if any avail.
Yet sir I have possibly one regret, that I did not remain enlisted in the US Navy for 20 years.
I am now 47 years old. I would like to become a chief or Ensign.
If it is within your power, sir I request that you offer me a waive of some sort to re-enter the US Navy or Airforce and be placed in a Cheif or junior Grade Officer Training Program. It is my desire to fulfill my 20 year enlistment serving our great country.
God Bless America, and again I salute you and the first Family.
With deepest regard,
Ronald Darrell Brown
718 Rhawn St #55
Philadelphia, PA 19111
(267) 761-6399
🔴I'm a sailor, not a civilian....
⚪I've been trying to help my family out since my discharge....
🔵I should've never came back to do that.....
🌟I am not a civilian.
Ron Brown
+Malgorzata Budz we donot need gun control! We need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists. But in order to protect ourselves from these people we need guns to protect law abiding citizens. It seems as all foriegn people coming here lately want to chsnge who we are. I am sorry your government didn't do that for you. We have a constitution that is supposed to guarantee our right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness snd to protect ourselves from a tyrannical goverment. If you want to be an AMERICAN STAND UP FOR OUR VALUES NOT THE ONES YOU CAME FROM. If you can't do that then pack up and go back where you came from!!
+Jessica Shoemaker you mean non GMO and those aren't really. Heirloom seeds are local varieties of plants that have been handed down over generations because they have a special trait. Special traita that they typically were specifically bred for...meaning...GMO. Everything we grow and eat has been selectively bred to bring out favorable characteristics. That is also GMO.
اللهم صلي وسلم على سيدنا محمد احب شخص لا عرف ماعندي منه هو صفاته فاين اجده لا بدا ان يكون شجاع يتصف بالرجولة ذوكلمة صحيحة فيكون ذا علم ومال واكثر من ذلك لا بدا ان يكون ذو مظهر جذاب ......هذا هو عشيقى الذي احبه واموت فيه لكنني لاجده فهو فقط في الاحلام اراه ليلا افرقه نهارا
how can I email the President. please 
he will spoke with you all..welcome you all to my president office..
nothing than paciest.let us be thanks this man for a good will hear from me again thank you all..Mr President Be Cool Sir...No One Like God..You Are The Best....even just tell the you tube that now how they also are fell in the world now.?Mr President..even we Africa appreciate your assistant...some did not know...100% true we know..or they dont know now.?...later sir.
Looking forward to Trump draining the swamp.

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