Feature Video: Henry Worobec, UM Missoula

CSD's Jim Roberts shares the importance of wildfire emission studies during setup of the FIREX Fire Lab 2016 intensive at the Fire Sciences Lab in Missoula, Montana.

News & Events Video

CIRES YouTube channel: FIREX Fire Lab 2016 intensive setup
More Information: Fire Influence on Regional and Global Environments Experiment (FIREX) Fire Lab 2016 intensive 2016 October - November

NASA Goddard YouTube channel: ATom Mission interview clips - Tom Ryerson, NOAA
More Information: Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom) 2016 July - August

California Air Resources Board (CARB) YouTube channel: Ozone research in San Joaquin Valley takes flight
More Information: California Baseline Ozone Transport Study (CABOTS) 2016 May - August

NOAA ESRL YouTube channel: NOAA Boulder "My Brother's Keeper" Event
More Information: CSD Helps Lead the NOAA Boulder "My Brother's Keeper" Event 2016 March 4

Feature Video: CO-LABS

2014 Governor's Award for High-Impact Research in Atmospheric Science goes to researchers at NOAA / CIRES for their work in understanding the air quality effects of oil and gas activities.

CO-LABS YouTube channel: CO-LABS [2014 Colorado] Governor's Award for High-Impact Research - Atmospheric Science
More Information: CSD and other ESRL Scientists Win Colorado Governor's Award for Oil & Gas Atmospheric Research 2014 October 16

CIRES YouTube channel: Bright Lights in the Bakken
More Information: Twin Otter Projects Defining Oil/gas Well emissioNs (TOPDOWN) 2014 2014 May - June

SPIE video: James Churnside: Lidar on board -- imaging water surfaces at sea level
More Information: Lidar observations reveal important information about ocean dynamics and the life underwater 2013 November 20

YouTube: Texas A&M University lead author Andrew Dessler explains Stratospheric water vapor feedback
More Information: Water vapor in the upper atmosphere amplifies global warming 2013 September 30

CIRES YouTube channel: Science in Flight
More Information: Scientists investigating Southeast air quality and climate mysteries 2013 June 19

CIRES YouTube channel: Oil and Gas Wells Contribute to Wintertime Ozone?
More Information: Oil and Gas Wells Contribute Fuel for Ozone Pollution 2013 January 14

Feature Video: Fireside Production

Produced for CO-LABS 2012 Governor's Award for High-Impact Research highlighting CIRES / NOAA air quality work during the Gulf oil spill.

NOAA ESRL YouTube channel: CO-LABS [2012 Colorado Governor's Award for High-Impact Research] CIRES NOAA
More Information: Colorado's Governor Awards Scientists for Air Quality Work during Gulf Oil Spill 2012 October 5

CIRES YouTube channel: CIRES 45th Anniversary Celebration Opening Address "Airborne Exploration of the Changing Atmosphere" Dr. David Fahey
More Information: Three Decades of Aircraft-Aided Atmospheric Research 2012 October 22

NOAA ESRL YouTube channel: Warming effects of wildfire soot with Dan Lack
More Information: Wildfires: The Heat is On 2012 August 27

CIRES YouTube channel: Airborne Ethanol on the Rise
More Information: Increase in Airborne Ethanol 2012 August 9

CIRES YouTube channel: Gasoline Worse Than Diesel for Some Types of Air Pollution
More Information: Gasoline worse than diesel when it comes to some types of air pollution 2012 March 9

NOAA ESRL YouTube channel: Ozone Mystery
More Information: Utah's winter air quality mystery 2012 March 7

CU YouTube channel: Smoke Discovery with Joost de Gouw
More Information: Smoke-related chemical discovered in the atmosphere could have health implications 2011 May 16

CIRES YouTube channel: Gulf Oil Spill with Joost de Gouw
More Information: Insights from Oil Spill Air Pollution Study Have Applications Beyond Gulf 2011 March 11

Boulder Daily Camera YouTube channel: NOAA Winter Atmosphere Study
More Information: Scientists Using Erie Tower to Study Not-So-Dormant Wintertime Air Chemistry 2011 March 1

YouTube: Steve Brown from NOAA presents data collected at Boulder Atmospheric Observatory and YouTube: Steve Brown from NOAA answers questions
More Information: Nitrogen, Aerosol Composition, and Halogens on a Tall Tower (NACHTT) 2011 2011 February - March

Northwest Fisheries Science Center video: Scientists use lasers and vessels to understand coastal pelagic ecosystem
More Information: Oceanographic Lidar Field Programs: Oregon and Washington sardine 2006


NOAA ESRL CSD YouTube channel

Earth Explorers

The Earth Explorers program educates and mentors underrepresented youth, giving them the opportunity to learn about the earth through discovery. Middle school students connect with science and engineering professionals in the community, including NOAA and CIRES, and use video and new media technology for creative storytelling. Earth Explorers Vimeo features many CSD scientists and their research:

Earth Explorers Vimeo: Dobson, featuring Birgit Hassler 2014 July
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Particles, featuring Anne Perring 2014 June
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Lasers, featuring Ryan Neely 2013 July
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Lasers, featuring Ryan Neely 2013 June
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Lasers, featuring Ryan Neely 2012 June
Earth Explorers Vimeo: TOPAZ lidar, featuring Raul Alvarez 2012 June
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Lasers, featuring Munkh Baasandorj 2012 June
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Fracking & the Environment, including Jessica Gilman 2012 Spring