Easygrants System Requirements Information

I. Recommended Operating Systems and Browsers
While the Easygrants software will operate successfully across a wide range of browsers and operating systems, we support the following combinations. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact Technical Support using the contact links at the bottom of each page of the system.
Browser Windows OS Apple OS Linux OS
98 2000/XP MacOS 9.2 MacOS 10.3.x Kernel 2.4
Internet Explorer (IE) 5.1     Yes    
IE 5.2.x       Yes  
IE 5.5 Yes        
IE 6.0   Yes      
IE 7.0   Yes      
Firefox 1.0 Yes Yes   Yes Yes
Firefox 2.0 Yes Yes   Yes Yes
Mozilla 1.7         Yes
Safari 2.0.3       Yes  
You may download the latest version of Internet Explorer here.
II. Adobe PDF Reader Support
Please use Adobe Reader version 7.0 or 8.0 to view any PDF files generated by this system. You may download the latest version of Adobe Reader here.
III. Pop-Up Blockers Information
Some files in the Easygrants system launch and display in a secondary browser window. If your browser or a third-party software program that you have installed blocks pop-up windows, please follow that product's instructions for allowing pop-up windows from this domain.
IV. Cookies Information
This site uses cookies. You must have cookies enabled on your computer in order for all functionality on this site to work properly. This is the default setting for Internet Explorer. Please refer to your browser's Help for more information about enabling cookies.
A cookie is a small data file that is written to your hard drive when you visit certain Web sites. Cookie files contain certain information, such as a random number user ID that the site assigns to a visitor to track the pages visited. The only information a cookie can contain is information you supply yourself. A cookie cannot read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites.
Cookies allow this site to do two things. First and most importantly, cookies help to maintain "state" while you are at the site. When you work at a computer on a network, your "state" is maintained by the constant physical connection to the network. When you work at a computer on the Web, you are essentially working in a disconnected mode. Cookies allow you to use more sophisticated interactive programs. Second, cookies measure and report aggregate information about site users, such as the number of people who view pages within the site. Cookies, by themselves, cannot be used to find out the identity of any user. Only information provided voluntarily is stored, but this information is not personally identifiable. All cookies that are created by this site automatically expire (i.e., are deleted) when you leave the Web site.