Guide for Submitting FOIA Requests

Before submitting FOIA requests, individuals should ensure that the information they seek is not already in the public domain. Offices maintaining information in the public domain are listed in NOAA's Electronic Reading Room. If the information is not in the public domain, please follow the suggestions listed below:

FOIA Online


Mark the outside of the envelope, "Freedom of Information Request" and mail to the address listed below.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Public Reference Facility (SOU57650)
1305 East West Highway (SSMC4)
Room 7437
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910


Phone Number

Individuals with questions concerning their requests may call the FOIA Staff at (301) 713-3540.


Fax all requests to the FOIA Staff at (301) 713-1169


You may email your FOIA request to the following address: