Reports from the Field

The Southwest Fisheries Science Center is a sea-going center with a wide variety of field research projects. For more information on specific field projects please visit the research divisions. For more general information, please visit:

Mako shark

Juvenile Shark Survey

SWFSC research scientists are capturing juvenile mako, blue, and thresher sharks off the southern California coast. Learn more about the cruise and the research program...

Penguin Chicks

The US Antarctic Marine Living Resources Field Season

The Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division of the Southwest Fisheries Science Center conducts annual research in the area around the Antarctic peninsula. Follow these links to:
Field survey overview
Latest field season reports


The Marine Mammal and Turtle Division Research Surveys

The Marine Mammal and Turtle Division monitors the status of protected species in U.S. waters or waters where the U.S. has a vested interest using a combination of aerial, land and sea surveys. Follow these links to:
View them via Google Earth...
MMTD Research Surveys and reports from the field

Last modified: 4/21/2016