GLOS works to make real-time and historical data publicly available to the larger Great Lakes community, benefiting data users and decision makers.



    Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observing System compiles acoustic telemetry project information and helps users learn more about ongoing acoustic telemetry projects in the Great Lakes. Scientists have been implanting Great Lakes fish with transmitters and, like the GPS on a car, have been tracking fish movement through a network of receivers placed on the bottom of the lakes. The purpose of GLATOS is to help scientists and the public learn more about Great Lakes acoustic telemetry projects and their contribution to research.

  • Great Lakes Buoys

    Great Lakes Buoys

    Easy access to real-time observations from buoys and monitoring stations in the Great Lakes region. Buoy data gives users a glimpse of current lake conditions by reporting meteorological and oceanographic conditions, including physical data, e.g., wind (speed, direction, gusts), waves (height, period, direction), and water temperature, as well as selected bio-chemical data, phosphorous, chlorophyll a, and related remote sensing activities.

  • HABs Data Portal

    Harmful Algal Bloom Data Portal

    The Harmful Algal Bloom Data Portal provides convenient access to data used to monitor conditions and to alert those making decisions regarding harmful algal blooms and water treatment.


Hot Topics

Harmful Algal Blooms

Harmful blooms occur when algae grow and produce toxins that impact fish, people and other mammals. They can occur in fresh or salt water. A number of conditions can lead to serious outbreaks.



GLOS members represent a variety of data providers, data managers, and data users. While each member has distinct interests, all are dedicated to and benefit from achieving the GLOS mission: to connect data users with data providers in ways that are supportive of policy and decision making.