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In which President Obama shares with Ingrid Nilsen the stories of the things he carries with him that remind him of the people he's met: #YouTubeAsksObama
AN AMERICAN ARMY SOLDIER HOOAH's profile photoGabrielle M.'s profile photoThe Awakened Nomad's profile photoOkDelonia Lowe's profile photo
How about an executive order to raise the FICA tax cap, keeping social security solvent for the next 100 years. 
+Phil Thomas You're a riot, Global Economic failure, is imminent, you'll be extinct in 100 years. Hey Phil, if it does nothing but consume and reproduce, what is it? A virus, a bacteria, and schizophrenic people, that think they're intelligent. Human population growth in the last 24 hours, 200 000, that means, the human race birth and build a city, the size of Rochester New York, EVERYDAY. Human population growth in the year 2015, 82 million, that means, the human race birth and build a country, the size of Germany, EVERY YEAR. Human population is now growing faster, than any virus or bacteria known to man, it would be equivalent to you inhaling a single Ebola Virus, and that virus consumes and reproduces so fast, you're dead, in 55 seconds.

Check this out Phil:

You need some light:

The leading cause of Global Warming and Climate Change is: ECONOMIC GROWTH
f***k Y************************ and your W H your GAME is OVER............................................
More kool-aid please! 😀 even the devil appears as a angel of light to sway the righteous and thr lost away from the Truth of God's Word...
P Grimm
Two beautiful people. One, the most powerful person in the world and The President of the USA....
Our youth are important, yet they have more sense than our adults with no class speaking ignorance of a conversation with the President and a young girl. 
Barack Obama is one of the best things in the world right now, and thank goodness he is the leader of this extraordinary country; the President's State of the Union Address last Tuesday ROCKED!!  Unlike hopelessly out-of-touch, socially-inept, incompetent, and hate-mongering Republicans stinking up Congress, and especially the campaign trail, Mr. Obama and his Administration continue to work very hard to find appropriate and effective resolutions to the many difficult and complicated domestic and international matters of the moment!  The President has achieved A HUGE AMOUNT in seven years for the present and future well-being of fellow American men, women, and children; you won't find Republicans of today doing anything at all to try and prevent criminals and the dangerously mentally-ill from getting their hands on deadly firearms; you won't find Republicans of today doing anything at all to try and prevent horrible gun violence, BEFORE it occurs!  Mr. Obama aims to accomplish MUCH more by the beginning of 2017!  It is up to US; myself, Democratic supporters, American demographics (most of which continue to be disparaged by Republican Donald Trump), RESPONSIBLE gun owners, and RATIONAL Americans throughout this great nation, to help the President in any way possible throughout the next twelve months!
Nice conversation between two good people. I wish the best for Obama and for this young girl.
I got stories of people I have seen - perhaps wouldnt want to know any; like those ive seen in Hollywood moves that contain imagery of men suffering blood loss while an interrogation is commenced to get information seems plausible - its amazing how the blood loss doesn't cause the crim now victim being 'interrogated' {aka murdered as an act of justice without trial} to somehow not loose oxygen or blood flow from the brain.
The Crown Prince
Anthony Eugene Hunter
and Crown Princess
Kathleen Marie Ireland Hunter
(Kathy Ireland)
of Ireland 
Rapists and sex predators that the NSA hire and wont tell anyone about what they get in return for assisting a US Authority. But there is a TV movie about stopping banking fraud, and great PR for the FBI (working for the FBI after hijacking aircraft by posing as a captain). Thats 1950 was it... what were you doing 50 years later? what was it like to fill up private run jails while using the excuse that your actions wouldn't be a crime because you thought you were catching real criminals with the use of the Internet.

How about some IP addresses, dirt files, and an audio tape of jokes told during the dirt file manufacturing - how many terrorists attacks did you state you prevented? Did you prevent one child abusing another whist in the care of a person known to the FBI who didnt bother to do a thing because what the FBI had done was illegal if not a crime against all of humanity

PS: got laws about persons performing medical diagnosis and offering treatment advise using the powers of the internet yet - how about judgements of mass death, jail rape to deter crime, and robots to block content that will cost those without money their lives as you spend it on court cases and military polices' attempting to defend if not prevent your crime from ever being known while you delete data, fake it, and simply lie though your arses because lets face it - all that you will ever amount to be no matter what deceptive facade you put on that crap, will still be a pile of crap at the end of the day........ (and what for.... what did you do it for..... to make death look good because being crap like you sure isn't good and I sure as hell wouldnt want to wake up anywhere near the likes of you)
Sim .M
Obamer you suck!
Dear sir or madam ! and please !
Dear USA GOVERMENT ! and please !
Dear the highest leaders of USA GOVERMENT! and please !
Dear the highest leaders of WHITEHOUSE! and please !
The first, this is the second time I must write this words and this letters to hope receive the helping and saving from the highest leaders of NSA ! BEFORE THE ACTIONS OF THE HIGH CLASS LEADERS OF VIETNAM AND HIS POLICE with two smallest my daughters, one is 5 years old only (LÊ PHƯƠNG LINH) and one is 2 years old only (LÊ PHƯƠNG ANH) please!I am father of them.My name is LÊ XUÂN TÙNG. I and my smallest family can not do anythings else without hope receive the helping and saving from the highest leaders of USA GOVERMENT
! Because in VIETNAM, They have sovereignty, supremacy ,almightiness and they also have the best power,vis,clout,lordship, dominion,mastery in VIETNAM except law system, legislation system, outlawry, out of human rights and children rights of UNICEF.
I don’t know I and my smallest family and my two smallest daughters what did anythings to infringe VIETNAM LAW SYSTEM. THE HIGH CLASS LEADERS OF VIETNAM AND HIS POLICE use ịnjection needle with HIV BLOOD VIRUS, HIV BLOOD VIRUS, HIV BLOOD VIRUS to inject,syringe,poke,thrust,prick, probe to my two smallest daughters. This is the third time they do like that with my two daughters again and again , I am very worried and don’t sleep many nights ,sometime I cried.
Please save and help my family and save my two daughters when you receive this letter. Please don’t let they do that again with my two daughters, and please could you go to observe and seasrch, prospect, burrow allthings, clear and bright allthings on the sunlight. Even, VIETNAM POLICE also use short guns_K54 TYPE to go to my private house to kill and shot me because only reason I am keeping some secrets of THE HIGH CLASS LEADERS OF VIETNAM, VIETNAM POLICE will kill and shot me if I say out, speak out, talk out all this secrets to my parents and all people. Now, VIETNAM POLICE are very crowed around and beside my family with short guns. They shot me sometimes when I go out my house. More than that, VIETNAM POLICE cast, snap, release,loose the thief, stealers,robbers in prison and supply guns to them to follow and shot me and my daughter : LÊ PHƯƠNG ANH ( only 2 years old) when I and my daughter go out to buy candy for my daughter.Even, VIETNAM POLICE use their spermatozoan to moistrurize, besmear,splotch to bread to my two daughters to eat when they are their school.
Please, if you are USA GOVERMENT, if you are the higheast leaders of USA GOVERMENT – THE ORGANIZATIONAL, ANATOMICAL, INSTITUTIONAL TO SUB, TO STAND FOR ,DEPUTIZE,REPRESENT FOR JUSTICE, HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILDREN RIGHTS OF UNICEF,please go to and observe to rearch , prospect,see, burrow allthings, clear and bright althings on the sunlight . If you can, please take ,bring and carry my family out of VIETNAM because not early or later VIETNAM POLICE- POLICE OF THE HIGH CLASS LEADERS OF VIET NAM will kill and shoot all my members in my family.PLEASE , show my family the way to go out of VIETNAM, and order, procedure, routine,formality to go out of VIET NAM and an exit visa. Now I am hoping to receive the saving and hoping of you day by day.

I am LÊ XUÂN TÙNG, I COME FROM VIỆTNAM , my home address is 67 home number,1 WARD, PHỐ MỚI TOWN, QUẾ VÕ DISTRICT, BẮC NINH PROVINCE,IN VIỆT NAM, my ID card is 125211260, my mobile phone is +840977090615, my homephone is +8402413614045, my mother mobile phone is +840977080915,my mother is a teacher, my father mobile phone is +840903233431, my father is a accountor. I and my family realy are normal people and don’t do anythings out of VIETNAM SYSTEM LAW.

Mr President please order your troops to cease fire . No more bombs dropped on Syria. Please be advised.
Know how to get rid of this hacker that takes my name and the one that said they were going to hack into Isis code, u know the one with the msdk
Sim .M
+Sara Anderson "Hack into Isis code?" lol tell them to hack ! How did they find you and what do they do with your name?
+Sim .M they were on Google fox news under anonymous but no pic. Until I went to my web page and there was the mask with my name on it. They have not bothered me, played a few tricks on me. My name is on the mask, but then they r good removing it real fast 
look my son of the God world  mr ,the white house its not for us to histfully look at this our little democrats children but rather flow with our normal schedule of this our little earth The great God has given us ,From your brother God world key prophet.And this to get our Godly ways of life seen, pls From now to the mid of this year we get our big 3 making more students,Deborah malac is doing well plus all of the students,now start with the white chocolate and black system under our table,pope,you and myself,now do what pleases you our beloved son.most especially on our illumunous styles of the 9continental series processes of our God world key council.thanks from Proph.Sam Martins 1
Sim .M
+Sara Anderson Oh... Did you delete your account? And make a new one? Or make the password harder, to guess. Also if you use the same password for you're email. They can get into you email. I'd change all my passwords.
Sim .M
+Sara Anderson Best hurry... If I can offer a bit of advice on passwords: Use a combination of lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and special characters of 8 characters long or more like s9%w^8@t$i.
Use short passphrases with special characters separating to make it difficult for crackers and could be easily remembered like cry%like@me(cry like me).
Avoid using the same combination of passwords for different websites.
If it is difficult for you to remember different passwords for different websites, then use Password Manager applications like RoboForm, 1Password, LastPass.
Why do you think human behavior in the face of the massacres carried out in Kurdistan are you silent? so since we're human beings?
The american goverment have set a good agenda for the citizen's it a good legacy, knowledge is like a garden if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested. 
Meanwhile numerous highly worrying developments are going on, completely ignored by the MSM.

Satan Anti-Christ nigger asshole Devil Obama....
sneaked in an incredible Bill through the Senate - with no warning, during a snowstorm when few would attend.

Granting himself Dictatorial fascist power to start wars at abroad at any time for any reason, and impose martial law at home - completely without recourse to Congress.


I do not speak good English and have a few days to send several letters to the White House.
I am a refugee woman
And I believe this man (Obama)
And I hope you understand my story
A good leader is he who listen attentively and knows the consequences of his utterances. Well, I think Obama deserve a good grade on this! 
Hello, yes I think President Obama is the best President ever!!! Thanks Mr President for all you have done and are doing for the better of our Country and Mankind. I like your gifts also. Peace maker's are children's of God. And that you are!
+Tim Lee lll% You are a delusional lemming following the Republicons over the cliff. Get an intellect. Do your homework, find out what this president has really done for this country.
I can't wait until the minions in Congress that have sat on their  behinds for eight years leave office. They are a pile of dog do. 
I call edmundo
a long time I have been developing a power generation equipment, use banks of batteries and alternators .that mechanical transmission system and that are transmission gears with axle bearings, bearings made a set that mi of a score of 10 to 20 times the an application of an electric motor .more infelizmento not succeeded when opening my business I was requesting a credit in the bank and I'm spending most of my life dessepçao .and poblemas that are not solved by justiça.mais I have big dreams still have esperançao having the largest manufactures in the world be employer million coloboradores, shows the world that work and you earn bread every day and respect .apezar of our country be dessepcionado by governments in we hope to improve and be a power in the market as the united states .a big hug to everyone from the White House and American brothers, and the renowned presitente obama.
good evening

I live on Martin Luther King and old Wiggins hwy pearl river county the county put up three towers in the same area and these towers are being used for mind control witch is affecting our community I live at 844 old Wiggins hwy there during meniplation mind control. Please look into this asap
It appears like I am successfully communicating much like the terminator answering my phone call home to mom in her perfect pitch because he wants to surprise me for the holidays 
+P Grimm
I love our president! It's not his color it's his heart that matters, that's what America needs a God fearing president
I think president Obama make changes where he can because people speak volume about their inner heart.

MATTHEW CHAPTER 25 A PARABLE ABOUT THE FLAT EARTH REVELATION                                                                                                                                                                                        [1] Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
[2] And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. [3] They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: [4] But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. [5] While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. [6] And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. [7] Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. [8] And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. [9] But the wise answered, saying, Not so ; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. [10] And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. [11] Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. [12] But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. [13] Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. [14] For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. [15] And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. [16] Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. [17] And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. [18] But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money. [19] After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. [20] And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. [21] His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. [22] He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them. [23] His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. [24] Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed: [25] And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine. [26] His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed: [27] Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. [28] Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents. [29] For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. [30] And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. [31] When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: [32] And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: [33] And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. [34] Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: [35] For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: [36] Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. [37] Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee ? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? [38] When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee ? [39] Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? [40] And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. [41] Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: [42] For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: [43] I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. [44] Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? [45] Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. [46] And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal
[1] Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
[2] And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. [3] They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: [4] But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. [5] While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. [6] And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. [7] Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. [8] And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. [9] But the wise answered, saying, Not so ; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. [10] And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. [11] Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. [12] But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. [13] Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. [14] For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. [15] And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. [16] Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. [17] And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. [18] But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money. [19] After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. [20] And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. [21] His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. [22] He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them. [23] His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. [24] Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed: [25] And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine. [26] His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed: [27] Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. [28] Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents. [29] For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. [30] And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. [31] When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: [32] And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: [33] And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. [34] Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: [35] For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: [36] Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. [37] Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee ? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? [38] When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee ? [39] Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? [40] And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. [41] Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: [42] For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: [43] I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. [44] Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? [45] Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. [46] And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal

هنلك اشياء رقم بساطتها تكون ثمينه ولاتقدر بثمن عند اناس كثيريين وانا احب ان احتفظ دائما بتلك الاشياء

His Excellency President, This time "Earth" and "Heaven" you are specially, because every religion and philosophy you are given the “Honors”. We are appreciating your kindness. This is the highest blessing for you.
- My Vision
SOS monsieur le président  barack Obama . Je suis tertag djamel Algérie SOS toutes les instances internationales d intervenir immédiatement après la publication de mon problème sur Internet J'accuse le dieu d'Alger le nouveau chef de la Cosa Nostra,  il m'a détourne me lots terrain le vice-ministre de la  défense  l'Algérie Ahmed Gaid  Salah je reçu des menaces de mort
১০ জানুয়ারী ১৯৭২ এর স্ব-ঘোষিত, অনির্বাচিত এবং ১/১১ সরকার কেন অবৈধ হবে না? এ সম্পর্কে পৃথক দুটি রীট করবে-------------এলএসবিমহামান্য সুপ্রীম কোর্টের সাবেক প্রধান বিচারপতি এবিএম খায়রুল হকের বিশ^ব্যাপী আলোচিত জেনারেল জিয়াউর রহমান কর্তৃক সংবিধান বর্হিভূত সামরিক শাসন জারী এবং সামরিক শাসনের আওতায় সরকার পরিচালনা সম্পূর্ন ভাবে অবৈধ ঘোষিত হয়েছে। এই কারনে যে, যদি কোন সরকার স্বঘোষিত হয়, যদি কোন সামরিক জান্তার মাধ্যমে অথবা ক্ষমতা দখল অথবা অনির্বাচিত হয় অর্থাৎ নির্র্বাচনবিহীন ব্যক্তিবর্গের দ্বারা সরকার গঠন, তাহলে উভয় প্রক্রিয়ায় গঠিত সরকারের সকল আদেশ-নির্দেশ, অধ্যাদেশ সংবিধান পরিপন্থী, সংবিধান বর্হিভূত হইবে বিধায় ইহা বাধ্যতামূলক বাতিল হইবে। এই মর্মে যে, সংবিধানের ধারা-৭ (২ এ)  পরিস্কার ভাবে বর্নিত আছে যে, “যে কোন আইনই হোক না কেন, যদি সেই আইন সমূহে সংবিধানের কোন আইনের সাথে অসামাঞ্জস্য হয় তাহলে উহা যতদুর অসামাঞ্জস্য হইবে ইহা ততদুর বাতিল হইবে”।উপরোক্ত আলোচিত আইনের প্রেক্ষিতে মহামান্য সুপ্রীম কোর্টের পঞ্চম সংশোধনী অবৈধ, এ রায়ের আওতায় জেনারেল জিয়াউর রহমানের স্ব-ঘোষিত এবং অর্নিবাচিত সামরিক শাসনের সকল আদেশ, নির্দেশ-অধ্যাদেশ ঘোষণার আলোকে মাননীয় হাইকোর্ট সাবেক রাষ্ট্রপতি হুসেন মুহাঃ এরশাদ এর ২৪ মার্চ, ১৯৮২ তে স্ব-ঘোষিত এবং অর্নিবাচিত সামরিক শাসনের ৯ বছরের সকল কর্মকান্ডের আদেশ, নির্দেশ, অধ্যাদেশ ৭ম সংশোধনীকে অবৈধ ঘোষণা করা হয়েছে।বর্তমান প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার আওয়ামী সরকার সংবিধানে পূর্ববর্তী ধারা-৫৮, যাহার আওতায় ৯০ দিনের জন্য স্ব-ঘোষিত এবং অর্র্নিবাচিত তত্বাবধায়ক সরকার প্রক্রিয়াকে সংসদে বিল আনয়নের মাধ্যমে দুই-তৃতীয়াংশ ভোটে অবৈধ ঘোষণা দিয়ে সংবিধান পরিবর্তন ও পরিবর্ধন করেছেন। ৫ম সংশোধনী রায়ের আলোকে যাহার ফলে “তত্বাবধায়ক সরকার পদ্ধতি অর্থাৎ সংবিধানের ৫৮ নং ধারা, উহার কার্যকারিতা হারিয়েছে এবং তত্বাবধায়ক সরকার অবৈধ ঘোষিত হয়েছে।৫ম সংশোধনী এই মর্মে অবৈধ ঘোষিত হয়েছে যে, যদি কোন সরকার অর্নিবাচিত হয় তাহলে তার সকল আদেশ-নিদেশ, অধ্যাদেশ বাধ্যতামূলক অবৈধ হইবে বিধায় সাংবিধানিক আইনের ধারাবাহিকতায় প্রতিফলন হিসেবে আজ প্রশ্ন জেগেছে যে, “ স্ব-ঘোষিত এবং অর্নিবাচিত ১০ জানুয়ারী ১৯৭২ এর অবৈধতার আবর্তে ঘোষিত সরকার কি বৈধ ছিল? আরো প্রশ্ন জাগে যে ৫ম সংশোধনী অবৈধ ঘোষণার ফলে ১০ জানুয়ারী ১৯৭২ এর স্ব-ঘোষিত এবং অর্নিবাচিত সরকারের আদেশ, নির্দেশ, অধ্যাদেশ সমূহকে কেন অবৈধ ঘোষণা করা হবে না? এই মর্মে কারন দর্শাইতে বলা যাবে না? ১/১১/২০০৭ সালে জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচন করার জন্য তত্বাবধায়ক সরকার প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়। সাংবিধানিক ভাবে ৯০ দিনের জন্য বৈধ ছিল। কারন সংবিধানের ৫৮-ধারা মতে তত্বাবধায়ক সরকার পদ্ধতির সরকার নিয়োগ থেকে ৯০ দিনে মধ্যে জাতীয় নির্বাচন করে নির্বাচিত সরকারের নিকট ক্ষমতা হস্তান্তর করবে। কিন্তু নির্ধারিত ৯০ দিন পেরিয়ে প্রধান উপদেষ্টা ড. ফখরুদ্দীন আহমেদ এবং সেনাপ্রধান জেনারেল মঈন ইউ আহমেদ পরিচালিত অবৈধ সরকার প্রায় দুই বছর যে সরকার পরিচালনা করেছিলেন সেটা সংবিধান বর্হিভূত ও সংবিধান পরিপন্থী, আল্ট্রা ভাইরেজ মাত্র। ৫ম সংশোধনী অবৈধতার আবর্তে তথাকথিত ১/১১ সরকার পূর্নাঙ্গভাবে অবৈধ থাকা সত্বেও কেন অদ্যাবধি উক্ত ১/১১ সরকারকে অবৈধ ঘোষণা করা হবে না এ সম্পর্কে আয়ামীলীগ সরকারকে কারণ দর্শাইতে হবে। ১/১১ সরকারের সকল আদেশ, অধ্যাদেশ, নির্দেশ অবৈধ ছিল বিধায় কেন জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচন ২০০৮ এর নির্বাচনী তফশীলকে অবৈধ ঘোষনা করা হবে। সে মর্মেও আওয়ামীলীগ সরকারকে কারন দর্শাইতে হইবে। বাংলাদেশের সংবিধানে সার্বভৌম আইনানুগ কর্মক্ষমতা ভূলণ্ঠিত এবং অকার্যকর হবে।বাংলাদেশ আইন সমাজ (এলএসবি) ১৩ /২ /২০১৬ বিকেলে সংগঠনের কেন্দ্রীয় কার্যালয় এক আলোচনা সভায় সংগঠনের নেতৃবৃন্দ এ কথা বলেন। এ্যাড. শাহ মোঃ সমীর আলী খান এর সভাপতিত্বে  দেশের বর্তমান রাজনৈতিক পরিস্থিতি নিয়ে এ  আলোচনা সভায় বক্তব্য রাখেন প্রবীণ আইনজীবী এ্যাড. আবুবক্কর সিদ্দিক, এ্যাড. আবুল হোসেন খান,  এ্যাড. নারগীস পারভীন, এ্যাড. রুহুল আমীন সহ বিভিন্ন আইনজীবী নেতৃবৃন্দ। বক্তরা আরো বলেন  যে, ঐতিহাসিক সাংবিধানিক ধারাবাহিকতার প্রচ্ছদপট এই দৃষ্টান্তই উপস্থাপন করে যে, ১৯৭০ সালের পাকিস্তান সেনাবাহিনীর সামরিক শাসন চলাকালীন তাদেরই নির্দেশিত ঘোষনা বলে লিগ্যাল ফ্রেম ওর্য়াক অর্ডার, ১৯৭০ (এলএমও) ঘোষিত নির্বাচন তফশীল মতে নির্বাচনে অংশ গ্রহনকারী এবং নির্বাচনে বিজয়ী আওয়ামীলীগের সদস্য ন্যাশনাল এ্যাসেম্বলী  অব পাকিস্তান (এমএনএ) কেবলমাত্র তারাই নির্বাচিত সরকার গঠনের সাংবিধানিক বৈধ অধিকার পেয়েছিল। কিন্তু বর্বর পাকিস্তান সেনাবাহিনীর ২৫ মার্চ ১৯৭১ এর বাংলাদেশের আপামর জনগনের উপরে অতর্কিত নৃশ^ংস, মমান্তিক গণহত্যার দাবানল চালানোর কারনে নির্বাচিত আওয়ামী লীগ এমএনএ ন্যাশনাল এ্যাসেম্বলী অব পাকিস্তান দেশ ও জাতিকে ঐ বরোরচিত হত্যাযজ্ঞের হাত থেকে রক্ষার জন্য মহান মুক্তিযুদ্ধ পরিচালনার লক্ষে কেবলমাত্র নির্বচিত প্রতিনিধিদের ধারা বৈধ স্বাধীন সার্বভৌম বাংলাদেশ সরকার গঠন করেছিলেন ঐ সরকারের নির্দেশে ও নেতৃত্বে মহান মুক্তিযুদ্ধ পরিচালিত হয়। এমনকি ঐ সরকারের বৈধতার প্রমাণ  হিসেবে ৩০ লক্ষ বাঙালী আত্মহুতি দিয়েছিলেন। বাংলাদেশের প্রথম সরকার মুজিব নগরে উত্থাপিত হয়েছিল। সেই সরকারের প্রধান ছিলেন বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান। তাঁর অনুপস্থিতিতে তাঁর স্থলাভিষিক্ত হয়েছিলেন  অস্থায়ী রাষ্ট্রপতি সৈয়দ নজরুল ইসলাম প্রধানমন্ত্রী ছিলেন তাজউদ্দিন আহমেদ। সুতরাং সংবিধানের ধারা-৭   মতে “ জনগণই সকল ক্ষমতার উৎস” এর আওতায় ১৭ মার্চ মেহেরপুরে মুজিবনগরে প্রতিষ্ঠিত বাংলাদেশে প্রথম স্বাধীন স্বার্বভৌম সরকার জনগনের অকুণ্ঠ সমার্থন পেয়েছিল বিধায় বৈধ। কিন্তু ১০ জানুয়ারী ১৯৭২ সালে রেসকোর্স ময়দানে (সারোয়ার্দী উদ্যান) বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান কর্তৃক স্ব-ঘোষিত এবং অর্নিবাচিতদের দ্বারা যে সরকারটি ঘোষিত হয়েছিল, ইহাতে বঙ্গবন্ধু নিজেকে নিজেই স্ব-ঘোষিত প্রধানমন্ত্রী এবং স্ব-ঘোষিত অর্নিবাচিত বিচারপতি-আবু সাঈদ চৌধুরীকে রাষ্ট্রপতি ঘোষণা করেছিলেন। উহা কেন অবৈধ ঘোষণা করা হবে না? এই মর্মে যে ১৬ ডিসেম্বর ১৯৭১ হইতে স্বাধীনতা অর্জন পরবর্তী ১০ জানুয়ারী ১৯৭২ এর সময়ের মধ্যে কোন নির্বাচন অনুষ্ঠান না হওয়ায় “স্ব-ঘোষিত এবং অর্নিবাচিত সরকার অবৈধ ছিল”। যাহা ৫ম সংশোধনী মতে, অবৈধ। মহামান্য সুপ্রীম কোর্টের রায়ের ঘোষণার আলোকে অবৈধ ছিল বিধায়, ১৯৭২ সালের ১০ জানুয়ারী ঘোষিত সরকারের আদেশ, নির্দেশ, অধ্যাদেশ কেন অবৈধ হবে না? ইহার কারন বর্তমান আওয়ামীলীগ সরকারকে জবাবদিহি করতে হবে? এবং মহান মুক্তিযুদ্ধে অংশগ্রহণ কারী মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের আত্মহুতিকে বিদায় করতে ৯৩ হাজার বর্বর পাকিস্তান বাহিনীকে কোন আইনে বলয়ে ফেরত দিয়েছিলেন সেটার জবাবদিহি আওয়ামীলীগ সরকারকে করতে হবে।সভায় সর্বসম্মতিক্রমে সিদ্ধান্ত গৃহীত হয় যে, ১. মঈন-ফখরুদ্দীন পরিচালিত জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচন কেন অবৈধ হবে না?২. ১০ ই জানুয়ারী ১৯৭২ এর স্ব-ঘোষিত এবং অর্নিবাচিত সরকার কেন অবৈধ এবং এই দুই সরকারের আদেশ, নির্দেশ-অধ্যাদেশ কেন বাতিল হবে না? এই বিষয় মাননীয় রীট বেঞ্চে পৃথক দুটি রীট দায়ের করা হবে এবং আইনজীবী হিসেবে ব্যারিষ্টার জাকির আহমেদ চৌধুরীকে  উক্ত রীট দুটি পরিচলনার দায়িত্বভার অর্পন করা হবে।বার্ত প্রেরকএ্যাড. আবুল হোসেন 
P Grimm
Please do not write long comments. This is not a book store. 
Whitehouse - would broadcasting sounds of words from a falling bomb somehow help the new efforts at lol gun control (considering the whitehouse rules world wide and buys off justice systems with metadata limits and overbloated justices who cant open an attachment (how is one ment to be innocent when the ISP simply to prevent a users right ensures there is never ever a DOWNLOAD YOUR METADATA hyperlink - are the bribes coming from i guess must be share holders of private run justice centres that good - whats the line again - if anyone is against us they must be one of them)
My club, Smart Coffee Club, is promoting a new bill for legislature. I want the education system to teach and test students the numerical ABC's. Everyone sees the world in letters and words. Why not see it in numbers too? I was never taught this in school and it is sad because there is so much to be learned in this idea and it is so easy. Just think how it would be if every letter so knew was a number at the same time. I plan on promoting this idea until it gets passed. Please consider this. 
Thank you.

Charles Yarbrough

P Grimm
Well Charles, I think words should be symbols.. But Arabic and Kanji are out there.. Damm!! now I must learn all over again...
Tim D
+Aaron Fishman Hell yea. This SSA is a piece of crap filled with bullies who stamp out your first amendment rights through the threat of physical force.
Adele A
Hello President Obama, 

I love the fact you're a hit with the centenarians these days. I would love to see the White house perhaps champion more initiatives that allow young people (10-35) to interact with the aged. For those shut in, it would be a boost to their morale and for young folks a crash course in wisdom, as you are well aware grandparents make us better people and dare I say better leaders.

This request is personal given My grandmother Rebecca "Baby" ( queue dirty dancing theme song) Nicholas will be  joining the centenarian club on April 6th.  I can't believe that I've been blessed to love someone who has literally seen the world change over decades. She's my Highlander!

 She was orphaned at 9 and basically raised herself and 2 younger sisters. The odds were certainly against her, yet she survived and thrived as a day laborer on the small island of Antigua.

Part of her success comes from the fact, My Grandma and the first lady share a zeal for education especially educating young women.  Her 8 children ( 7 girls and 1 boy) have become educators, nurses and generally amazing human beings.  She also passed on her love of reading to her grand kids. My twin sister, Jenelle and I, our first memories are reading a Watchtower Magazine with her, Granny being our storyteller and a walking dictionary.

I know visiting My Grandma and Mount Obama in Antigua isn't the most practical of  requests but I'd love to commemorate her life with a letter of recognition or certificate of amazing-ness with your seal of approval.
 I think this would make my Grandma an extremely happy older person, she doesn't walk any more but I'm sure she'd levitate with this gift.

 Perhaps she'll be a super centenarian and we can all meet some day, our doors are open. Thanks for  listening, being  brave, kind, and the most thoughtful of Presidents. You're someone who challenges me to raise my respect for humanity on a daily basis. #AdeleasksObama
Continued Success!
Hi my name is sina please answer me in a quicker time. please answer me a person from u.s.a.i am 18
Tim D
+P Grimm Actually you'd have a better chance of somebody caring in a book store. But these people can write as much as they want. After all odrama don't give a damn. None if them do. As long as they get the paycheck your giving them. 1 out of 13 people work for the government on a state or federal level. The only ones underpaid are the armed services. You don't hear these people griping about poverty and they won't. When they want a raise they'll just take it. Oh look. I almost wrote a book.
I just had a printing of a Saddam Hussein target and I just shot it up with my bb gun.
METADATA ART - must be nice to obtain the rights to peoples art work - its called METADATA.
Must be nice to STEAL peoples property by false advertisement which paints up anything else but the truth of the actual product (to remove from you your art works which is METADATA); 99 years time these thieves will be selling your art works. (behind the scenes goes a trade where Mr Gates, Jobs and others metadata is already worth a fair bit and thanks to technology to store it upon a tiny disc would increase its value, more so if there was only a limited amount of copies).
May you all have Peace and Love in your heart always!!!
Stop chemical trails I'm going to pray god has his day with you if you don't he will throw your black ass in help then let the Devil have his way with you
cover up sept11 if happens it happens that's what the fbi told me holyspirit told me he murder his own son
Ao senhor excelentíssimo presidente do estados da Unidos da América.
 Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. 16 de março de 2016.

Senhor presidente Obama, sei que seus interesses políticos nesse momento soam mais importantes, não te envio essa carta para pedir ajuda ao governo do meu país, mas para me ajudar a crescer em Seu País. Passo por um tempo de crise, minha mãe ganha pouco, e eu divido um quarto com ela na casa de minha avó. O que te peço é uma oportunidade de emprego em sua terra, para que eu tire minha mãe e minha avó das dificuldades. Espero que receba este email, e se possível me ajudar.
O senhor não se arrependerá em me ajudar, sou eficiente e pró-ativo, o que preciso é de uma grande oportunidade. Me disponho a servir sua nação, e mesmo que eu seja ignorado, agradeço a quem seja por ter me dado esses minutos de atenção. Lucas Lincoln
“ The Kremlin is burning ! ” = ACTIVATE ALL BUNKERS IMMEDIATELY ! “ Explosion in the center of Moscow ! ” __________ “ Tram lines on fire! ” “Trolleybus explosion!” – social media users were quite alarmed as massive clouds of “smoke” engulfed an embankment near the Kremlin. Read More
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark for YouTube comment and relevant vetted link sharing ! 
= just turn in your Noble Peace Prize medal or donated it to the worthy berry , bee that mensch I once meet so many years ago ! Go with class and style and show that even a War Beast is able to turn their will and serve life forward with dignity in good leading example , bud ! Bee as the venerated grand & glorious Haile Selassie I (23 July 1892 – 27 August 1975), born Tafari Makonnen Woldemikael in turn ing the missUSed sceptre inn [ SIR Exclamation Mark ! ]
Hi, I am 9 years old and I have a question for you. Why would you cut down trees or create pollution and harm a animal's habitat and food? Can't you create any type of law for that???

+Meenakshi Muppidi

I'm not Barack,but i'm a truly amazing human and thank you for caring correctly of what you do during your life.

With that being said you are probably pretty smart and i want to help you with alittle something such as laws are laws and what truly helps individuals and such on this world isn't so much the laws that help such as it's amazing children and such whom help such as by doing what the does and by not doing what the doesn't do such as a example per se would be to do amazingly correct human behaviors for far more than just the self and by not doing horrible behaviors for far more than just the self.

Also it's obvious if the Gov. employees were evaluated that there's alot of bad ones whom don't truly care about such amazing children and such how i'm meaning such as such Gov. employees are selfish and such Gov. employees lie alot,but there are truly amazing children whom are so amazingly loving and such which does help life in many correct ways such as helping individuals be able to improve at caring about others such as caring about individuals worthy of caring about which is better to have than if everyone were a selfish Gov. employee whom pretends to love kids and yet will not truly help such kids with what is really important how i'm meaning.

There are some amazing humans around the world and the amazing humans are whom truly love what's amazing about you even if them other amazing humans don't know you such as imagine types of amazing humans that are so truly amazing and with that being said it's them whom do love you even if they can't speak the same language as you or such being that it's the correct things you do that are some of why the loves you even if they don't know you.

Thank you for caring about others and i hope you have a truly amazing life ahead of you for far more than just your self with alot of happiness of things that are truly worthy of being happy about.

Sincerely,Michael William Stugart

I am one more person the President has yet to meet.
Mr. Obama we have some important issues to discuss.
I hate the rulers of America, all of whom they killed millions of people Algraca and still kills a lot of them because of their government reprisals, but I love the US because they're downright difficult not satisfied with the actions of their rulers
Buen Viaje Barack!! La pasaste muy bien en mi país Pero te perdiste la oportunidad de visitar su centro matriz, TUCUMAN Espero que la historia diga que tu visita no fue para lamentar😳😒
The white house public ln which present Obama share with lngrid Nisen the stories of the things he carries with him that remind him of the people he ,s met
Go he gov/youtub asks Obama 
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We are expecting an email within two working days. Presumably if we check on Thursday, it may have arrived. However, as we have explained to someone else we never look forwards to anything either good or bad. Thus we are never frustrated or disappointed. They explained that this was akin to a 'Buddhist philosophy'.
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السلام عليكم حفظكم
الله ورعاكم وبارك
الله في عملكم

يا أهل الخير ساعدوني على هده الرسالة لتصل لرجل الإنسانية الرئيس أوباما. جعله الله في موقف العز والكمال والبهجة والجلال

إلى حضرة سيدي الرئيس أوباما
أنا مسجون في بيتي ارحم قلبي
سيدي الرئيس

سيدي الرئيس أوباما أنا شاب من بلاد المغرب التي تحتفظ لكم وللشعب الأمريكي الخالد بحب عميق وتقدير متأصل لما رسمته دولة أمريكا الحبيبة من بصمات بيضاء في قلوب ونفوس المغاربة، كتلك البصمات الخالدة التي رسمتم في وجدان الشعوب العربية والإسلامية والإنسانية جمعاء.
ولأنكم سيدي حفظك الله في خدمة الأمة الإنسانية، من تفريج لكرب، وتحسين لأوضاع الناس، ودعم للقضايا العادلة، وبذل سخي للأموال لإدخال الفرحة على قلوب البائسين وزرع بسمة الأمل في قلوب المحزونين . سيجعلكم الله في موقف العز والكمال والبهجة والجلال إنه هو العزيز الجبار المتكبر القهار ويجعل مقامكم عالي يارب آمييين.

سيدي الرئيس أوباما أنا خالد من المغرب مدير عام شركة فلاحية لغرس أشجار الزيتون ولدي تجربة كبيرة غرست 6000 هكتار من أشجار الزيتون للفلاحين ولدي جميع الوثائق العمل . جعلت الثقة في ناس مقربين لي يعملون معي لكن خدعوني والآن أعيش في ظروف صعبة بسبب الديون ولن أخرج من بيتي لمدة 16 أشهر وأنا مسجون وعملي متوقف ولدي 2 بنات طرقت جميع الأبواب ولم ينفعني أحد إلا الله الدي جعلني أكتب لسيادتكم وجعلني متفائل بالخير منكم أصلي بالليل والنهار لكي يفرج الله همي وأدعو الله أن يحفظك يا أهل الخير ساعدني .أنا شاب عمري 28 سنة كسبت تجربة كبيرة بسبب هده الأزمة . ولدي طموح كبير أريد تطوير عملي في دول إفريقيا أتمنى أن تساندني وسأكون في حسن ظنك يا سيدي .
سيدي الرئيس أوباما أنا أؤمن بالعمل الجاد و النجاح، فالنجاح يلد النجاح، وهذا ما يحفزني للمضي قدماً. ولكنني أؤمن كذلك بمساعدة منك سيدي الرئيس أوباما. بطاقتي وبتجربتي العالية سأعمل بالجد وسأكون في حسن ظنك يا سيدي الرئيس أوباما حفظك الله .

I dream, I wish, I ask, * .because the saying goes,. *. together we shall make the difference, I want a universal international tribunal for the rights of disabled people in our era, I think it will make a positive impact for all the disabled people and for future generations.
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"...  the things he carries with him ..."
The White House

This is an English habit and is known in the vernacular as 'souvenir collecting'. There may be reality, ritual, and a little bit of magic. Someone's ex-wife may have been surprised that after over a decade every single souvenir relating to a relationship had been collected and maintained in perfect condition by other members of someone's family, despite frequent including international moves, and that with a great deal of financial expense that person was able to FedEx them back to the family home. Her spiritual life may now have improved. However, there may have been an family heirloom dating back generations — a table top mirror. The family of the person who did the FedExing may have been unreliably informed that the said mirror had been broken and discarded. You see, the most important souvenir may have been kept intact, damaged to produce an hex, or, etc...
Dear mr. president I understand your point of view about opiates and addiction , please consider us the ones who have serious chronic problem , the best medication that have done a great deal in controling my information pain was naproxen sodium Aleve it have done a better job than opiates ,
the problem here it's a poison it destroys the liver and kidneys after taking it for almost 20 years my kidney function went down to 71% , I've asked my nephrologist if I could do anything to reverse the situation his answer was NO , damage is permanent there is nothing that we know of to repair this kind of damage , that was his answer
Finally I came across a pain management specialist who believed in me and my problem , he put me on Fentanyl and I increased my usage of supplements such as Milk thistle , Bitter melon , Alpha lipoic acid , Vitamin D,
My last lab works indicated that my kidney function has improved up to 82% from 71% , my nephrologist was clearly surprised of the results ,
it is my extreme believe the Fentanyl played a big role in controlling my pain and put me on the road in the direction of healing ,
At the same time I have become disabled discs in my neck and my lower back that is in addition to total knee replacement , I am someone who had to work since I was 13 , in the old country we work from Sunrise until the job is done , time meant nothing for us and now sitting at home doing nothing is torturous to me , after my accident I want from being 275 pounds to 350 pounds my diabetes went up to 250 before , I started feeling as if I'm stepping on a cactus , right now my sugar in the blood is around 110 and my weight is about 300 and improving ,
pain management drug Fentanyl have give me the leverage that I need to get up and do things , I sincerely believe Fentanyl is a life-saving drug , In good time I'll be back to where I was before hopefully ,
Please mr. president when you consider the new rules and regulations please consider us the ones who truly need pain management , I truly believe such issues need to be left to the doctor and patient ,
I travel to South America Lima Peru to be exact in which I had to get medical attention , I was surprised to find out the doctors in South America where much more efficient than American doctors for the simple fact they have the leverage to do whatever needs to be done without there hands tied down from certain rules and regulations , please mr. President in the process of making rules and regulation have you compassion parallel to common sense .
Sincerely the one who have voteted for you twice
thank you

why, why Mr. President Barack Obama Sir, Why you forget me,
We used to do a lot of different types of dancing. But we now often we just do the Hula Hula, just with our hands and arms, and if the beat is fast we just catch every fourth one, taking it easy. You see The President was born in Hawaii.


Hello I am Carlos André Barbosa , Brazilian , married, father of a 16 year old daughter , cocluindo the average Esino this year 2016 , I am unemployed for two years , through many physical and finaneira difficulties , I live in a neighborhood that does not have running water or sanitation basic , will have asphalt or public transport, has selective collection, would like to help, power bill , won without codições to pay bills , missing food, I hope you can help me .

Address: 02 # 19
Neighborhood : Mandaru Park
City: Petrolina
State : Pernambuco
Country Brazil
+55 87 98842-4615
Mr. President, my apologies. I was poking around on this computer and found some unusual files which I was permitted to delete. The files are back, but permissions have now changed. However, one of the computers in the office seems not to work any more. I hope I have created no damage.
Mr. President, again my apologies. We used to speak of "orchestrated coincidence", but it became so infuriating that we then began to refer to the matter as "sabotage". It appears that others have noticed this change in emphasis and begun to carry out the second on those who carry out the first.
But sure scheduling shadow functionalism could help provide resulting in reality's requests of liable linguistic logics and then allow modeling mode to take part of chosen decision such that: envelop = ± shadow * object * ( shadow  -  object ) / (shadow + object)³ 

الشعب ينتخب المجلس البلدي .  المجلس البلدي  ينتخب الوالي .  الوالي  ينتخب الرّئيس = الإصلاح الرّئاسي حيث يلتقي القضاء و دافع التّقوى . ما يسمو في مجلس الأمّة :: كلّ حزب له نفس أخرى حيث عدد المقاعد سواءا :: الذي خلق فسوى :: عدد موّحد للكلّ مثلا 12 مقعد لكلّ حزب :: والذي قدر فهدى

To be going to want to be ... to be going to hope to be ...
be awoken .... consider amount
not alive .... not away ... not ago ........ once try
not atop .... not aside ......not around ...... but across ...
not afraid .... not asleep day you will be like me ...
but sure you will meet a day ....although you will be aware ...
suddenly it is a progress check to deny ...
thus you will access any necessary job ...
in order to resolve convinced challenge that adopts "life is good as it could .... so awake to be ahead and never try to be alone ...what is insert this is a flow to wish to rue to cry to deny ... life is good as it could .... so awake to be ahead and never try to be alone ... what is insert this is a flow to wish to rue to cry to deny ..."

In fact, hidden crafts could be broken because adopted challenge thoughts could not appear to be making a lot of success in conceiving career. Thus, human souls alive look for perforated projects guess that any liable logics would be fine to fairly act in art class driven dynamics shares best treasures within intentional inspiration impact effects. Although, to say something angrily mounts principle managements to fall away from joy. But a quick start up to grow upon could believe in easy simple way holds open mind within concern insight impact whom enjoyable logics is involving inside inquiry "link meet ideal idea into, any deny or cry, never forget to be forgiven or to say hello". Hence, this insight impact could disappear behind scheduling shows of toggling punishment, which could fail when human souls will be afraid because this corresponding human soul has never done anything good across corresponding chosen mount management and its trust time. Therefore, herewith, trust time should be discrete based upon liable linguistic surround set = {(measurable(amount), utility(tool)), (instill(node), symbolic(mode)), (custom(event), trust(time)) = (while it Results in x = unknown fashion flow or not defined, manage or mount it Translates or Returns y = ye or you or yet or yielding or yelling ...)}. 

Even though, insight impact has to be brave in order to provide importance facts discover toggling shows which could be natural fashion flow of inquiry "God will punish you if you fail. But one ye chest way could ask God to be forgiven". Thus, valid variation of liable linguistic logics has to invoke wooden water wheel's mount management to make sudden noise of modeling mode going far away. Human soul look for perforated principles promise that liable linguistic logics could feel free to recognize what safer and workaround of enjoyable joy should be. But mount management of inherent insight impact could jump and disappear in dark water, whereby scheduling process of conceiving creationism deals with this dark water to be human psyche soul's scheduling utility tools. Thus, exerting examples :: to climb trees, monkey has hands and tail over the sides of theology was part of rowing boat wanted to be married (coupled with) by now with psyche soul scheduling shows or to get home into higher hierarchy harmony invests insight impact within liable linguistic logics proposal principles and performing projects to pull liable linguistic logics off its chain in order to reach joy's treasure for advancing key that's aware to keep soul's passion safe runs corresponding jobs based upon inquiry "have eyes search the ocean to understand what leaves or makes us sad". 

Furthermore to join balancing shoulder try, scheduling key should hang on a chain around inquiry "laughed smiles and moved away characters to drop tired head then to say "this could never loose gaming part". Thus, insight impact brings upon towards a customization captain treats conceiving mount managements of sail of ship's liable logics that could take step closer to perform away scheduling job based upon  surround set = {(measurable(amount), utility(tool)), (instill(node), symbolic(mode)), (custom(event), trust(time)) = (while it Results in x = unknown fashion flow or not defined, manage or mount it Translates or Returns y = ye or you or yet or yielding or yelling ...)}. 

Hence, it is hard to agree that two human souls could be similar, when they are going to hope to be free and selfish. Valid variation of trust tractability develop more convenient scheduling logics to provide what is honest should be accordingly to stable accessibility of human psyche soul's utility tools. But concrete knowledge culture would be a progress joy of discrete design using liable logics revolves around beautiful insight impact. Discuss how to be alive when it is possible to be aware or afraid by finding or accomplishing insight impact whose wide enough world of inspiration could revolve around important trust has to provide higher harmonic interest of symbolic social function orders finance outlet among over liable linguistic logics and intentional thoughts deals with liable lord to be who has to result in reality's requests or has to distinguish a chosen advise that could be inserted into scheduling projects of human soul's interactive interests. Why process measures proof's principles when knowledge cultures could govern investigation projects around insight impact. Thus for upper-class lord with inner intellectual insight impact, human higher hierarchy homes should deal with well quietness of something should be ready for super out across management. This could be associate with equiprobability of people party kind. Therefore, for any people party kind a fixed equiprobability should be assigned. This equiprobability could be equal to 1 over 30 or constant equiprobability = 0.033 staying forever within touch contact of logic thoughts belongs to liable upper-class lord with inner intellectual insight impact.
Department of Fish and Wildlife are a bunch of criminals with wildlife allowing all sort of tortures on wildlife! 
Keep your nose out of our business, England has nothing to do with you if you are so keen to be in the EU join up we don't want it.
Mr Obama no more war let peace in USA (harim aa?PNG) because u are a corrupt leader.
Once they have left Europe, and the British passport may not be the respected document it once was, they have rounded themselves up in a field, and you can...
Australian Federal Police have since 2013 been monitoring my content (imho they started long before that); So posting a reply to me was not the smart thing to do after all - i need to inform all of this as your information may of been sort by the Australian Federal Police. Sorry
focus on butterfly me again to struggle freedom way....focus on butterfly me again to insert joy draw
be ago to check what love has done …. above to schedule sight sign
as fruit of spirit:: well against quiet perhaps nice against smart
Although:: I'm going to tell you something : a child has to provide faith show and gentle glory Roy"s law. 
So take a road map to be straight inline in order to fulfill peace mind of being asleep away
but never to survive against being afraid and not aware.
Though, broken bridges order a field across what is called "engineering around exploitation"
never to invoke combined lust flow in order to split into flesh roots
whatsoever human psyche soul lives within humorous insight, inner intellectual inspiration impact has to walk inside spirit skins or to buy running ranch in announced amount.
Thus, broken bridges can pick up a chosen field across what is called engineering to exploitation

مرّي أيّامي المرّة فالممات نجاتي :: الدّستور خاطئ  و يدعو إلى ربّ لا يوجد
:: زكى الرجل نفسه إذا وصفها وأثنى عليها :: 
لقد كان في قصصهم عبرة لأولي الألباب ما كان حديثا يفترى ولكن تصديق الذي بين يديه وتفصيل كل شيء وهدى ورحمة لقوم يؤمنون

In fact, modeling modes of proposal processing manipulates liable Lord's linguistic logics could then evolve basic built in behavior of mount management such that: 

1. mapping pair (genuine = sin², unjust = cos²) could be used. Not only this exerting equivalence could be invoked but also other mathematical amount quantities such as :; genuine = exp(- +) and unjust = exp(- 1/) or genuine = -1 + 1/cos² and unjust = -1 +1/sin² or genuine = tg² and unjust = cotg² or genuine = -1 + 1/exp( - + ) and unjust = -1 + 1/exp( 1/+) or genuine = sin².cos²/(sin² - cos²)² and unjust = (sin² - cos²)² /(sin².cos²) or genuine = f²/(1 + f²) and unjust = 1/(1 + f²) or genuine = Log(1 + +) /( 1+ Log(1 + +) and unjust = 1/(1 + Log(1 + +) or genuine = f².exp(..)/(1 + f²exp(...) and unjust = 1/(1 + f².exp(...)), etc …

2. Liable Lord rejoices the more human psyche souls wish or want to be going to hope to be ...: Therefore, inner intellectual inspiration impact should then generate valid variation of driven dynamics design discusses conceiving characteristics of proposal linguistic logics, whereby mount management of aware knowledge culture should then invoke manipulated manufacturing's resulting in reality fabric, whereby inquiry question string of "I officially thing about valuable joy …"

3. By consultation of inner intellectual inspiration impact, wherewith humorous insight could be comforted in liable linguistic logics to provide what human psyche soul scheduling procedure could achieve as example, people parliament party kinds could then be involving inside equi-probability process such that constant probability = 1/30 = 0.00333 for any people party kind to to design what is focussing on dynamic democracy should be resulting in reality fabric. Therefore, this constant probability = 0.00333 could be earnest desire and fervent mind of corresponding mount management links people party kinds toward Lord's promises, which are asking for cleaning operating social symbolic functions order finance outlets from all filthiness of any flesh or toughness.

Thus, among any inquiry question string of " make humorous insight of whom sorry or glad ..." should have concrete confidence in all advancing aware knowledge cultures of theological joy produce more faith flow in valid abundance unto forgiven overcharge and symbolic sincerity, which have never to corrupt the world of liable Lord's linguistic logics. Therefore, proposal passion should then provide more reality's requests of harmonic heart's inspiration insights to treat synchronized support of human psyche soul's sufficiency (try never to allow ourselves to steal valid treasures of any kindness belongs to inner intellectual inspiration insight. Although should deal with glorious principles of harmonic countenance whose glory guide should be done aware away for any proposal ministration of theological spirit that shall split towards liable Lord scheduling judgments : love, joy, peace, faith, why not to suffer for creationism's conceiving customization process,  ...).

4. Peace open mind process to realize resulting in reality's request of human psyche soul dynamics and mount management mechanisms:: in fact human psyche souls should then enjoy open faces beholding valid balance behaviors as they were defined inside adequate glass transparency tractability process of the glossy glory guide orders free thought focus towards theological Lord. Hence, within discrete event simulation, two or more primordial parameters, which could be conscience and glossy glory guide appearances should then provide dead mount management involving inside human psyche soul scheduling procedures (for example be work less or homeless or harmful or tough joy ...) resolve sincerely occasion and finance opportunity.

5. architectural advises and real readiness should then provide dynamics open mind to fill in acceptable desires of human psyche souls. Therefore, abundance may be a supporting supply for such desirable wishes gather little bit lucky joy for individual inspiration insight subjects belongs to inquiry question strings" no one should blame us inside love focus and O lovely Lord God would help me to reach ...something symbolic and probably proposal project ....".

6. Personal dictionary or field focus :: therewith concrete categorization of symbolic sailing functions operate finance outlets should then develop goodness of judgment and evolve evocative exploitation of human desirable dynamics across achievable architectures facing justice joy and shyness issues of perfect projects. Hence, to attempt appeals of tasting trust tractability, utility tools should then improvise beyond any proposal personal dictionary ensures glory dignity and favorite approvals. Thus, engineering exploitation of personal dictionary and field focus might appeal to proposal projects looking for symbolic synchronization which could be unique and celestial heavenly.
I think with the third last post I said my piece, spelled peace. I'm a New Testament man. I trust in The Lord for my vengeance. "I am just a poor boy. Though my story's seldom told,..." -- Simon and Garfunkel.
Dear Mr president my name is Martín castro Requena from Spain
I send you a email to you regarding to my problem please help me Mr president im desperate please my fone number is 50760748484 im in Panamá please contacto me sir 
Concrete company should be scoped up ... woeful doorway has to wipe up
So get up into peace posture of guilty joy ... so pick up faith trust to fulfill democratic draw
But both me and you must meet life in raised wise ... whereby Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are aware across away ....
آليّات الثّقافة :: لا حياة لمن لا ثمار له ::
 مرّي أيّامي المرّة مرّي أيّامي المرّة فالممات هي النّجاتي و الحياة هي بنائي و المقامي هو غفراني مرّي أيّامي المرّة
 مرّي أيّامي المرّة فالهوى شيط نكراني و السّماء طريق ندائي و السّحاب سير أماني مرّي أيّامي المرّة
 مرّي أيّامي المرّة فالتّوحيد جحيم أحلامي و التّوجيه حيران نكراني مرّي أيّامي المرّة
 مرّي أيّامي المرّة :: الشّعب ينتخب المجلس البلدي 
و منه يختار المرشحون لمنصب الوالي 
و قس على ذالك إلى منصب الرّئيس الذي ينتخب من مجموعة 
الولاّة المرشحة لرّآسة::
 ولقد خلقنا الإنسان من سلالة من طين 

next ثم جعلناه نطفة في قرار مكين 

then ثم خلقنا النطفة علقة فخلقنا العلقة مضغة فخلقنا المضغة عظاما فكسونا العظام لحما ثم أنشأناه خلقا آخر فتبارك الله أحسن الخالقين

concrete company should be scoped up ... woeful doorway has to wipe up
so get up into peace posture of guilty joy ... so pick up faith trust to fulfill democratic draw
It was evident that woody wall has to flow ... never dragged body never battle troops nor fashion fear
Express posy passion and ask for who could get it up mechanism and look for open mind ....
concrete company should be scoped up ... woeful doorway has to wipe up
so get up into peace posture of guilty joy ... so pick up faith trust to fulfill democratic draw
workaround certainly will appreciate you for your sake .... and any workshop absolutely would improve generous proper love ....
concrete company should be scoped up ... woeful doorway has to wipe up
so get up into peace posture of guilty joy ... so pick up faith trust to fulfill democratic draw

In fact, liable linguistic logics could be generated based upon surround set = {(measurable(amount), utility(tool)), (instill(node), symbolic(mode)), (custom(event), trust(time)) = (while it Results in x = unknown reality's fashion flow or not defined, manage or mount it Translates or Transmits or Transports or Transforms y = yelling or yielding or yarding or yet or you or ye ...perfect project or performing procedures )}.
Hence, inside any people parliament party kind, associate faith trust could be reigned when all proper liable linguistic logics should be involving inside any proposal basic built in behavior of balance benefit approaches. Therefore, valid valuable ideal idea consists to bear witness throughout primordial principles such that:

1. to propose fixed seeking seats for any kind of people party for example twelve (12 seeking seats look for people party type function (index = 0, 1, 2, ..., i, ..., j, ..., n)).

2. to compute around valid constant which could be equal to ratio of 1 to 30 = 0.003333  to be a measurable tool for mount management of trust tractability that provide governable methods to handle inner intellectual inspiration belongs to human psyche soul basics.

3. to invoke balance behavior based upon mapping pair (genuine = cos², unjust = sin²) theory. This terminology theory based upon mapping pair (genuine = tg², unjust = cotg²) has to result in reality's request of enjoyable joy's judgment looking to remove iniquity and injustice. Therefore, aware grossly immoral act, which means sinner away could destroy any civilized world.
The fixed tariff seems the key to services. If you buy in bulk, things are cheaper. An example would be that you get the free texts to mobiles and land lines in your country, and then you use them. It makes an honest capitalist profit as people buy in but rarely use, and those with nouse gain the advantage.
It should be ready to finish .... it would be smoothly to touch
So, launch thread mirror to achieve trust control ...
Then, combine functional convenience to surround task try ...
But be sure to result in fully workaround job ...
Thus, custom shoulder supply to test or taste heavy sake's story show
It should be ready to finish .... it would be smoothly to touch...
Although warranted thought's power should be switched away ...
However idle support's apply should be attached stay ...
It should be ready to finish .... it would be smoothly to touch
So, launch thread mirror to achieve trust control ...
Then, combine functional convenience to surround task try ...
But be sure to result in fully workaround job ...

Dear lovely love Professor Susanne Weber,

therewith, I, Said ben Taher Mchaalia, would like to ask anyone exists in this world about one thing, which should be trust control. Yeah, trust control is fundamental symbolization of ordering principles to choose right way for further stay alive as well as it could be. Hence we thou three::
1. Elizabeth f. Schneider :: who would be called my Eli or Liz.M for next trust control of inner intellectual inspiration insight of harmonic mount management of balance heart higher hierarchy home,
2. Mylene Sylvestre:: who will be exciting unit of utility tool belongs to probably proposal symbolic synchronization of liable linguistics of parliament politics and enjoyable joy's judgment.
3. and my lovely love Professor Susanne Weber = Susi :: who should invest intentional effects and adequate aspects of German safe strength to occupy valid valuable terminology tractability.

Thus, Dear my lovely love Professor Susanne Weber, arabic translation of operating smoothly symbolic fear operate finance opportunity should invoke exploitation engineering of trust control belongs to concrete conceiving customization of probably proposal sake's scheduling procedure handle higher hierarchy harmony of valid level variation either of lovely love linguistic logics or mount management of people parliament judgments or guilty joy's justice, etc....Therefore, for
1. first of all :: ssfofo = smoothly symbolic fear outlet feathers or focus on operating financial orders"
2. second of all thou three = Eli, Myli and Susi who have to result in reality's requests of liable linguistic logics and to evaluate modeling modes of mount management looks for well quiet intentional inner inspiration insight impacts,

theological aspect engines have to evolve basic built in behavior of balance benefits treats ::
1. first of all ::: people should vote for trust control of people who could achieve desirable thread jobs as well as it would be :: for example starting from municipality utility.
2. second of all :: municipality utility has to deliver tractability tools of governable howtos within offering concrete candidates for governor's position, whereby voting terminology has to be achievable during functionalism of proposal democratic design. Hence, governor has to treat any proposal project, for example zinging marriage process between Professor Susanne Weber and mIsA = Said Mchaalia as rapid as it could be done for further well quietness of human valid psyche soul sake's show.

3. third of all, governable persons should then generate valid growth of wide workaround involving inside people's scheduling procedures discuss inner intellectual inspiration and resulting in reality's requests of scheduling symbolic functions order finance outlets.
لاهداية إلى الصّراط .... لا إحسان إلى الممات ...
الوشواشة تطير و بعوضة تسير و العنكبوت ينسج بيت ...
لاهداية إلى الصّراط .... لا إحسان إلى الممات ...
تقابل القضاء مع دافع الّتقى و زلّ علو الإلتقاء و دنا الإستفتاء ...
لاهداية إلى الصّراط .... لا إحسان إلى الممات ...
وداود وسليمان إذ يحكمان في الحرث إذ نفشت فيه غنم القوم وكنا لحكمهم شاهدين ففهمناها سليمان وكلا آتينا حكما وعلما وسخرنا مع داود الجبال يسبحن والطير وكنا فاعلين ::
الشعب ينتخب البلديّة
و البلديّة تنتخب الوالي و
الوالي ينتخب الرّئيس ::

Signed sincerely,
Saiiid Mchaalia
Happy birthday for my lovely love Professor Susanne Weber across time, which should be defined to be modeling mode of (dark, clear) mapping pair nevertheless narrowing utility tools of faith trust has to reign all around intentional proper love of Professor Susanne Weber ...
Hi Mr president Cané you help me whi my problem im Martín from Barcelona
Mr. Castro seems to be asking for your help. I, on the other hand, am attempting to help you, not by playing for sympathy, much of which I may be entitled to, but by attempting to describe, and give evidence of, the nefarious deeds that pass for 'culture' in certain geographical locations. I am of the humble opinion that this 'culture' is in the process of being, or has already been partially, 'exported' to the United States of America, and hence represents a threat to US interests. That is as terse as I can make it, unless I say "Send me up with them!".
We need your help to get rid of our public guardian George heitmanis as no rights to move people out to the street
Anda semua adalah cinta dalam hidupku lol...
In any probably proposal land's law of corresponding people, an art class customization of inner intellectual inspiration insight that has not defined to be an envisage theological least of performing terminology pieces outputs and their inspection iùa^ct among scheduling linguistic logics and its generating trust tractability, for out of symbolic function, (which should order finance outlets and faith opportunity), would be selected (accordingly to main principles of democracy driven dynamic, theoretical inquiry question string has performed that is :: who has to pick up this person or such a person who could come governor?) and advising advance's governor who normally shall be ready to smoothly rule corresponding people. Then next to be done, a worship driven design should discuss a 'while wise" of main mount management dealing with people parliament types and invasive kind of operating liable logics to access growth of ideal ideas. This valuable valid draw design could then investigate glory joy of trust tractability based upon ::
1. constant probability value, which could be equal to = ratio of 1 to 30 = 0.033333333 that has to invest advancing faithful potentiality for further use of inner intellectual inspiration insight of chosen individuals.
2. chosen individuals could then be selected through their scheduling schools functioning democracy dynamics inside corresponding land' law's principles. Hence, each person could join any scheduling school of democracy dynamics based upon valid valuable procedures of selection after finishing university study diploma of directly when this person think about joining such an activity politics throughout desirable wishes. Hence, scheduling school of driven democracy dynamics should be ready to deliver more convenient trust tractability of making enjoyable choices for any corresponding candidatures of liable competitions. Enjoyable mount management of scheduling school invest using utility to surround operating social symbolic functions order finance outlet for further living of liable linguistic logics.
3. Hence, based upon deep driven design of corresponding liable linguistic logics, people parliament principles have to discuss any valid variation of basic built behavior of balance benefit to deliver more trust tractability of human psyche soul scheduling procedure than other investigation inspection of concerning using utility tools. Hence, ministry processing could then invest intentional logics to order potential mount management of valid balance behavior throughout trust tractability of operating social symbolic function order finance outlet such that ;; “‘But you, Land's law, in the land of corresponding people, are by no means least among the rulers of envisage governable mount management; for out of such a land's law will come a ruler or advising advance's governor who will shepherd social symbolic function order finance outlets and govern more inner intellectual inspiration insight than conceiving customization of productivity growth”. Therefore for any corresponding land, a main mount management of measurable governable howtos should comply with "And thought's envisage land's law, in the land of corresponding people, art not the least among the proposal principles of inner intellectual inspiration insight: for out of corresponding people shall come a Governor, that shall rule governable mount management of corresponding people".

4. Hence, how to pick up such an advising advance's governor in order to implement desirable well quietness of any human psyche soul's scheduling procedures? Theoretically, any administrative municipality could then generate convenient mechanism of advising advance's governor. Then, from surround set of chosen governor a selected country president could be arranging during any voting mechanism process. Thus, architectural formal expression of preference for a candidate for office or for a proposed resolution of an issue deals with inquiry question string "Let's decide the matter by vote" has to be applied during this scheduling thread task of driven democracy dynamics.

5. Hence, any country president has to rule a surround set of chosen governors based upon municipality's main mechanism procedures of performing vote access. Then, a constant = ratio of 1 to 30 = 0.0333 could then handle enjoyable mount management of people parliament principles based upon automatic arrangement of such trust tractability for chosen individuals.Hence, any selected people party kind has to occupy corresponding people parliament with fix number which is the same for all other people party types.

فتح السّماء و قدّر ما شاء ....خلقه كثير فالفراشة تطير و البعوضة تسير والعنكبوت ينسج بيت ... والعنكبوت ينسج بيت ... زيّن ما سما و أضحك أناسا ما ... فتح السّماء و قدّر ما شاء ....خلقه كثير فالفراشة تطير و البعوضة تسير والعنكبوت ينسج بيت ... والعنكبوت ينسج بيت ... الدّستور خاطئ و يدعو إلى ربوبة الأوثان .... فتح السّماء و قدّر ما شاء ....خلقه كثير فالفراشة تطير و البعوضة تسير والعنكبوت ينسج بيت ... والعنكبوت ينسج بيت

guide me as it could …. show me the right way as it would …... never to resign aware design … but burrow nice trip align what revolves around ….. at time feel free to surround what should be …. guide me as it could …. show me the right way as it would …... never to resign aware design

then perform paint pie for which I need to clone clear Roy or to cry for dark try.
guide me as it could
show me the right way as it would
never to resign aware design
but burrow nice trip align what revolves around

why should I deal with a black narrow? Why should I be back into using tool of paint pie? When perfect color to choose should be blue or during feel free to join trust tie of liable Lord's logics...
Pedir ayuda al presidente creo que no sirve de nada me hace pensar que a nadie le importa mi problema espero que si alguien ama a su esposa no pase lo que yo estoy pasando 
Mr president i dont no if you read my letters but please im desperate Mr president only i need your help
$5 discounts on my ISP fees with telstra, thats $5 less a month - a saving of lots!!!! oh if I want my metadata for the year thats only $4.75 a month payable in one lump sum so I can learn how I learn when online. Join up and do all those things like banking online (for everything else extreme fees or criminal charges may be applied).
My fone a have whatssap 50760748484 from Panamá
Mr president please help me i mees my wife please. Sir
Mr president please help me. My city attack and try to kill me. SOS (law of freedom)
What are you doing in Asia, Obama?

Don't poor to China and North Korea! 
Thank you verry much.I hopeThe White House help us and Dhammachayo in Thailand.
Update: err got more info, now approx $80aud for as many years as they can find (2yrs min) = $40 for 2 year, $17x2 less then price I got before in my understanding of it all. PS: anyone know who collected the 911 metadata for investigations because I want mine back so I can hand it to police here.
Letter to us President Barack Obama and us Secretary of Ministry staff and to legislation in America and human rights organizations and us policymakers a message to the American people
Que tu Vice nos deje importantes llaves al mundo Barack 😜Será bienvenido a Tucumán, una provincia muy rica para mentes emprendedoras con capital
In the present times, it is no star or galaxy . Restrictions costs and speed of movement in the Galaxy and the (reduce costs), it is not even a novelty (it still before it will implement it only grandchildren will be able to benefit from them.
niel concepcion, better understand me, stop squating in any forms of harasment , insanity,i have my call..
Wait until you see it, , , , , ,

"Truth is Singular, the pursuit of truth is the search for an absolution, that remains infinite."

If it does nothing but consume and reproduce, what is it? A virus, a bacteria, and schizophrenic people, that think they're intelligent. Let's review the facts at hand, and then explain them throughout the "TIME", you'll spend reading it.

A brief description of TIME, as it pertains to my mind, and this thesis.

Oldest known cave paintings made by man, scientifically radio and carbon dated to approximately 40 000 years ago. The same science concludes, that there were less than half a billion people on the earth at that "TIME". From the "TIME" of those cave paintings, until the year 1960, is how long it took human population to grow from less than half a billion, to 3 billion, a population growth of just 2.5 billion, over a "TIME"span of "40 000 years", let me say that again, a population growth of 2.5 billion, over a "TIMEspan of "40 000 years" do you understand this number and "TIME"frame?

However, from the year 1960, to this the year 2016, human population grew by almost double that, a population growth of 4.4 billion, over a "TIME"span of just "56 years". Most people don't understand these numbers, and how they apply to them, so. Human population growth in the last 24 hours, 200 000, that means, you the human race birth and build a city the size of Rochester New York, for EVERY 24 hour "TIME"span. Human population growth in the year 2015, "82 million", that means you the human race birth and build a country the size of Germany, for every ONE year of "TIME".

7.412 Billion (current human population), if it grows at 1% per year, it doubles in 70 years, if it grows at 2% per year, it doubles in 35 years, if it grows at 3% per year, it doubles in 24 years. Anything that grows exponentially, grows in a predictable amount of TIME. "56 years" a population growth of 4.4 billion, talk about "Economic Growth". Speaking of Economy, and Economic Growth, how does that all work, you figure? Supply and demand? Your country has what's known as a GDP statistic, or (Gross Domestic Products) it's a measure of your "Economic Growth", and the "Stability" of your "Economy". So, how do you continuously grow the demand for your country's Gross Domestic Products? By exponentially increasing the population of other countries, to create the demand for it, that's how.

Therein lies the reason you birth and build a city the size of Rochester New York, for every 24 hour TIMEspan. If you don't, your "Economy" will fail. So, it would appear, that you have to grow your populations exponentially, to maintain your quality and standard of life, or your economic stability. According to my math, and your Government, United Nations and IMF (International Monetary Fund), and the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, you the human race, need at least 2.3% economic growth, to sustain your Global Economy.

The Global Economy, isn't just your jobs, it's your Education System, your Health Care System, your Social Security System, your Justice System, your Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, and the two most important things, your 19 trillion dollar debt, (plus interest), and your PENSION. So, if you grow your populations exponentially to sustain all these things, you end up with a war in Syria, that is a masquerade for a very real, very serious quagmire, that quagmire being, Economic Growth, is the leading cause of Global Warming, and Climate Change.

Human population, is now growing faster than any virus or bacteria known to man, to sustain your economy, or, your quality and standard of life, it would be equivalent to you inhaling a single Ebola Virus, and that virus consumes and reproduces so fast, you're dead in 55 seconds. Do you actually believe, the "Refugee Crisis" in Europe, is a result of a war in Syria? Considering 40% of the Refugees don't come from Syria,,,, well, you figure it out. 7.412 billion, with a need to sustain 2.3% growth, equals 15 billion people on earth, by the year 2050. Or, human population will exceed the planet's ability to sustain it, in the next 24-35 years, if you continue Economic Growth. It's a quagmire, wrapped up in an ironic paradox of Karma, and there is nothing you can do to stop it, as, you're out of TIME. ANYTHING, that grows EXPONENTIALLY, is UNSUSTAINABLE. Global Economic Failure, is IMMINENT.
Aquí esta el súper presidente del mundo. el tremendo actor. Natal Obama. El presidentazo. Los presidenticos los pone él mediante la formula el pentagono y la magia de la democracia.
Oigase bien no permitimos que enemigo haga trampa en la obra teatral llamada el carnaval de las elecciones.
Derechos reservados de actuaciones del departamento de Estado. En caso de incongruencia sólo hay solución mediante la actuación de la ORA. Tal no es injerencia en asuntos de otros "países ".

carry us into great glossy cheery ... take us into where trust tree should explore neat narrow .... get us start sharing joy to destine grateful chef ... Thus custom scheduling show rich in fashion flow ... then record something well in precious pie hurry up for any romantic chamber of harmonic heart whereby it is necessary to encourage open looking for trust tales such as " do not cease to pray for peace " ... but be a person whom has to meet in doubtless evidence should conclude mentioned fresh food ...
ما أراد الله من ذكر
الذباب والعنكبوت
في كتابه
In fact, ideal idea of using balance benefit behavior should a special barrier of logic thoughts to be owed copious collection to get us into resulting in reality fashion flow of start without stop along with straight path of intentional investigation deals with:

1. mount management of trust tree tales discuss "what's the problem = how is the matter, ... manufacturing materials ... acknowledge assistance .... certain dispatch ....monumental effort ..." which have to provide main principles of archaeology of theological features that will sift through balance benefit behavior aspects. Thus, to examine and sort carefully liable linguistic logics that could be involving inside famous tales " sift theory evidence based upon never to ruin nor to destroy ... count a day away to be aware ..." through libraries of human psyche soul crumbled civilization along with using utility tools produces probably proposal people politics could realize neat networking of driven dynamics design to enlighten the concrete confusion of architectural structures and main principles of envisage sciences, which are biology physics, philosophy, religion, ...

Even though, probably proposal people politics has to provide enjoyable advance judgment based upon rational ratio that could be equal to ratio of offering seats to total free seats = offering seats / total free seats, which could be fix such as ratio of 1 to 30 = 0.03333 or similar constant. Thus, to appreciate resulting reality fashion flow of discussion and intentional investigation, diversity, and exploitation engineering transforms translation tractability of transition trace-ability, whereby contemporary cheery charity to assure people party kind using sliding slice window simulation for better authorship of exerting experience and higher hierarchy harmony.

Furthermore, proposal fiction creationism to be more than mere scheduling job is to visualize or to illustrate pressed feelings based upon concrete customization of yielding words "towards, forwards, backwards, onward, inwards, ...", which have to provide main principles to avoid resulting in risks of falling into proposal error of knowledge culture insight that could help recognizing logics thoughts.

2. Conceiving clarity characteristics :: to build in trust control tree, it is possible to choose hosting dynamics for further evaluation of lonely fashion flow such as :: how to surround exactly true when it indicates an ornamental trust tree? ... How to turn faith confidence into knowledge account? ... How to make sens of its symbolic sight and its own right? Reason would benefit from concept details ... dark doubt should tell us whatever your travel of life ...Although, simply complete attribute could check feeling data-sheet to find similar package product across insight stock that has to link any lack of experience into heart's piece …
Thanks God to get us start ..... Thanks God to be next await aware ....Thanks God for any worthy walk try ....
concrete company should scoped up .... woeful doorway has to wipe up .... so get us start painful plague to attempt triggered joy ... so it should be ready to finish sad stay .... so it would be smoothly to launch thread mirror in order to achieve trust control ... finally combine functional convenience to surround task try .... but be sure to result in nice smart job whereby lonely shoulder supply has to custom sake story show ...
Hence neither theological atmosphere nor theoretical appearance approach could enhance transparency trace-ability and tolerance tractability during trust time terminology (discretely time = n*T, whereby T = period or slice or measurable unit 0.25 ns, 0.016 ns , ....). This trust control approach has to schedule scroll shows of sliding slice simulation for further commandment commodity to enhance external effects and to arrange internal aspects. Therefore, fabrics pieces manufacturing mount management should then convey symbolic sympathetic functionalism order faith opportunity of concrete comprehension customization, which could then identify used instruction for complete pairing dynamics design whereby conceiving specification and concept reality fashion flow of utility updates and expressing tool usage should then authorize most critics responsibility deals with praiseworthy innovation of "indoor or outdoor target practice" that could wake social suggestion effects and refer to operating observation options. Thus,exerting evaluation of detective draw description could then deploy enjoyable judgment through performing perfect productivity innovation to accomplish architectural arrangement of inquiry question string "what is acceptable? What has such a thread task to do when it is capable to improve what is clever for any ingenious or well endowed fabrics pieces manufacturing that get appointment advances start within any human intelligence impact surrounds knowledge culture insight .... furthermore what is a gift? What is inspired? etc ...". Therefore, great glory growth of trust control could adapt to remove mount management mistakes and proposal misuse of technical support whereas it has to take care of glossy diagnostics guidance and favor strategy of appropriated thesaurus along over with respect to recorded linguistic logics whereas reality fashion flow would like to sail inside talent efficiency has an optimal aim object for creating marked innate ability as well as usage utility too to indicate human psyche soul's purpose of an action or activity and its trained trace-ability for given mount management ministry would like to accommodate artistic accomplishment once inspiration impact becomes what immediately is toward such an aim object whereas theoretical aspects of resulting in reality fashion flow hung back to discuss required needs for normal innovative "why statement ? while statement scheduling job scenery shows".

Even though, probably proposal people politics should then discuss type translation tractability that has to advance architectural arrangement of symbolic modeling modes. Hence, for a give type(index i)(iteration j), a corresponding measurable amount quantity could be associated such as type(index i)(iteration j) = measurable(event(index i)(iteration j)), whereby ratio of times(event) to (1 + sum(coefficient(index i) * measurable(event(index i)(iteration j))) = times(event) over (1 + sum(coefficient(index i) * measurable(event(index i)(iteration j))) = times(event) / (1 + sum(coefficient(index i) * measurable(event(index i)(iteration j))).

Hence, measurable(event(index i)(iteration j)) which is equal to type(index i)(iteration j) has to deal with events to be "1.change color, 2. auto-correction, 3. check spell, ...,11. make call, ...., m. shut off, ... n. robust control ....". But the desirable wishes of probably proposal people politics has to provide a number of times of any occurred event to support translation tractability of such a trust control and conceiving customization of balance benefit behavior belongs to (genuine = -1 + 1/sin², unjust = -1 +1/cos²) mapping pair or (genuine = tg², unjust = cotg²) mapping pair or simply way for usage utility of [0, 1] symbolic segment scenery shows by (genuine = sin², unjust= cos²) mapping pair or (genuine = exp(-f²), unjust = exp(-1/f²)) mapping pair or (genuine = Log(1+f²)/(1 + Log(1+f²), unjust = 1/(1 + Log(1 + f²))) mapping pair or (genuine = f²/(1 + f²), unjust = 1/(1 +f²)) mapping pair or (genuine f².exp(...)/(1 + f².exp(...)), unjust = 1/(1 + f².exp(...))) mapping pair, etc ..
Hence, event = "change color" or event = "play game" or event ="make call" or event ="produce electricity" or event ="write a paper", etc....should deal with surround set = {(measurable, utility), (instill, infuse), (custom(event), time(event)) = (while it Results in x = unknown reality fashion flow, then manage or mount it Translates or Transmits or Transforms or Turns y = yielding process or yelling calls or yard location ....etc ...)}.
In fact, (faster, slower) mapping pair could then be used to achieve desirable wishes of trained marked processing to perform driven dynamics design of tractability and trace-ability whereby logics thought has to provide supporting complete draw description of intentional inspiration impact and its corresponding utility tools. However probabilistic processing and stochastic approaches provoke major main principles of yielding procedures move worthy into maintaining step focus on of fundamental functionalism to operate knowledge culture insight for further returns of conceiving customization cheery charity. Hence, to join hierarchy harmony of balance benefit behavior and it corresponding illusion thread task environment, engineering exploitation and enhancement expertise should then travel around great glory guide of witness bearing. Thus, besides advising advances of judgment structures and justice logics, balance benefit behavior has to enable symbolic sight scenery shows to control probably proposal people politics for building of neat networking whereby upper category character of human psyche soul scheduling thread task should provoke freedom focus on opportunity and ensure social feature appearances.

Furthermore, translating or transforming (a over b) * thing into probably proposal people politics could evolve knowledge culture impacts to support learning process procedures of architectural access methods. Hence, daily action of any motion engine should then comply with what is called "exactly true && genuine" mainly principle. But for any trust control aspects, boundary limit logics and barrier design draw description should then obey to inner intellectual inspiration insight mechanism to resolve intentional illusion which could occurred during exerting elaboration process of "why - while statement" proceeding implementation. Hence, to dial a phone number or to attempt established connection, launch browsing context concepts should deliver a sorted category of applied appliance approach that has to provide such a modeling modes of :: ratio of times(event) to (1 + sum(coefficient(index i) * measurable(event(index i)(iteration j))) = times(event) over (1 + sum(coefficient(index i) * measurable(event(index i)(iteration j))) = times(event) / (1 + sum(coefficient(index i) * measurable(event(index i)(iteration j))).

Hence, each category type (art class customization, kernel kindness control, achievement and enhancement environment, engineering establishment, information world, ... etc ...) should then evolve dynamics process of package product to support automatic updates of corresponding data base and to surround liable linguistic logics once inspiration impact start to adjust expertise exploitation processing and perfect project proceeding. Hence, asking for help to achieve desirable exigency exigence that should be beyond any human psyche soul satisfaction show maintains any rational results of reality's request and robust resistance based upon purposing patience.

Even though to improve linguistic logics, higher hierarchy harmony could then be paired with successful schemes handle separate number (either times or iterations or indexes etc ...), driven directions (rightwards, leftwards, backwards, forwards, towards, ...) to control schedule state trust control (when idle what next to do?, when turning off what to achieve? when turning on what to provoke ....). But probably proposal people politics should then bring dragging inner inspiration impact into driven dynamics design of fundamental processing whereby previous highlight challenge of progress check should be playback effects of toggling translation tractability.
leo xu
Abdu Al
Iam sudanes lwohnt go amreka blehtb

هناك أشخاص يظنون أنهم سياسيون وهم لا يعرفون معنى كلمة السياسية
commander tell the dfa stop using time in justice service.
Why not ask Gen Dumford? He's in charge, right ?
Oh the rule of law allows society to function - no people allow society to function and law makers are the criminals that have the best of the best criminals working for them to keep them safe without consideration of anyone or anything else. A real rule of law wouldnt have spy organisations playing mind games with the populations of humans on Earth - hows the UFO's going - fit that into the budget under the law - should fit well with the expected NEW arms sales to countries like mine of Armor-piercing ammo fired no doubt from a 3rd kind of weapon (every police officer will need a gun, a tazer, and a fire arm to put holes in armour plating should terrorists start using it)


law and justice, police get the metadata to prove them innocent.. no cost... same with setting up people when the metadata proves the police wrong - no cost for them to hide it or take many many years to find. Must be nice to have a life and fly out to open a health centre in Australia the country which has a better health system then the USA (here we test US made and owned drugs on people that are defered from the proper medical treatment for things like cancer, etc - I bet the samesex rape to deter crime isnt a health issue hollywood and the US justice system has found - they managed to find police calling for help to shoot someone though after what I assume must be poverty and no future). Its kind of strange how the NSA, FBI, CIA monitor everything but crime within correctional center walls or the crime they commit in costing so much for providing so very little in return (harder bullets next and new guns to shoot though the terrorist armour will be the next budget saver)
All of Hong Kong's people support to a juctice of South China Sea 
Why do we suport Turkey when they buy oil from isis
Dearsir,please provide me visacard,en provide me shelter,food,cloths,casmostics,etc.,
سيدي الرئيس ستتبعنى وتعطينى التقرير انا اشتغل بنضام الرئيس جورج بوش
Before data retention your policy makers downloaded illegal content. Remember those days - IMHO the days before those days when content displayed a status was more fun; a status was text along the bottom of the screen whist the content loaded from media into memory and was like the following:-
loading..... this NSA video game was cracked by DMC your local Obama care friend

Host much private information in a space where it can be taken?????


Is there anyone anserwing the calls from our troops in turkey no electric surrounded by Turkish forces ?
Thinking of US force protection, where are the cammo drones to conceal troops/tanks or project a larger size of force - when attacked they could explode. Drones in the shape of Cubes could also be stacked (nice stairway or instant building to obtain vantage point). Why is your primary use of drones to drop bombs? Where is the dropping of medical equipment and shelter (hay Russia if your listening.. would you deploy such a system to win the war of minds on a field of war)
We all served, we were all poisoned. This is a fact. Many, many Marines and their family members are sick and dying. We are sick and tired of one study after another that proves our case and the VA still denies. I would like the CAP members to ask the VA to show them the metrics of this issue (i.e. how much tax payers money was spent on all of the studies and yet we have a 5% approval rating). I think it is time that secretary McDonald showed up to answer tough questions like "When will you finally give these Marines the benefits they deserve?" And how is it the ATSDR can list 18 conditions directly related to the contamination at Camp Lejeune but choose to only cover eight. Does the VA have to spend another 10 or 15 million to cover the other 10 conditions? If secretary McDonald cannot answer these questions he needs to step down immediately Everybody says we need to take care of our Veterans, talk is cheap. It is unfortunate that our government and VA is so corrupt and crooked they cannot even take care of the Vets who served this country faithfully. We Marines are sick and tired of the same old blah, blah, blah. Currently the VA is being sued for information pertaining to their SMEs (Subject Matter Experts). There is only one reason that I can think of for not disclosing the SME's credentials. They are still, after 30+ freaking years, playing games. I would like to see the VA respond to this within 30 days.
i like this men ..hy is a good president.!
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There is within you a mind that works in your brain looking for the exit to the emerging problems.
Stimulate your brain in search of answers that will solve the problems of the day.
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This book is available in all formats and print edition.
Get your here and now.
Bapak presiden Barack Obama saya ingin ke usa saya pernah di usa selama 3tahun dan suaminya 7 tahun sekarang saya ingin kembali lg ke Usa .saya ingin minta green card ssya ingin menetap disana tolong saya 
Please ! Talk to south china sea in G20 meeting!

Please don't be betray Asain
Discuss south china sea in meeting G20 ! Please!!

Don't betrayed a freedom !

Don't betrayed Asain. !

Please. !!
G2O 祗講錢!做生意

G20 国出賣亚洲自由!

G20 出賣南中国海!

G 20. trade for a world freedom!

G20 trade for south china sea !

Betray to south china sea for money!
Betray to a freedom for money! 
so if NK's nuke program was a danger to the world - they would of been invaded 24-72 hours ago..... Isnt it nice to see how old technology can still be used in an age of pattern system computer driven modern war to produce a news worthy story ;-)
lol encase someone does manage to blow-up enough Earth resulting in our prompt deaths, thought I would take the time to write this note of thanks for keeping everyone safe so they could vote again (hay b4 u lot start - i thanked bush also)

Gold morning président this message in m'y attention?
Development of military in space from China.
technology support from RUS. 
This bmw52 John D Case Jr . Hey could you gues arange a grant for my dental use my casr mager at Mohave Mental Health Care John need I say more my teeth are falling apart I could really use something really bad thank you for your cooperation in this matter
Money is better spent developing a new Newton's cradle five-ball system considering this modern age has computing and machines - IMHO where balls 2, 3 and 4 are modified to direct equal amounts of force in the other directions (big depressors extending inside each ball could activate smaller pushers and vise versa to return the force to the larger depressor) and thus create a 3D version as apposed to the linear which doesnt employ much gravity but none the less uses it
The marshmallow man from the film Ghostbusters would have made a better president ☺
Yes Pakistan is the Root of the terrorism.

Pakistan is a terror plant of universe kind &humble request to declare a terror state
Their is not any doubts that the pakistan is terrorist & they spread a terrorism through out the world
I also agree ...pakistan is root of the terrorism..
I also agree.. pakistan is root of the terrorism
Pakistan is a terror plant of universe & i also agree pakistan is root of the terrorism
I agree Pakistan is terrorism country pls declare it don't take more time to it
मैं इस बात से सहमत हूँ कि पाकिस्तान एक आतंकवादी देश है।अब समय आ गया है उसे आतंकवादी देश घोषित करने का।अगर आतंकवाद को खत्म किया गया तो सभी देशों को बहुत बड़ा मूल्य चूकना पड़ सकता है।
Pakistan should be declared a nation of trrrorism !!
I agree and strongly recommend that Pakistan should be declared as a terrorist country immediately.
All possible sanctions should be imposed on them

I agree and strongly recommend that Pakistan should be declared a terrorist nation

I am in favour to declare Pakistan a terrorist country 
Maardo salya musalya nu pakistan vicho kad ke
leo xu

leo xu
please let us talk about what we know..President make a good work.
800 days.. thats 1600 zanax tabs taken by an immi staff member.

The immi minister said "No deaths at sea"

So while your catching up on this development of a place without death..

Also - aliens landed - a cow jumped over the moon (or was flown by a drone, either is good), and US drug companies gave even more support the AU govt boarder policy - and where upon it must be nice to conceal adverse medical results in test communities set up by the Australian Government to test drugs on populations of confined persons from overseas countries; and whist the government prevents any reporting upon the conditions inside of such 'detention centres' (not that it could be trusted either given how some of the mass media operates these days - for profit)
+Jason Robinson how is work going on there friend.nice to meet you..please add me hangout so we can talk soon i am at work now i have work for me and you..
Wow, these comments are worse than they used to be in the old days of Google+.
Presidente Barack Obama. Preciso falar contigo urgente. 5511964019058 sueny. Do Brasil 
Soul symbolization has to sigh for same job scheduling while associate assignment of corresponding aim objects are absolutely distinct. Why?:: because there is only one own operating way which has to evolve democracy dynamics looks for engineering exploitation of theological and biological aspects explain why any proposal productivity performing has to design through lonely linguistic logics involves surround set = {(measurable(amount), utility(tool)), (instill(node), infuse(edge)), (custom(event), trust(time)) = (while it Results in unknown, manage or mount it Turns yielding process or yard procedures)}. Although, there is inner intellectual inspiration inside any chosen pictures when enjoyable hierarchy harmony has to provide more than any valid trust transparency. What is the important interest of choice conceiving when pointing up pointer on resulting in pictures has to decide for inner intellectual inspiration surrounds fashion flow through true truth along over (envelop = ± sin² . cos² . (sin² - cos²), burst = ratio of (10.log(1 + exp(g(...))) to (1 + f²(....) . exp(g(...))).

Thus, this driven dynamics of trust transparency should then evolve engineering exploitation of mount management to surround inner intellectual inspiration insight where enjoyable judgment of soul symbolization scheduling and ordering faith opportunity should then decide for further fashion flow of operating links have been remained to be basics definition of newly deal of discrete event simulation.

In fact, since environment exploitation of "getch( )" to be involving inside waveform compression and deep investigation of measurable(amount) to be concrete concept of liable linguistic logics, valid trust transparency of this defined below dynamics has to flow wider as it is possible within proposal productivity performing discusses kernel motion of inner intellectual inspiration based upon simply utility(tool) draw description design::

typedef map <char, float> proposals;

typedef map <char, vector < int > > storage;

Thus, for any trust(time) function uses discrete concept whereby time = n*T, storage(char).second( ) has to return what is an occurrence of corresponding "char = measurable amount belongs to byte definition" means. Furthermore, proposals(char).second( ) should then order a complex dynamics of stochastics and probability theory to engender resulting in reality's requests of potential growth manages job scheduling and digital computing concept. Therefore, a resulting in reality's request should then investigate inner intellectual inspiration insight of [inferior limit, superior limit] range target approach theory to invoke liable linguistic logics maintains proposal processing of control data flow graph handles {(instill(node), infuse(edge)), (custom(event = getch( )), trust(time = n*T)) = while it Results in unknown, mount it Turns yielding process such as invest more intentional inner inspiration insight around decompression concept when a simply concrete proposals(char) value has been chosen to decide first and next state of associate assignment. Thus, typedef map < char, float > proposals should then focus on further dynamics of data information approach theory to fill in resulting in reality's requests of productivity performing pointing up process. Therefore, this typedef map < char, float > proposals is absolutely true truth of waveform compression dynamics that could be used inside kernel motion of robot mobile or other soul symbolization when life signs has to appear as first scheduling system. Thus, kernel motion of any soul symbolization has to order for further dynamics of proposal processing of life signs across any offering trust transparency scenery shows.

Even though, life signs is a concrete concept of liable lord linguist logics, mount management of (envelop = (sin², cos²), burst = ratio of 100 to (1 + 16 . f² ( )) mapping pair could then investigate more intentional inspiration logics around data information theory; where using utility of uncertainty processing should then wake a concrete customization of probably politics based upon p(event) = ratio of times(event) to (1 + sum(times(event))) ...

However, it is more convenient to surround a p(event) simple then what is probably best for next statement processing within any getch( ) or similar job scheduling processing driven dynamics design. Hence, a burrowing p(event) = ratio of f²( ) to (1 + f²( )) or p(vent) = ratio of 1 to (1 + f²( )) or p(event) = ratio of (Log(1 + f²( )) to (1 + Log(1 + f²( ))) or p(event) = ratio of f²( ).exp( ) to (1 + f²( ) . exp( ))) or p(event) = ratio of 1 to (1 + Log(1 + f²( ))), .. etc .. or any other relative functionalism of p(event) inside [inferior limit = 0, superior limit = 1] resulting in range to occupy more suitable scheduling shows of trust transparency deals with (custom(event), trust(time)) = (while it Results in unknown, manage or mount it Turns yielding process that could call (instill(node), infuse(edge)) mapping pair for further processing of any (measurable(amount), utility(tool)) mapping pair. On the other hand, discrete event simulation has to occupy best art class customization of probably politics, whereas individualism inspiration insight of judgment scheduling such as::

1. first of all :: any person has to become valid amount quantity of freedom focus on. Although, a driven dynamics question around such a freedom focus on is to decide whether proposal freedom focus on could then burst a separate individual entities to order for further feature of faithful fashion flow. This is a great deal surrounds this freedom focus on :: right for leaf like life functionalism, right for cloth control, right for free medical care, right for healthy food, right for delivering enough energy inside inner intellectual inspiration insight, right for yielding design, ...etc …

2. concrete competitive concept around proposal personal plan belongs to childhood and well quietness of using utility management such as :: scholar plans, (from 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock am :: language courses or math courses or technology courses or human science courses or computer sciences courses, .., from 10 o'clock 30 to 11 o'clock 30 am :: history courses or geography courses or religion courses or music courses or ..., from 11 o'clock 30 to 14 o'clock :: lunch breaks, then from 14 o'clock to 16 o'clock :: foreign language courses or practical training or ...finally from 16 o'clock 30 to 17 o'clock 30 :: sports or hobby managements ... etc ... )

3. valid variation of financial outlets :: money is needed to stay within air productivity performing . Thus, printing money amount for any person looks to breath deeply when its pocket money has what is looking for is a higher holly hierarchy harmony belongs to any human desirable wishes. Therefore, soul symbolization joins what is nicely well for breath soul processing through music concept or other using utility tools such as inquiry question string "what if insert this a flow to wish to do to cry to rue ... give me my soul when time is ready ... bring me back into deep breath around any judgment joy .... never to ruin nor to destroy .... herewith it is trust to enhance any pick up processing but before all set up processing is required within such a corresponding thread task job ....".

Dear lonely love Professor Susanne Weber,

herewith, mIsA = "modeling modes inside sous symbolization across away" would like to thank God to offer such an opportunity for saving trust transparency around what is better for further joy judgment. Hence, make a decision to evolve engineering exploitation of soul symbolization and modeling modes across away of any proposal productivity performing is a huge hard thread task which could then provoke scaring seduction belongs to liable lord linguistic logics. However, trust transparency management should then develop a driven democracy draw description for inner inspiration process that invokes what is necessary

Dear my lonely love Professor Susanne Weber, I, Said Mchaalia, would like to thank You very much for supporting this driven dynamics of (envelop = ± sin². cos² . (sin² - cos²), burst = ratio of 10.log(1 + exp(...)) to (1 + 16 . f²( ).exp(...))) mapping which has to provide a valid valuable variation of digital computing and concrete concept customization of job scheduling looks at well quietness of inner intellectual inspiration insight.

Therefore, Dear lonely love Professor Susanne Weber, Said Mchaalia is looking for a desirable secret of your harmonic heart to evolve engineering exploitation of liable links into your valid neat narrow that could help us meeting a convenient productivity performing of "logics inside love" assignment processing.

Dear my lonely love Professor Susanne Weber, it is time to accomplish advance adventures of our personal plan through meeting desirable wishes of transmit me into nearest place to your harmonic heart, please would you achieve this thread task as soon as possible?? Please Dear my lonely love Professor Susanne Weber, I am so upset to hear that trust transparency is a hard subject waits for valid inner investment deals with harmonic heart's logics and its corresponding linguistics. Although, for an own person like me, Said Mchaalia, the only operating trust transparency should then develop its logics through handled engines whereby major main maintaining functionalism should then use a valid narrows to order more faithful features of future ....

Please help me reaching your heart harmony .......... please tell more about valid cry ......please do not disturb to accomplish my wellness which would be yours .........please arrive sooner than wanted to advance what I looks for ....... please arrive sooner than wanted to achieve what I looks for ....... please arrive sooner than wanted to advance what I looks for .......

Said Mchaalia
waits for your decision ...
+Earl DeShazor how is things sir..please sir add me so we can talk later i am at work..or you can try call me...00233244243075..i have work for me and you..
Hola Dios los bendiga Cristo ama los eeuu
+Manuel Robles Good Morning.
.how is everything.Prince J Atta. is my name.i am black and i am a good man.i love who like me.even today i am happy to have you as my new good as we meet now nothing again my friend let us close together for a new life.i am very strong very Yong blood.i am for you if you real with me.i am wait to hear from you i am at work here now.i have work for me and you.
Prince J Atta.
Hola no hablo ingles ...Dios todo poderoso ..los bendiga grande y maravillosamente
worse or just moved on.. lol ;-) Hillaries latest briefs as secretary it seems were provided to the public in the last debate ... There is a threat that a US president could be put or is on steroids.. and having someones hand up an ass... ?!? (q. do female puppets differ in which hole the hand goes into - or we talking string puppetry all of a sudden which requires sticks and leavers and if so then only one leaver can only pull one string.. cant it... tkx 4 d pyramid )

+Jason Robinson Jason nice to meet is work going on there today.friend please add me hangout..i have serious mata to discoursed with you.
"Nothing is more important than settling stormy settings of selection setups" ... be aside be apart be across sharp shore ... let me know what is more important ... be great be apart ... be smart be aside ...but let me know what is more important ... hurry up to really make safety scheduling ... be awhile easily fashion flow ... be across aware away ... although let me know what is more important ... count a day away to know more ... count a day away to evaluate what is frequency should try ... count a day away to excite what is fashion flow focus on .. count a day away to bring things into end of design ... but let me know what is more important ... forget all about sailor burrows then guess what is useful for trust recognizing ..Even though let me know what is more important ... waves have to claim any judgment of disaster ....

In fact, intentional inspiration insight has to discuss setup scheduling of "sum scheduling which should deliver more excitement efficiency for more aside blessed productivity performing demands brain interests". Thus, p(event) = ratio of times(event) to (1 + sum(times(event))) could then provide what is necessary for further evaluation of trust control conceives next assignment which has to be involving inside ::

1. probably possible p(event) = ratio of 400.log(1 + exp(....)) to (1 + 16.f²(....).exp(....)) = 400.log(1 + exp(..)) / (1 + 16.f²(....).exp(...))

2. proposal pure p(event) = ratio of 400.log(1 + tg²(....)) to (1 + 16.f²(....).tg²(....)) = 400.log(1 + tg²(..)) / (1 + 16.f²(....).tg²(...))

3. purposing pay of p(event) = ratio of 400.log(1 + cotg²(....)) to (1 + 16.f²(....).cotg²(....)) = 400.log(1 + cotg²(..)) / (1 + 16.f²(....).cotg²(...))

4. or other form of p(event) = sin² or cos² or f²(..) / (1 + f²(...) or f²(...).exp(...) / (1 + f²(...).exp(..)) or similar ...that could provoke more carriage beginnings of soul symbolization orders financial outlets …

Although resulting in reality fashion flow has to access linguistic logics of integral insight whereby faith trust of probability and stochastics should then provide various yielding process of soul symbolization deals with news, interviews, intentional implementation, intellectual inspiration, valid interests, ... etc ...However theological authorized logics should then deploy enhancement environment of probably proposal processing for any chosen thread task excitement exploitation to get into apprised appeal of personal project plan surrounds primordial principles that is ready to recognize guaranteed freedom of sight styles ...
On the other hand, full requirement need of resulting in reality's requests should then ask for recommendation to adopt published driven democracy dynamics belongs to "no obligation to investigate for productivity performing inside (dark, clear) mapping pair processing tractability". But still in valuable play design, harmonic higher hierarchy should then establish motion kernels of ::

1. envelop = ± sin² . cos² . (sin² - cos²) mapping pair

2. envelop = ± shadow . real . (shadow - real) / (shadow + real ) ³ mapping pair

3. envelop = (sin², cos²) mapping pair

4. other functioning form of envelop …

Although, what is art class to know is to occupy operating links of burst = 400.log(1 + exp(...) / (1 + 16.f²(..).exp(..)), .. which could be reduced into burst = 10.log(1 + exp(...) / (1 + 16.f²(..).exp(..)) for further control of any frequency fashion flow ...

Hence, phenomenal evolution should then provide what is evaluation of amount quantity to decide whether advance adventures of corresponding mapping pair (dark = something, clear = compliment) should then be involving in a safety faith trust of linguistic logics to occupy art class principles of modeling modes when this phenomenal evolution whatever to build construction links into surround set = {(measurable(amount), utility(tool)), (instill(node), infuse(edge)), (custom(event), trust(time)) = (while it Results in x = unknown, manage or mount it Translates y = yielding)}. Notice that this surround set could then scare tempting seduction of "take part" processing productivity when major main phenomenal evolution should then deal with "what is this? It is a thing such as person or insight ...etc ..."

In fact, black square did invoke phenomenal evolution for best art class utilization of (dark = something, clear = thing else) mapping pair. But architectural linguistic logics of phenomenal evolution has then to provide what is blessed demands for further driven dynamics of probably politics and its corresponding customization discusses soul symbolization operates financial outlets for further trip try of eval = example / (illusion ± (clear * behavior) / dynamics)) for any possible trip try of "it is possible to behave like first order "a.x' + bx + c = 0" or like second order "a.x'' + b .x' + c.x + d = 0" or other leaf like sub system of any proposal complex concept".

In fact, this eval = ratio of "example" to "illusion ± (clear * behavior) / dynamics" should then develop driven dynamics of any proposal burst = 10.log(1 + exp(..)) / (1 + 16.f²(..).exp(...)). Hence, "illusion" treats architectural aspects of any proposal phenomenal evolution to bring upon what is is necessary knowledge cultures should be. Furthermore, using (set up, pick up) mapping pair to develop clear driven democracy dynamics of faith trust across enhancement environment where catching inner intellectual inspiration insight should then evolve focus on of engineering equivalence expressing clear looks into "this ridiculous" that should be removed linguistic logics ...then to grow up into trust tractability for own operating logics.
+Saiiid Mchaalia at this moment...Mrs..Saiiid are very great good mind you need to add me so you can be a party of our good family.add me and we will chat very soon.did you like change.?where are you living.?in add hangout we will talk about..good call me...00233244243075..
In fact, basics modeling modes of balance benefit behavior belongs :: burst = ratio (a.log(1 + ratio (sin² . cos²) of to (sin² - cos²)²) to (1 + b.f²(...) . exp(..)) to exploit what is best class kernel motion of inner intellectual inspiration insight which could be translated in Arabic "
يمشي و يسير و ما عرف أين
... الليل يظلم و المغيرات صبحا"
Although, the mapping pair (a, b) which could be equal to (400, 16) or (10, 16) or other positive values which could achieve more convenient trust flow of probably politics inside any proposal inner intellectual inspiration insight whereby touch control of linguistic logics should be extendable exchanges of greetings growth of concept conceiving deals with "alone and aloud be anew away ... wanna seek advice and learn more about ...have account and be aside .. it is a cover up for plenty plot and trust time ...although advance adventures should be sighed touch of logics law ...then maintain what is almost around could accomplish ideal idea of that is neither of them nor involves inside ... be sure that once soul suffering meets certain light logics, skin effects would be sufficient spirit breaks ..whereas first of all focus on flow should be promptly approach of scheduling show that has to extract confession or has to cooperate within confusion to enclose faith copy of be proud and provide personal passion design..."

In fact to submit reality's requests, human hopes could identify individual pictures of vacation variety to invoke joy faces of personal project which are assumed to be intentional interrogation of "no longer than number handles (dark = something, clear = any thing else) mapping pair to check out whether ticked on productivity performing pair has to worry about any driven dynamics of closely observation and authorized architectures has somehow to manage ::

1. burst = ratio of "10.log(ratio of 1 to sin²)" to "1 + 16.f²(...).exp(....)"

2. burst = ratio of "10.log(ratio of 1 to cos²)" to "1 + 16.f²(...).exp(....)"

which has to remove refusals across trust tractability and terminology traceability controls primordial principles of soul symbolization surrounds liable linguistic logics of set = {(measurable(amount), utility(tool)), (infuse(node), instill(edge)), (custom(event), trust(time)) = (while it Results in x = unknown, manage or mount it Translates y = yielding process)} belongs to "count a day away to be aware" inquiry question string and that could be reloaded at any required time. Hence, equivalence expressing process of linguistic logics should then provide more trust control of ::

1. burst = ratio of "10.log(ratio of 1 to sin²)" to "1 + 16.f²(...).exp(....)" or
2. burst = ratio of "10.log(ratio of 1 to exp(- g² (...)))" to "1 + 16.f²(...).exp(....)"
3. burst = ratio of "10.log(ratio of 1 to exp(- 1 / h² (...)))" to "1 + 16.f²(...).exp(....)"

or any other function burrows reality's requests of liable linguistic logics. Therefore, since many years ago, human higher hierarchy homes surrounded modeling modes across inner intellectual inspiration insight to fill in operating logics of darkness and despair links then to make their concept chain basics behaviors of balance benefits. Thus, knowledge culture and measurable howtos should then provide door keys of governable bring ups involves inside (set up, pick up) mapping pair during probably politics uses or usages exploit formulation of manner problems to have liable linguistic logics undergone. Although, instead of throwing job scheduling into concept conceiving of inner intellectual inspiration insight, modeling modes should then leaves personal promises to withstand the pressure of art realization belongs to "not yet" yielding process to inform keeping freedom of strange show away for walking out of possible disaster or to surround amazing recognition of mastering mount management belongs to p(event) = ratio of times(event) to (1 + sum(times)) or similar functionalism of p(event). Hence, while (!eof( ) do getch( ) is a driven dynamics process of inner intellectual inspiration insight handles typedef map < char, float > storage; and typedef map < char, vector < int > > evidence; to support next statement processing of waveform compression processing during huge hard usage of storage space for more than 1 gigs or similar in order to arrange theoretical aspects of stopover action belongs to getch( ) processing and its corresponding faith trust.

In fact, to attend while !eof( ) do getch( ) statement performance, waveform compression processing should be easy way for further driven dynamics of probably prognostics handles liable linguistic logics because getch( ) of Lempel and Ziv was resulting in reality's request of liable linguistic logics belongs to sliding slice window simulation which should then deploy cloudy kernel motion subsystem driven design. Thus, cloudy simulation has to flow within any inner investigation of exploitation effects. This has to translate be getting younger or quit or nicer or smarter motion for further adventures and then to adopt soul symbolization decision during available growth of modeling mode symbolization deals with sliding diagnosis looks for normal calls of "never to ruin nor to destroy" mapping process. However it is huge hard difficult to deeply understand what is narrowing processing should be valid fashion flow of trust control. Thus, great question should be equal to "why had this person allow her or his inner intellectual inspiration insight to take part of any proposal dark trip try??".

In fact, liable linguistic logics has to improve adventure advances during resulting in reality's requests of social scenery shows and economic concept assumed to be clear concept of frequency flow.
National Security Question: If a nuclear war began on USA voting day (somewhere around noon?) then who would be the elected president given voting had begun but was unable to be completed because it only takes 8 minutes for ICBM impacts; And what would happen should the President-elect somehow die before taking office.
Man you're scary I wouldn't follow you anywhere 👍👎✌
Scary is running investigations and court processes based upon content in email but removing IP addresses from the investigations.. Dont worry the courts and investigations by the corrupt in other countries follows the rule set that they loose the IP addresses, routing tables, and the fact it only takes 8 days to check the IP addresses (everyone else without power or money would of been shot or arrested on day one).
Негр ты бы свою рожу мыл ? Лгун и фантазии! !!
Obama please stay Well even support a military take over of the nation! Just don't leave us with this two Assholes!!!!
I believe in president OBAMA AND AFTER U.S.A.

Randy P
See bumpa as trump replaces your black or whatever you are. Go back to Kenya. 
Pres (to be) Trump,
Please get the wheels of this page going asap,please..)

Ran dy
Oh plz one last post before "sanity" (an datz a strech) leaves the white house.
Yeah climate change is an invention of the chinese. Quite frankly the US is the single most dangerous threat for the survival of mankind. Not only u arm some medival religious fanatic regime barely distuingishable from ISIS with state of the art weaponry but you also choose the safe flying altitude for broomsticks as the No. 1 topic for the next 4 years, congratulations!
Ran dy
Allright Anarchic States of Ummerikka! because "value" voters teaching the necessity for a violent overthrow of an elected government aren´t violating §2385 US code but citizens exercising their 1st amendment right, aka protesting, are "terrorists".
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Poor Muhammad kanjer porn be upon him
Poor bastards Muhammad porn be upon him has 100 names 1 bhoseri wala 2 madarchods nabi 3 behanchod nabi 4 kanjeri rasool 5 bharwe rasool 6 bastard rasool 7 poor zakat bharwe nabi Muhammad 8 poor yateem bastard Muhammad 9 poor bastard motherfucker rasool Muhammad 10 poor zakat Randi prostitute amna lucky pimp.cement son Muhammad bhoseri be upon him
Hahahaha funny hahahaha
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العندو معك. .
سلام. .آمين 
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honorable president. original pole responsibilities you have as a leader. I briefly citizens of Tanzania Tabora region. Education All I have is the seventh grade. My job is to fix shoes also laying zipper bags. Cleaning shoes. The challenge is to work area. capital for the purchase of raw materials. If I facilitated for to build up settlements, area or building work. equipment or modern machinery. poverty will be goodbye. These materials afford my dream without help from outside. But you are like ants. Our African governments yourself you know. I have no explanation to explain so I hope your mercy alone. I lofanyia location is only temporary. You are a Muslim to identify methods of African governments to hide the fact people do not get relief. perhaps roadblocks Isike aid to beneficiaries. ys my phone number is +255763174062. Nina exim bank account of Tanzania. Which is 0271000820. My names is Ramadhan Said Mussa
What's good this Scarface afew places here in las vegas need to be closed one ccdc it's over full 
Why do you disable comments on your you tube Obama?
leo xu
Ran dy
Beef Supreme allready installed King of chatbots as secretary of state.
The mastermind of the most dangerous disinformation campaign has not enough power allready right?
So his Beefness is in dire need of another gift? And plz would someone tell him how others have veto right in the UN before he crashes the Ass-Dozer in the wall again?
My Name :Ahmad Salar Mostamand
I'm 16
I am a new future turbo nano car and building, designer
I have so desin of that subject
& I need to a sponser to suport my design and project until do this project and

If one person help me to do this project I'm very thankfull of that's person

Please answer ...


wanna fly around the globe wanna surround what is aside but wish to try any trip travel, whereas it is learning phases of what will be trust way and be inspired through life shall be gone higher and higher until to recognize what is interest for me what is destructive for enemy ... guide me as it could show me the right as it would ... it will be heavy for next generation of start to grow through utility tool usage it will be nice own soul for productivity value...

In fact, liable lord linguistic logics shall result in reality requests while harmonic hierarchy homes should then go higher with soul scheduling during inner investment of learning phases, which could be involving within::

1. Respect Reality fashion flow that has to produce valid balance benefit behavior ...through passage process of translation tractability which could then output mount management manner to justify liable linguistic logics.

2. Productivity Learning which should then invoke howtos implementation for further appliance of rolling rules and approach theory...This is a thread task job of inner inspiration insight that is based upon networking narrows of core actions affect soul scheduling and human psyche satisfaction growth.

3. usage utility of (burst, boost) or (instill = something, boost = any thing else) mapping pair to support transition tractability and transaction transformations during current life requirements and its core sights of leaf like liable laws belong to smart soul trip travel ...Thus any human soul has to travel around general globe where it could find more trust control for what is necessary required to achieve any desirable thread task job and to accomplish what is valid homes or yard of fashion flow focus on....

The mount management of "modeling modes inside inner soul scheduling" consists to conceive performing procedures which could then provide basic material supports for next generation to investigate specification sights around soul (= A part of humans regarded as immaterial, immortal, separable from the body at death, capable of moral judgment, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state). Although, while enjoying excite concrete environment of engineering exploitation for adequate container of liable linguistic logics to support trust control of surround set = {(measurable(amount), utility(tool)), (instill(node), infuse(edge)), (custom(event), trust(time)) = (while it Results in x = unknown reality fashion flow, manage or mount it Translate y = yielding process)}. For such a rising reason, "do invoking instructions like what can watch while another program is running or when could you press OK button while joy should purchase human psyche soul ...

In fact, shiny smiles are all configured to be basic built in behavior of what is involving inside reality's requests. Thereupon, first steps inside primordial principles of contrats and wellness is to submit what is learning phases of associate assignment that can allow learning material evolves ;;;

boost = example / (illusion ± clear * behavior / dynamics)

for intentional investigation to inner inspiration insight for trust control for concrete customization of knowledge culture to fill in settings setups of engineering exploitation to remove configure transparency while excitement examples are running for example hurricanes, Jesus Christ, Lord, Earthquakes, .... Notice running examples are core motions of introductive "REAPT something should be running while it is possible to find genuine constraint conditions" or it is similar to provide hypothesis of "REAPT I am lost until "no social loose should be found"... Therefore, this "REAPT ....(something) UNTILL (constraint conditions" could then continuously be basic event values of probably proposal discrete event simulation when starts in Earth Sky have to bring upon corresponding analysis dynamics of (genuine = sin², unjust = cos²) mapping pair or (genuine = -1 + 1/sin², unjust = -1 + 1/cos²) mapping pair or (genuine = tg², unjust = cotg²) mapping pair, ...

Although, frequency fashion flow has then to be involving inside burst = 400*Log(1 + ex(...)) / (1 + 16*f²(...)*ex(...)), where f²(...) could be easy x² or similar ...Furthermore to highlight such a mapping pair dynamics, simply use of (start to grow, distribution or destination) mapping pair for transaction translation major main processing designs...
Counting down the hours until this feckless president is GONE! 
a small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value.
synonyms: knickknack, bauble, ornament, bibelot, curio, trifle, gimcrack, gewgaw, toy, novelty; informalwhatnot, doohickey, tchotchke; datedkickshaw
"he brought back some lovely little trinkets from the South Seas"
Mr. President will you grant me a pardon before you leave. I have recently been interviewed and have not heard anything. Thank you for your time.
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