Help with Abbreviations

As you may have already noticed, the IEM website is filled with abbreviations! This index should help you decipher them. If there is an abbreviation that is omitted, please let us know.

ASOS -- Automated Surface Observing System

Used on the IEM to refer to the network of stations sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration, National Weather Service and the Department of Defense.

AWOS -- Automated Weather Observing System

Refers to the network of stations administrated by the Federal Aviation Administration or owned by local entities.

COOP -- Cooperative Observer Program

Network of human observers making daily observations for the National Weather Service

DCP -- Data Collection Platforms

DOT -- Department of Transportation

FAA -- Federal Aviation Administration

IEM -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet

Web site you are currently visiting. :)

ISU AG -- Iowa State University Agricultural Climate Network

Network of observing stations located at ISU research farms throughout the state.

NEXRAD -- Next Generation Weather Radar system

Is the network of Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doopler (WSR-88D) sites.

NRCS -- National Resources Conservation Service

Part of the US Department of Agriculture.

NWS -- National Weather Service

The NWS is responsible for public dissemination of weather data, forecasts and warnings.

RWIS -- Roadway Weather Information System

Owned by the state Department of Transportation, these sensors are found along major roads in the state.

RUC2 -- Rapid Update Cycle

Weather forecast model ran at the National Center for Environmental Prediction. This model is executed hourly and generates 12 hour forecasts.

SCAN -- Soil Climate Analysis Network

Operated by the National Resources Conservation Service, these stations provide detailed soil observations on multiple levels.

USGS -- United States Geological Survey