Study Abroad

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A study abroad opportunity can be an important first step in becoming a global peacebuilder.
A study abroad opportunity can be an important first step in becoming a global peacebuilder.

A study abroad experience – be it for a few weeks or a year – can provide a first-hand opportunity to see how people in other parts of the world live from day to day, and the kinds of challenges they may face in their countries or regions. Living in an unfamiliar society can heighten one’s awareness of other cultures, and it can also provide an opportunity to gain important skills in communicating and working with others, which can be valuable in future personal and professional roles. Study abroad is primarily available at the high school and college and university levels.

American students gather with Roma families in Macedonia.

"During the onset of the Occupy movement in Spain, when riots and protests were occurring daily, the historic feria events of the Easter holiday prompted people to come together and set aside the economic and political turmoil for a moment. This experience reminds us that culture often outlives war and that it can be a tool to unite people under a common understanding." -Vicky Hudspeth

To read a personal and more in-depth reflection on study abroad, see The Traveler & the Peacebuilder.  If you have participated in study abroad, share your experience and how it impacted you with others at Share a Story through text, photo, video and audio content. On our Peacebuilders’ Forum discuss study abroad and its importance in your educational experience with others.

To learn more about study abroad, check out the links below: