NOAA -- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


We work with academic institutions, museums and science centers, and partners from K-12 to develop materials that support teachers and students. These efforts support broader national initiatives to improve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. 



Lessons Plan -- Classroom resouces, data, and information for your teaching needs
Student Opportunity --
Understand and learn inside and outside the classroom
Games and Apps - Teach and
learn with games and apps can produce desired behaviors
Teach with a World of Data
from NOAA View - Roles teachers can play in and outside the classroom
Infographics -- Use data, information and visuals to expolore and create fun facts
Continuing Education -- Continuous learning will foster individuals and social development
Teacher Opportunities
-- Integrate data and technology in the classroom can be fun
Videos -- Non-traditional
tools can motivate and teach science
Stay Informed -- Stay
abreast and aware of new applications, science, and research


Lesson Plans

Grades 6 and above:

These lessons plans show educators and students how use real scientific data to explore some of Earth's dynamic processes and understand the impact of environmental events on a regional or global scale.




Coral Bleaching
El Nino
Ocean Acidification
Sea Level Rise
Water Quality


Download Lesson Plans
Learn about Climate Science
Explore a wide range of satellite meteology modules




a photo of NOAA view web site on an iPad

Teach with a World of Data from NOAA View

This online educational tool offers a one-stop shop for breath-taking satellite imagery and engaging data products designed to give users a better understanding of the environmental and weather phenomena that shape our planet.


Teacher Opportunities

The NOAA education website provides information about opportunities that are available to educators, including the NOAA Teachers at Sea and Climate Stewards programs.


A photo of different teacher opportunities


a photo of different kind of student opportunities

Student Opportunities

Interested in an internship or career in NOAA? The NOAA education website offers a variety of opportunities for students, including the NOAA Educational Partnership Program, the Hollings Scholarship, the Nancy Foster Scholarship, and information about how to become involved in your local Weather Forecast Office.




Have you ever wondered how much a satellite weighs or where the sky ends and space begins? If so, you've come to the right place.


A photo of inforgraphic illustration


An image illustration of a video player


Want to learn on how weather satellites are built, how NOAA spacecraft inform the nation's weather forecasts, or how GOES-R will get into orbit? Then check out these fun, informative videos! 



Games and Apps

These games and interactive activities highlight the science behind NOAA's efforts to understand and protect the planet's natural resources. 


An image illustration of different games


A photo of different kind education activities

Continuing Education

Whether it is for personal interest or professional development, there are many ways to continue your education.

The COMET Program creates environmental science education and training curriculum to disseminate and enhance scientific knowledge in the environmental sciences, particularly meteorology, but also including diverse areas such as oceanography, hydrology, space weather, and emergency management.

AMS Short Courses are designed to educate and build careers of the next generation of atmospheric, oceanic, hydrologic scientists, and professionals.



Stay Informed

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter and stay current on the latest news and information from NOAA satellites!

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A photo of different kind of activities at the NOAA NESDIS