LAS (Live Access Servers)


LAS (Live Access Servers)

The Live Access Server (LAS) is a highly configurable Web server designed to provide flexible access to geo-referenced 4-dimensional scientific data. It can present distributed data sets as a unified virtual data base through the use of OPeNDAP networking. The LAS allows a user to visualize data with on-the-fly graphics, request custom subsets of variables in 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-dimensions and in a choice of file formats, access background reference material about the data (metadata), and compare (difference) variables from distributed locations. Also see The previous link is a link to Non-Federal government web site. Click to review NOAA Fisheries disclaimerfor more information.

Environmental Data & Indices

FNMOC Model-generated Environmental Data

  • Geopotential Height
  • Sea Level Pressure
  • Surface Winds

Observational Data   

  • Sea Surface Temperature
  • Subsurface Temperature, Isotherm Depth, and Anomalies
  • World Ocean Database

ERD Derived Environmental Indices   

  • PFEL Environmental Indices
  • PFEL Global Upwelling Index and Derived Transports
  • Upwelling Index, 15 NA Locations

OceanWatch (Satellite)

Near Real Time Satellite Data   

  • Ocean Surface Temperature
  • Ocean Surface Chlorophyll a  
  • Ocean Surface Winds
  • Ocean Surface Height
  • Derived Quantities

Delayed, Science-Quality Satellite Data   

  • Ocean Surface Temperature
  • Ocean Surface Chlorophyll a  
  • Ocean Surface Winds
  • Ocean Surface Height
  • Geostrophic Velocity
  • Ocean Surface Currents
  • Derived Quantities


California Fish Landings Data

Longer Time Series; 57 most common market categories

Shorter Time Series; 300 market categories

Salmon Tag Data

Salmon release years 2000 – 2004 by tag number


OPeNDAP (Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol) is a protocol for requesting and transporting subsetted data across the web as well as a software framework that simplifies all aspects of scientific data networking, allowing simple access to remote data. Local data can be made accessible to remote locations regardless of local storage format by using OPeNDAP servers. Existing, familiar data analysis and visualization applications can be transformed into OPeNDAP clients (i.e., applications able to access remote OPeNDAP served data) without having to worry about the format of the data. Also see The previous link is a link to Non-Federal government web site. Click to review NOAA Fisheries disclaimer for more information.

THREDDS (Catalogs, OpenDAP, & WCS)

The THREDDS (Thematic Realtime Environmental Distributed Data Services) project is developing middleware to bridge the gap between data providers and data users. The goal is to simplify the discovery and use of scientific data and to allow scientific publications and educational materials to reference scientific data. THREDDS provides automated catalog generation for data holdings, as well as embedded OPeNDAP and Web Content Services  (WCS) servers. Also see previous link is a link to Non-Federal government web site. Click to review NOAA Fisheries disclaimerfor more information.


OpenGIS encompasses the standards and architectures being developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) that enable the integration of geospatial data and services into user applications. Also see http://www.opengeospatial.orgThe previous link is a link to Non-Federal government web site. Click to review NOAA Fisheries disclaimerfor more information.

Last modified: 12/24/2014