
The SWFSC offers many educational opportunities for students of all ages, teachers, and the general public. On this page you will find links to educational opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, resources for teachers and kids, information about educational partnerships, careers, community outreach, the NOAA Office of Education, and the Teacher at Sea program.

movie_icon_ed Watch Research Videos from the Field
The extent of marine debris and its potential impacts to organisms living in deepwater habitats on the sea floor was unknown ... until now. Watch Keepers of the Deep, a video about Marine Debris Research off the California Coast.

Marine debris video graphic - small

Cooperative Fisheries Research: The Southern California Bight. SWFSC scientists and recreational fishermen work cooperatively to map fish habitat and identify species using passive acoustic methods and underwater video.

Icon of Cooperative Research in the Southern California Bight

Turtle Research from Monterey Bay to Indonesia

Measuring a leatherback turtle in Indonesia

Reports from the Field

NOAA Ship David Starr Jordan Leatherback Use of Temperate Habitat (LUTH)
The LUTH survey is an ecosystem-based assessment of temperate foraging habitats of endangered leatherback turtles off the coast of California. Visit the CruisePenguin and chicks.

The US Antarctic Marine Living Resources (AMLR) field season
The 2008/2009 field season is the AMLR program's 26th year of surveys in the Antarctic peninsula region. The researchers provide weekly summaries of their activities. Learn more about field research in Antarctica.

Educational Highlights blank

Sea Turtle Curriculum for 6th Graders  

Southwest Fisheries Science Center Internship Programs

Seymour Center Exhibit in Santa Cruz

Green Sea/Blue Sea Mural Project in Pacific Grove Species Poster

FishWatch: U.S. Seafood Facts

Interactive Species Identification Poster

NOAA's Teacher at Sea Program

NOAA's Educational Student Opportunities

NOAA Celebrates 2009: A Year of Science with a Treasure Trove of Resources for the Public, Students and Teachers 

NOAA Photo Library's Sailing for Science

Teachers and Studentsblank

Jessica at Science Festival in Balboa
San Diego Science Festival, Balboa Park


Requests for educational materials can be addressed to:

Outreach Unit
NOAA Office of Public and Constituent Affairs
1305 East West Highway #1W514
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: (301) 713-1208

Educators and students please see the following sites:  NOAA Office of EducationNOAA Fisheries Protected Resources Education, NOAA Educational Partnership Program, NOAA games, and NOAA's National Ocean Service Education