Membership in the IMCS Network


The International MCS Network is an informal, voluntary network composed of countries and Regional Fisheries Management Organizations as represented by persons responsible for fisheries and fisheries-related monitoring, control and surveillance.

Established in 2001 by Australia, Canada, Chile, the European Union, Peru and the United States, the IMCS Network now comprises 59 member countries, the EU and two RFMOs (CCAMLR and CCSBT). The Network is led by an Executive Committee composed of a diverse group of members, which is chaired by Cephas Ralph, Head of Compliance, Marine Scotland. The Network Secretariat is located in Washington, DC and is staffed by Executive Director Mark Young and Network Coordinator Amy Coombs.

The International MCS Network is financed through voluntary payments by various member countries. Therefore, membership of the Network is free of charge; however, members are expected to participate and cooperate with others, consistent with the Mission and Vision of the Network. Please review the following responsibilities and benefits of membership before completing an application below.

Member responsibilities:

    • To support the mission, goals, and objectives of the Network in order to strengthen the fight against IUU fishing.
    • To cooperate with the Network and member governments whenever possible, e.g., by participating in information exchanges, responding to requests for information, and collaborating on work programs.
    • To follow Network communications and provide input, suggestions, and comments in a timely manner when requested and at any other time that the member national government deems constructive.
    • To designate a Point of Contact (POC) or contacts to represent your country or organization.

      • – The POC serves as a liaison between the national government, other member governments, and the Network Secretariat in order to distribute and share externally received information, such as Network newsletters and communications or requests for information from other members, to the appropriate department or person within their national government.
      • – The POC is also responsible for communicating information from their national government to the Network Secretariat or other member governments.
    • – The POC’s name and contact information will be posted on the Network website and updated regularly in order to facilitate communication between members and with the Network and other members.
    • – It is recommended to also establish a secondary point of contact, either colleagues from the same offices or other relevant agencies or offices.


Member benefits:

  • Access to other member governments and fellow MCS practitioners, including inspectors, investigators, and attorneys, on general matters of interest as well as incident-specific cooperation.
  • Invitation to participate in the Global Fisheries Enforcement Training Workshops and other capacity development opportunities
  • Dialogue with experts and MCS analysts on IUU trends, concerns, and emerging strategies to combat your local MCS challenges
  • Frequent communications from the Network regarding the status of the Network, updates in MCS activities around the world, and additional relevant information.

Membership application forms in English, Spanish and French can be downloaded as PDF or Microsoft Word documents below. Completed forms should be returned by email to:


Download in English, Spanish or French:


If your country is already a Network member, but significant changes have been made to the institutions or positions of those responsible for fisheries-related MCS since you first joined, then please consider filling out the application form as a “Member Update” or simply email the Secretariat with relevant updates.

Although the International MCS Network membership is currently limited to countries, RFMOs and regional economic integration organizations (such as the European Union), the Network collaborates with a number of other inter-governmental organizations such as FAO and regional organizations and non-governmental organizations working on issues related to combatting IUU fishing. If you represent an entity that is not eligible for membership but would nonetheless like to be involved with the Network, please email the Secretariat at