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NOAA Restoration Center: 25 Years of Habitat Restoration



The NOAA Restoration Center was established in 1991 in the wake of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Since then, we’ve become experts in restoration, working with partners across the nation to reestablish healthy habitat. We’ve completed more than 3,300 projects, which have improved and expanded habitat that fish need throughout their life cycle.

Celebrate with Us

Join us this year as we recognize the benefits of habitat restoration to fish and wildlife, communities, and the environment. Follow @NOAAHabitat and use #Restore25 to join the celebration!

25 Years of Restoration Success

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Salmon Habitat Restoration: A Critical Investment in Flood-Prone Communities

After a Century, Fish Return to Historic Habitat in Maine

Trustees Settle with BP for Natural Resource Injuries to the Gulf of Mexico

Explore Habitat Restoration since Hurricane Katrina

Celebrating Habitat Successes Large and Small

Coral Bleaching Teaches Lessons on Restoration Techniques

Innovative Abalone Spawning Technique to Aid Restoration

How Marsh Restoration Benefits Fish and the Economy

Landfill Turned Urban Oasis—Wetland Now Home to Fish and Birds

River Restoration Results in Record Fish Runs

Habitat Restoration 101

Video: Restoring Fisheries through Habitat Restoration

More Habitat Means More Fish

Continuing Our Education: Why Monitoring Restoration Projects Matters

Restoration Creates Jobs: What's Good for Nature is Good for the Economy