Contact Us

Phone Numbers: A directory of staff phone and fax numbers.

Staff Profiles: Find out more about the people who do the research at the SWFSC.

Feedback Form: SWFSC would like to thank you for taking the time to e-mail us. Your suggestions, questions and concerns help us keep our site up-to-date and meet your needs. Enter your message in the form and please be sure to include your e-mail address.

Maps and Directions:

La Jolla

Rendering 2

  • Director's Office
  • Operations, Management and Information Division
  • Information Technology Services

  • Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division
  • Fisheries Resources Division
  • Marine Mammal and Turtle Division
  • Environmental Research Division (Director)
8901 La Jolla Shores Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037-1508
Phone: (858) 546-7000
Fax: (858) 546-7003
Get Directions; Mapquest Map The previous link is a link to Non-Federal government web site. Click to review NOAA Fisheries disclaimer | Google Map The previous link is a link to Non-Federal government web site. Click to review NOAA Fisheries disclaimer | Yahoo Map The previous link is a link to Non-Federal government web site. Click to review NOAA Fisheries disclaimer

Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz
  • Fisheries Ecology Division
  • Environmental Research Division (Data Integration and Analysis Program)
110 Shaffer Road
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone: (831) 420-3900
Fax: (831) 420-3980
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  • Environmental Research Division (Climate and Ecosystems Program)
99 Pacific Street, Suite 255A
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: (831) 648-8515
Fax: (831) 648-8440
Get Map: Mapquest Map The previous link is a link to Non-Federal government web site. Click to review NOAA Fisheries disclaimer | Google Map The previous link is a link to Non-Federal government web site. Click to review NOAA Fisheries disclaimer | Yahoo Map The previous link is a link to Non-Federal government web site. Click to review NOAA Fisheries disclaimer