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Restoration Partnerships

Large earth moving vehicles involved in restoration project




For more than 20 years, the NOAA Restoration Center has worked to maintain strong relationships with a number of non-profit organizations focused on restoring coastal habitat nationwide. These partnerships help the Restoration Center leverage greater funds and effort for restoration through match and in-kind contributions such as funding, land easements, staff expertise, volunteer support, and other services. In return, the NOAA Restoration Center offers technical and permitting assistance in restoring habitats from coast to coast.

Investing in Habitat Restoration
The NOAA Restoration Center works with partners on projects that offer a broad range of ecological, socio-economic, and stewardship benefits to coastal communities. Partnerships are implemented through multi-year agreements and involve joint selection of community-based habitat restoration projects funded as sub-awards through the partner organization.

Restoration Partnerships at a Glance

Through each national partnership, the NOAA Restoration Center seeks to openly compete funding available for multi-year national and regional habitat restoration partnerships that will result in implementation of a wide-range of habitat restoration projects—from locally-driven, hands-on projects that emphasize stewardship, to mid-scale, watershed-scale projects that yield significant ecological and socioeconomic benefits.

Important Funding Notices