Teaching Resources

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The lessons, simulations, activities, and other resources in this section are useful as supplements to the Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators, but can also be used independently to support learning about international conflict management and peacebuilding.
The lessons, simulations, activities, and other resources in this section are useful as supplements to the Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators, but can also be used independently to support learning about international conflict management and peacebuilding.


 Witnesses to Peacebuilding Lessons

These lesson plans accompany the Global Peacebuilding Center’s Witnesses to Peacebuilding multimedia exhibit. Each short video tells the powerful story of an individual peacebuilder from around the world. 

Elementary School Lessons and Other Resources

This section includes adaptations of lessons from the Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators for upper elementary school students and other resources, such as children's books on peace.

Quick Activities

These activities can help quickly engage students in thinking about key concepts related to conflict management and peacebuilding. The activities available here can work well in workshop settings or in alternative learning environments, as they do not require as much time or preparation as full lessons. (Full lessons are available in the Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators.)

Study Guides and Simulations

These National High School Essay Contest study guides briefly summarize the key issues surrounding a particular issue. They are designed to serve independent learners who want to find out more about selected topics in international conflict and its resolution, as well as educators who want to introduce such topics to their students. Each study guide includes a glossary, discussion questions and activities, and a list of readings and multimedia resources for additional investigation.

Many of the study guides contain simulations. These teaching simulations engage students in relatively complex role-plays, challenging them to resolve deep-rooted conflicts around the world. The simulations complement the Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators, providing students with new opportunities to practice the critical conflict management and peacebuilding skills taught in the Toolkit, skills that in turn strengthen their ability to be effective during the simulation.

Peace Resources for Classroom Use

This section provides and organizes additional international conflict management and peacebuilding content, making it easier for educators to access and use a wide variety of U.S. Institute of Peace resources in the classroom.

Films on Peacebuilding Themes

These films on peacebuilding themes have been used by the U.S. Institute of Peace in its education work in recent years. They all tell powerful and personal peacebuilding stories, and a number of them include educator resources to help students delve more deeply into the films’ themes and to take action. 

Model United Nations

The Global Peacebuilding Center at the U.S. Institute of Peace offers a range of resources to help Model United Nations (MUN) students improve their understanding of their topics and develop key skills to enable them to negotiate effectively during their conferences. We also offer support to MUN teachers and organizations.

Peer Mediation

The Global Peacebuilding Center at the U.S. Institute of Peace offers a range of resources to help peer mediators improve their mediation skills and enhance their understanding of the role that mediation plays in international conflict management and peacebuilding. We also offer support to peer mediation teachers and organizations.