THREDDS Data Server (TDS)

The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) is 100% Java, open source, and runs as a Tomcat web server application. TDS data serving capabilities are built on top of Unidata's netCDF-Java / CDM library. The CDM data model combines the NetCDF-3, DAP2, and HDF5 data models, into what is called the Common Data Model (CDM). It has a pluggable "I/O Service Provider" architecture that allows it to read various file formats into the CDM, including NetCDF, HDF5, GRIB, NEXRAD levels 2 and 3, and others, as well as datasets served through the OPeNDAP protocol. The TDS then builds data services on top of the CDM.

TDS Download

tds-4.6.8.war [MD5]   [SHA1] 62.2 MB Jan 6, 2017 Current Release (stable version 4.6.8).
IMPORTANT: Before deploying, rename to thredds.war
tdmFat-4.6.8.jar [MD5]   [SHA1] 24.2 MB Jan 6, 2017 TDM for the current release (stable version 4.6.8)

ESGF TDS Download

tds-ESGF-5.0.war [MD5]   [SHA1] 79.4 MB December 22, 2016 Release specifically for ESGF Nodes (version ESGF-5.0).
IMPORTANT: Before deploying, rename to thredds.war or, if running tomcat, thredds##ESGF-5.0.war

Other Links

THREDDS Data Server Home

Netcdf-Java (CDM) Home