Welcome to PICES
The North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), an intergovernmental scientific organization, was established in 1992 to promote and coordinate marine research in the northern North Pacific and adjacent seas. Its present members are Canada, Japan, People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America.

Recent Publications
PICES Special Publications
Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean 2003-2008 Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 Measurements
PICES Spec. Publs. (cont...)
Primary Journals
Primary Journals (more...)
Scientific & Technical Reports (more...)
FERRRS brochure: "Fisheries & Ecosystem Responses to Recent Regime Shifts in the North Pacific" PICES Press.  Vol. 24, No. 1. Jan. 2016
Upcoming and Recent Events

Small Pelagics Symposium
Mar. 6-11, 2017
Victoria, BC, Canada
31st Wakefield Symposium
May 9-12, 2017
Anchorage, AK, USA

ECS Conference

May 30 - June 2, 2017
Busan, Korea

Open Science Meeting

June 11-15, 2017
Tromsø, Norway

25 years of PICES
Annual Meeting

Nov. 1-13, 2016
San Diego, USA

6th Int. Zooplankton Symposium
May 9-13, 2016
Bergen, Norway

More ...
PICES Structure/Membership Changes;
New Programs/Projects

Scientific Program

CPR Data
Data on the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey of the North Pacific are now available on-line
12/19/2016 12:45:07 PM PST
New Expert Groups: WG-38, SG-MES, SG-HD.

11/29/2016 2:49:26 PM PST
Changes within Governing Council Membership: Dr. Wonjoon Shim as a new member of Governing Council replacing Dr. Chul Park and representing Korea.

11/28/2016 8:19:44 PM PST
New PICES Chair Award : The PICES Governing Council approved the establishment of a new award, the PICES Chair Award…

11/28/2016 8:19:11 PM PST
New Working Groups : WG-35, WG-36, WG-37.

11/17/2016 6:54:32 PM PST
Changes within Governing Council Membership: Dr. Chul Park is replacing Dr. Laura Richards as GC Chair; Dr. John Stein is replacing Dr. Chul Park as GC Vice-Chair.

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Publication/Meeting News

Wooster and POMA Awards


The PICES website is undergoing some changes. Most of this is “behind the scenes”, but there are changes to the “look and feel” and some changes to the functionality (including “mobile-friendly” access for new pages). If you find errors or are experiencing other problems, please let us know right away at secretariat@pices.int. We apologize for any confusion as we work through these changes.


"Ecology of Salmonids in Estuaries around the World: Adaptations, Habitats and Coservation" by Colin D. Levings

12/8/2016 3:00:49 PM PST
Call for Papers. Manuscripts must be submitted by February 1, 2017: Special issue of Marine Pollution Bulletin.

11/10/2016 9:30:06 AM PST
PICES videos now posted on YouTube

7/18/2016 8:57:27 AM PST
PICES Press: Vol. 24, No.2 is now available online.

5/9/2016 1:33:51 PM PST
2016 Call for nominations for the IMBER SSC

2/10/2016 9:15:14 AM PST
PICES Sci. Rep. No. 48, 2015 "Report of Working Group 21 on Non-indigenous Aquatic Species" is now available on-line.

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