Science Plan and Annual Guidance Memorandum

Western Regional Action Plan (WRAP)In early 2012, the NOAA Fisheries Chief Scientist asked all Science Centers to revise or develop new strategic science plans. These plans are to be organized by research themes and foci, include infrastructure and support needs, and developed for a 5-year period. The primary goal of these strategic plans is to improve responsiveness to agency and constituent needs and effectively use resources to meet highest priority core mission responsibilities. Read the SWFSC strategic science plan here:

Southwest Fisheries Science Center Strategic Science Plan (PDF)

Southwest Fisheries Science Center Strategic Science Plan Summary (PDF)

2014-2015 SWFSC Annual Guidance Memorandum (PDF)

2016 SWFSC Annual Guidance Memorandum (PDF)

2017 SWFSC Annual Priorities Memorandum (PDF)

Science Reviews

Sound science is critical for making the right decisions when it comes to managing our nation’s fisheries and protected species. To maintain our world-class science, NOAA Fisheries continually strives to advance the science that informs fisheries and protected resources management. In January of 2013, NOAA Fisheries initiated a standardized five-year cycle to peer review science conducted by each of the six science centers and the headquarters Office of Science and Technology. Each year will have a specific thematic focus such as data collection and management programs (2013) and fish stock assessments (2014). SWFSC invites experts from both inside and outside the federal government to review research under the remit of the Center. These reviews present an opportunity to showcase the strides we have made and to improve our systems to offer the greatest utility and transparency possible. More information can be found at:

2016 Ecosystem Science Review (18 - 22 April 2016)

2015 Protected Mammal and Turtle Species Science Review (27 - 31 July 2015)

2015 West Coast Protected Fish Species Program Review (4 - 8 May 2015)

2014 Program Review of Fish Stock Assessments (28 July – 1 August 2014)

2013 Program Review of Data Management ( 29 July – 1 August 2013)

NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy (NCSS) Western Regional Action Plan (WRAP)

The Western Regional Action Plan (WRAP) outlines efforts underway to increase the production, delivery, and use of the climate-related information required to fulfill our mission. As part of the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy (NCSS), the WRAP conforms to a nationally consistent framework that guides efforts by NOAA Fisheries and partners to address the agency’s climate-related information needs. The WRAP identifies strengths, weaknesses, priorities, and actions to implement the NCSS on the U.S. West Coast over the next 3-5 years.

Western Regional Action Plan (WRAP)
   WRAP Summary - for posting
   WRAP Summary - for printing
NOAA Fisheries National Climate Science Strategy (NCSS)
NCSS Highlights
NOAA Fisheries Climate-Related Science Activities
Last modified: 12/16/2016