
Aerial images document the final months of J2, an iconic Southern Resident killer whale

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,, 03 Jan 2017 Our colleagues at the Center for Whale Research (CWR)

International Camera Network Keeps Eyes on Antarctic Penguins

Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division,

Scientists Improve Predictions of How Temperature Affects the Survival of Fish Embryos

Fisheries Ecology Division,

Fisheries Ecology Division and UC Santa Cruz researchers found the thermal tolerance of Chinook salmon embryos in the Sacramento River is much lower than expected from laboratory studies. Exploring the cause of this discrepancy led to new insights into how egg size and water flow affect the survival of fish eggs.

New Forecast Tool Helps Ships Avoid Blue Whale Hotspots

Environmental Research Division,

New forecast tool helps ships avoid blue whale hotspots

California Leatherback Day Celebration at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

The powerful leatherback turtle swims 6,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean to feed on jellyfish that are abundant along the California coast during summer and fall months. As many as 300 of these trans ocean travelers visit the California coastline

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Affected a Slice of Gulf of Mexico Bluefin Spawning Habitat

Environmental Research Division,

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill impacted the Western Atlantic bluefin tuna’s spawning habitat, including the shelf and slope waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico, a new study confirms. The spill occurred in the warm spring months during the

Pacific Bluefin Tuna Numbers Remain Low; but an Increase Detected

Southwest Fisheries Science Center,

Stock assessment indicates that management measures already in place are likely to help. Scientists just completed a new, improved stock assessment of the Pacific

West Coast Research Expedition Tracks Elusive Beaked Whales

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

Marine mammal scientists are beginning a research expedition in search of the least known, most mysterious and deepest diving whales off the West Coast. The expedition on the NOAA ship Bell M. Shimada will employ a newly developed

SWFSC Study Documenting Economic Importance of Recreational Fishing Featured on Sportfishing Website, BD Outdoors

Fisheries Resources Division,

Collaboration between the Southwest Fisheries Science Center and the Sportfishing Association of California was recently featured in an article by recreational fishing website Bloody Decks Outdoors. The program unites scientists and

NOAA Scientists Search for Endangered White Abalone

Fisheries Resources Division,

A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) gives scientists an up close look at a severely depleted seafloor species

How in Danger Is an Endangered Species? New Study Provides an Answer

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

The Endangered Species Act defines an endangered species as one that is “in danger of extinction within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.” But what does that mean in terms of number of animals

Award Recognizes NOAA Fisheries Biologist for Work on Vaquita

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

NOAA Fisheries research biologist Barbara Taylor received a top award from the Society of Conservation Biology this week for her work in understanding and rallying international support for the highly endangered Mexican vaquita.

International Search Reveals Genetic Evidence for New Species of Beaked Whale

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

An international team of scientists who searched out specimens from museums and remote Arctic islands has identified a rare new species of beaked whale that ranges from northern Japan across the Pacific Ocean to Alaska’s Aleutian Islands. Japanese

‘The Blob’ Overshadows El Niño

Environmental Research Division,

Research identifies earlier ocean warming as dominant effect off West Coast

US Navy and NOAA Fisheries Sign Historic Agreement for White Abalone Recovery

Fisheries Resources Division,

On Wednesday, July 6, the U.S. Navy signed an agreement with NOAA Fisheries that will provide over $2.1 million in total funding to support core research and survey needs for endangered white abalone at Tanner

El Niño Patterns Contributed to Long-lived Marine Heatwave in North Pacific

Fisheries Ecology Division,

El Niño climate patterns contributed to the “warm blob” that began dominating the Gulf of Alaska in late 2013, and later gripped the West Coast of North America in what became the Northeast Pacific’s largest marine heatwave, according to a new study published in Nature Climate Change today.

A Mako's Last Meal Part II: The Shark Bite Effect

Fisheries Resources Division,

#SharkWeek  Celebrate Shark Week In 2013, the world record mako shark was caught off the coast of California. Southwest Fisheries Science Center researcher, Antonella Preti, discovered an adult

Putting the World in World Sea Turtle Day

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

Listen to an interview with NOAA Fisheries biologist and sea turtle scientist Manjula Tiwari. Dr. Tiwari works all over the world helping communities that live near sea turtle nesting beaches to protect their sea turtle populations. She works with many

New Study Highlights Hidden Values of Open Ocean

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

What is the value of the open ocean? While commercial fisheries may be one of the most obvious sources of economic value the ocean provides, they are not the only one. Now a team of scientists from NOAA

Reddit - Ask Me Anything about Marine Turtles - with NOAA Scientist Peter Dutton

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

As a part of Sea Turtle Week celebrations, Dr. Peter Dutton will be taking your questions on Reddit AskScience's "Ask Me Anything." Peter Dutton is the head of the NOAA Marine Turtle Genetics Program and has been involved in sea

Genes and Culture Drive Killer Whale Evolution

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

Killer whale behavior and social structure evolved through the expansion of a small number of pioneering groups into new environments, reports a

New Survey Reveals Precipitous Decline of Endangered Vaquita

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

Only about 60 vaquitas remain in the world, according to a new report recently released by Mexico’s Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources and the governor of Baja California on the status of the rare Mexican porpoise. NOAA

Pacific Bluefin Tuna Numbers Remain Low, but an Increase Detected

Southwest Fisheries Science Center,

Draft stock assessment summary indicates that management measures already in place are likely to help.

New Technique Traces Link between Fishing and Sea Turtles

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

Each year, leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) interact with the United States longline fishery many are caught and sampled by the observers with the SEFSC Pelagic Observer Program. SWFSC scientists, including marine biologist Kelly Stewart, used the comprehensive nesting population

Endangered Whales Get a High-Tech Check-Up

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

Hexacopters give researchers an unparalleled view of marine mammal health photo here Scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are studying the health of critically endangered whales—using hexacopters.

2016 Ecosystem Science Review 18-20 April

Southwest Fisheries Science Center,

The SWFSC will conduct a review of it's ecosystem science the week of April 18th.  The 2016 NOAA Fisheries Science Program Reviews will evaluate ecosystem science programs that inform the management, protection, and restoration of resilient and productive ecosystems.

Sardine Numbers Remain Low, 2016 Fishing Remains Closed

Fisheries Resources Division,

Stock assessment finds sardine biomass below cut off level for directed fishing this year Last weekend scientists and managers at the

NOAA Releases Draft Climate Science Action Plan for the U.S. West Coast

Southwest Fisheries Science Center,

As part of its efforts to increase the production, delivery, and use of climate related information, today, NOAA Fisheries released a draft climate science action plan for the U.S. West Coast. It outlines a strategy and specific actions

Can the Vaquita be Saved from Extinction?

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

In a NOAA podcast about vaquita, Dr. Barb Taylor discusses vaquita porpoise and its status as the most endangered marine mammal

Food Limitation Linked to Record California Sea Lion Strandings

Fisheries Resources Division,

New research shows long term decline of sardines and anchovy leaves sea lions struggling Large numbers of California sea lion pups have flooded animal rescue centers in Southern California in the past few years. Now, as part of an

2015 NOAA Fisheries West Coast Photo Contest Winners Announced

Southwest Fisheries Science Center,

Photo Contest Reflects the Diversity of NOAA Jobs and Environments We asked NOAA Fisheries employees, contractors, and

Genetic Matchmaking in California Salmon Hatcheries (New York Times)

Fisheries Ecology Division,

The New York Times published an article about Fisheries Ecology Division geneticists and their work matching mating pairs to maintain genetic diversity at California salmon hatcheries.

From Sky to Sea: Studying Sea Turtles amid Warming Waters

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

Warm ocean temperatures have brought many unexpected visitors into California coastal waters over the past year, including hammerhead sharks, blue marlin, whale sharks, and even tropical sea snakes. Scientists at NOAA Fisheries’ Southwest Fisheries Science Center are using these conditions

November Takes a Bite Out of 'the Blob'

Fisheries Ecology Division,

Warm expanse that heated up West Coast waters is beaten, but not yet broken.

Underweight California Sea Lion and Northern Fur Seal Pups at a California Rookery Forebode the Possibility of High Strandings along U.S. West Coast this Winter and Spring

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

Scientists observed another year of low pup weights during their annual survey on the San Miguel Island rookery off California, where sea lions and fur seals breed and rear their young . In fact, pup weights were among the lowest

Newest NOAA Fisheries Survey Ship Concludes Maiden Scientific Voyage

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

R V Reuben Lasker returns to San Diego with detailed data on whales from California to Alaska NOAA Fisheries’ newest research ship, the Reuben Lasker, concluded its first scientific mission Monday when it returned to San Diego after nearly four

Napa Student Rewarded by NOAA Scientists for Finding Green Sturgeon Satellite Tag

Fisheries Ecology Division,

Fisheries Ecology Division researchers met with third grader Deja Walker to thank her and give a $20 reward for finding and returning a green sturgeon satellite tag.

New Method Reveals Female Biased Green Sea Turtle Sex Ratio in San Diego Bay

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

Written by Camryn D. Allen Scientists have for the first time determined the ratio of males to females in a wild foraging group of green turtles in the Eastern Pacific, which suggests that sea turtles may be

Unmanned NOAA Hexacopter Monitors Health of Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

Thousands of high resolution photos provide baseline information on whales ahead of oncoming El Nino  A NOAA Fisheries research team flying a remotely operated hexacopter in Washington’s San Juan Islands in September collected high resolution aerial photogrammetry images

To Breathe or Eat: Blue Whales Use Efficient Foraging To Maintain Massive Body Size

Environmental Research Division,

As the largest animals to have ever lived on Earth, blue whales maintain their enormous body size through

Vaquitas Surface as Mexican Minister of the Environment Launches Survey for the Endangered Porpoise

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

Mexico’s Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, formally launched the project to estimate numbers of the world’s rarest marine mammal on Oct. 1, which turned into a banner day when three vaquitas surfaced in view

Mexican Expedition Sights Rare and Endangered Vaquita Porpoise

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

The mood on the R V Ocean Starr was one of jubilation and relief as observers aboard the research vessel spotted two vaquitas, the world’s smallest and rarest marine mammal. They were spotted swimming in calm waters near the fishing

Oncoming El Niño Likely to Continue Species Shakeup in Pacific

Southwest Fisheries Science Center,

The emerging El Niño climate pattern that is warming the tropical Pacific Ocean is likely to continue–and could even increase–the appearance of marine species in unfamiliar places along the West Coast.

Mexico Launches Intensive Survey for Endangered Vaquita

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

SEMARNAT Press Release ( Click here)

Estimating Shasta Lake Cold Water Supply to Help Sacramento River Salmon

Fisheries Ecology Division,

Fisheries Ecology Division researchers are using a reservoir model for Shasta Lake to estimate the amount of cold water available to keep the Sacramento River cool enough for young salmon.

Tagged Hammerhead Shark Travels Widely In Warm Pacific Waters

Fisheries Resources Division,

The first hammerhead shark fitted with a satellite tracking tag off Southern California has traveled more than 1,000 miles to Mexico and back again since NOAA Fisheries researchers tagged it near San Clemente Island about two months

In Search of the Few Endangered Right Whales off the Alaskan Coast

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

Pacific right whale. Photo credit: Brenda Rone. The Southwest and Alaska Fisheries Science Centers are engaged in a search for the rare and critically endangered North Pacific right whale in the Gulf of Alaska. This is one component of the Collaborative Large Whale Surv

New DNA Research Reveals Genetic Heritage of Elusive Vaquita

Marine Mammal and Turtle Division,

A new method of teasing information from scarce and highly degraded genetic samples is helping NOAA Fisheries and Mexican scientists unravel the genetic heritage of the enigmatic vaquita, the most endangered marine mammal on Earth. Genetic studies are important
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