My Interests Are...

IOOS Site Survey

NOAA Website Survey

Animal Telemetry Network

Animal telemetry observations can inform federal and state resource managers

Ocean Enterprise Study

A Study of US Business Activity in Ocean Measurement, Observation & Forecasting

Ocean Acidification

Ocean acidification has the potential to fundamentally change the ocean

Ocean Technology Transition

IOOS advances technology by transition of tools from testing to operations

HF Radar

High frequency (HF) radar measures the speed and direction of surface currents

Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT)

SLOSH Model results from hurricane Rita displayed on IOOS COMT viewer

Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed Projects

Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed

Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed

Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON)

MBON - understanding life in the sea.

Underwater Gliders

Gliders are a unique and important observing system used in many waters

Quality Assurance of Real Time Oceanographic Data

Quality Assurance of Real-Time Oceanographic Data

Pacific Ocean Acidification Project

Prototype DIC buoy

OTT – Tracking Ocean Alkalinity using New Carbon Measurement Technologies (TAACT)

Mook Sea Farm, Wapole, Maine

Turning the Headlights on High: Improving an Ocean Acidification Observation System in Support of Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers


OTT – Ocean Acidification

Pacific Northwest Razor Clams

OTT – HABs and Hypoxia

Toxic Karenia brevis stains the water off South Padre Island, Texas a rusty red.

OTT – Transitioning Imaging FlowCytoBot for Harmful Algal Bloom Mitigation and Research

The Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB)

OTT – Imaging Flow CytoBot Data Integration

San Francisco Bay Watershed

OTT – Detecting Harmful Algal Blooms in the Pacific Northwest

ESP mooring at 17 m depth

OTT – Operational Nutrient Observatory for the Northeastern United States

Northeast Nutrient Observatory

OTT – Gulf of Maine Environmental Sensor Processor Deployment to Support HAB Detection

The Environmental Sample Processor (ESP)

OTT – Physical Earth Observations

Ocean circulation and current forecasts

OTT – A Real-time Sensor System for Detecting Freeze-up on Arctic Shelves

Ice Detection Buoy Schematic

OTT – Animal Borne Sensors

Female northern elephant seal

OTT- Hawaii Shark Tagging Project

Researchers tagging a tiger shark