Upcoming Workshops

The NOAA Environmental Science Training Center offers professional learning programs for nonformal educators in the region. ESTC continually develops new programs and schedules.

Please check back for the schedule of upcoming workshops.


Workshop Title (click to register; learn more below)


February 10, 2017

Environmental Literacy and the Next Generation Science Standards - Delaware Edition

Wilmington, DE

February 14, 2017

NOAA Science: From the Surface of the Sun to the Depths of the Ocean

Silver Spring, MD


Environmental Literacy and the Next Generation Science Standards - Delaware Edition (February 10)

Join the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Delaware Nature Society, the Delaware Department of Education, and educators from throughout the region in Wilmington, Delaware, for a day-long workshop focusing on Next-Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and how they connect with environmental literacy programming. Dig into the NGSS and three-dimensional learning, experience NGSS lessons and field-based components of Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs), and have the opportunity to hear from state and local representatives about how nonformal environmental education staff can support formal education with NGSS-aligned programming. Explore the Framework and NGSS through in-person hands-on sessions and self-paced online learning.


Why Attend?

During the workshop, participants will be guided through a series of activities, discussions, and presentations designed to provide a robust perspective of the Framework and NGSS’s three dimensions: disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. Participants will experience how the three-dimensional approach helps make environmental education programming relevant to the formal education community and provides a means to support greater environmental literacy.


NOAA Science: From the Surface of the Sun to the Depths of the Ocean (Session 1: February 16)

Earth systems are constantly interacting, changing, shaping the world, and influencing the Chesapeake Bay and the plants, animals and people that call the Bay home. Earth system science studied by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) extends from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor. This science is used by resource managers, decision makers, and educators as they strive to support a society that has access to and uses science to make the best social, economic, and environmental decisions. Join NOAA Earth system scientists and fellow educators for the this workshop series. Participants will explore some of NOAA’s Earth system science, the phenomena NOAA scientists are working to better understand, and ways in which this global science supports understanding of phenomena in the Chesapeake region.

Session 1 Highlights

  • Participate in interactive Earth system science presentations using NOAA’s Science on a Sphere to learn about global phenomena and explore how the physical characteristics of the world’s oceans influence the ocean’s and Chesapeake’s living resources

  • Learn about freely available web-based resources educators can use to explore Earth system science

  • Discuss how place-based environmental education programming supports student’s understanding of Earth systems and phenomena

Workshop Goals

  • Develop an understanding of the nature, depth, and breadth of NOAA science in educators

  • Provide participants access to and knowledge of tools for exploring NOAA science, data, and education resources and models of how these can be used with program participants

  • Provide participants access to and knowledge of high-quality existing education resources that will illustrate the integration of topics discussed during the workshop and highlight support of three-dimensional science education

  • Cultivate the integration of NOAA science within hands-on/field-based activities in the Chesapeake region

  • Provide the opportunity for educators and scientists to interact

More information on past workshops developed and hosted by the Environmental Science Training Center is available.

