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NOAA Executive Order Team

NOAA has an internal team, led by the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office director, that coordinates work on NOAA’s items in annual action plans developed in response to the 2009 Executive Order on Protection and Restoration of the Chesapeake Bay. The team uses a combination of in-person meetings, conference calls with webinars, email, and phone calls to share status updates and share information.

Information on actions for which NOAA is the lead is collected and assembled by the team coordinator, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , and used in the annual progress reports, summarizing the work accomplished toward all of the actions in that year’s action plan. The team coordinator also collects the information used to determine what actions will be listed in the upcoming fiscal year’s action plan, as well as who will be the NOAA lead for each action, and assists with editing that plan after working on its content with the NOAA team lead and other representatives on the Federal Leadership Committee.

Summaries and presentations from past NOAA Executive Order Team meetings are available:



NOAA scientists help with reefball monitoring to support oyster restoration