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 USDA Announces $18.9 Million Available to Support Agricultural Education at 1890s Land-grant Institutions
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18, 2017 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) today announced $18.9 million in funding for eligible 1890 land-grant colleges and universities to obtain or improve agricultural and food sciences facilities and equipment.
 USDA Announces $8.8 Million Available to Support Agriculture Programs at Hispanic Serving Institutions
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18, 2017 - The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture today announced availability of $8.8 million in funding to support agricultural science education at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs).
 USDA Announces $252 Million Available for Regional Conservation Partnership Program
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12, 2017 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today invited potential conservation partners, including private industry, non-government organizations, Indian tribes, state and local governments, water districts, and universities to submit project applications for federal funding through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP).
 USDA Releases New Report on Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Balance of Ethanol
WASHINGTON, Jan 12, 2017—Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the release of a report studying the lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of corn ethanol. The report, A Life-Cycle Analysis of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Corn-Based Ethanol, [link TBA] finds that GHG emissions associated with corn-based ethanol in the United States are about 43 percent lower than gasoline when measured on an energy equivalent basis.
 Federal Agencies Partner to Motivate Americans to Be Healthy and Active
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10, 2017 – Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that USDA’s free online tool, SuperTracker, has incorporated the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition’s (PCFSN) Presidential Champions program as an additional incentive to motivate Americans to be more physically active.
 Families Projected to Spend an Average of $233,610 Raising a Child Born in 2015
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9, 2017 – Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released the 2015 Expenditures on Children by Families report, also known as “The Cost of Raising a Child.” The report, developed by economists at USDA’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP), estimates that for a child born in 2015, a middle-income* married-couple family will spend between $12,350 and $13,900 annually (in 2015 dollars) – or $233,610 from birth through age 17 – on child-rearing expenses.
 USDA Deputy Secretary Harden Announces $17 Million to Support America’s Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8, 2015 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced more than $17 million in grants for organizations that will develop training and provide other resources for beginning farmers and ranchers across the nation. The awards are made through the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program, which is administered by USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).
 USDA Announces $18.1 Million to Help Rural Businesses Create Jobs
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2015 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced loans and grants for 92 projects worth $18.1 to help support the start-up or expansion of rural small businesses. These funds are part of more than 20,000 grants and loans to more than 85,000 rural businesses USDA’s Rural Business-Cooperative Service has awarded since the start of the Obama administration.

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