WWA WebinarsWWA Webinars

In April 2012, WWA began off a series of occasional webinars to present research by WWA team members, as well as work by others relevant to WWA's stakeholders. Below are the upcoming webinars, and the links to the presentations and audio and/or video from past webinars. Registration instructions will be posted a few weeks prior to each webinar.

October 23, 2015
WWA & NOAA PSD El Niño panel discussion and webinar

What does the current strong El Niño event mean for this coming snowpack and runoff season in Colorado? WWA and the NOAA ESRL Physical Science Division (PSD) are convening a panel of experts to discuss what El Niño is and what it does, past El Niño impacts across Colorado, and what kind of weather we might expect this fall, winter and spring. After an overview of a 2-page briefing document to be released the same day, the panelists will make brief remarks, followed by questions from the audience.

Panel includes Jeff Lukas (WWA), Klaus Wolter (WWA and NOAA PSD), Nezette Rydell (NOAA NWS) and Marty Hoerling (NOAA PSD).

Webinar Link


September 3, 2015
Seminar series from CIRES and ATOC: Reading IPCC Report

Presenter: Ben Livneh

Webinar Link


Past Webinars


December 5, 2014
Water management in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia

Presenter: Tony McLeod, Ph.D., General Manager, Water Resource Planning, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, and Fulbright Senior Scholar at the Getches-Wilkinson Center, University of Colorado Boulder

Presentation with video and audio


February 12, 2014 (Co-sponsored with the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research)
The Energy-Water Nexus: Where Climate Adaptation and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Policies Collide

Presenter: Kristen Averyt, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and Western Water Assessment

Presentation with video and audio


October 24, 2013 (Co-sponsored with the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research)
Balancing Cost, Performance, and Efficiency for Complex Water Problems - A Many Objective Approach to Sustainability

Presenter: Joseph Kasprzyk, Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder

Webinar presentation with video and audio

May 20, 2013
Wildfire Effects on Water Supplies in Colorado


Tom Veblen, Geography, University of Colorado - Front Range Fire History

Presentation with video and audio

Francis Rengers, Geology, University of Colorado - Measuring Post-Fire Erosion Response with Terrestrial Lidar

Presentation with video and audio

Don Kennedy, Denver Water - Denver Water's Impacts of Past Wildfires, and the Forests to Faucets Partnership

Presentation with video and audio (pre-recorded in 2012)

November 13, 2012
Water, Energy, and Climate Change: Freshwater Use by Power Plants

Presenter: James Meldrum, WWA and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Webinar presentation with video and audio


June 28, 2012
Landscape Water Use Software - Demonstration & Discussion

Presenters: Dr. Joanna Endter-Wada, Dr. Roger Kjelgren , Dr. Christopher Neale, and Clay Lewis, M.E., Urban Water Conservation Research Lab, Utah State University

Webinar presentation with video and audio (can be streamed online or downloaded)

May 22, 2012

Adapting to climate change on the Shoshone National Forest: A science-management collaboration to develop planning and management tools

Presenter: Janine Rice, WWA Postdoctoral Associate and USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

Webinar presentation with video and audio (can be streamed online or downloaded)

April 2, 2012

Simulating Colorado River Streamflow at Interannual and Interdecadal Time Scales and Implications for Water Resources Management

Presenters: Edith Zagona, Ken Nowak, Cameron Bracken, and Katrina Grantz – CADSWES, University of Colorado, and US Bureau of Reclamation

Streaming video file | Webinar presentations can be downloaded as PDFs at CADSWES