Aviation Products

GSD’s aviation tools provide an improved weather forecasting and visualization capability for use by military and civilian forecasters, air traffic controllers, air traffic managers, airline dispatchers, and general aviation pilots. This is accomplished via collaboration with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the National Weather Service (NWS), and the Departments of Defense and Transportation.


    INSITE Interface Image

    INtegrated Support for Impacted air Traffic Environments (INSITE) provides a weather decision service for common situational awareness and forecast preparation.

    Learn more about INSITE >>

  • NEVS

    GSD worked with the NWS to transition the Network-Enabled Verification Service (NEVS) to support the initial operating capability of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). Upgrades to the NEVS framework will occur through 2025 with intermediate transitions at 2016 and 2018, and 2020.

    In the near term, GSD is linking current verification capabilities provided by the Real Time Verification System (RTVS), and the RTVS-TAF tool to the NWS Stats-on-Demand verification system.

  • VRMC

    VRMC Image

    The objectives for the Verification and Requirements Monitoring Capability (VRMC) are to: 1) provide an ongoing historical performance record of forecast quality as a baseline for evaluating advancements in aviation weather forecast products, 2) a tool for supporting the QA PDT in-depth forecast assessments, both in developing and testing new innovative verification methodologies and for providing an easy-to-use capability for scientific analysis, and 3) a platform for assessment and methodology configuration management and statistical baseline control.

    Learn more about VRMC >>

  • Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS)

    The Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) provides the most complete source of aviation-related weather information on the Internet. In addition to providing conventional products and observations, ADDS provides state-of-the-art graphical forecasts for icing, turbulence, and convection, along with advanced interactive methods for viewing those forecasts. ADDS is being developed jointly by ESRL/GSD, the Research Applications Program of NCAR, and the NWS Aviation Weather Center; funding is provided by the FAA Aviation Weather Research Program.

  • Volcanic Ash Coordination Tool (VACT)

    Collaborative decision-making tool for forecasting dispersion of volcanic ash.